Where is the iphone backup on the computer. Where are iPad and iPhone backups stored on PC or Mac

iTunes is a useful and versatile application. It helps Apple product owners work with information on smartphones and tablets. For example, restore data. For this, there is a function that allows you to create backups. You can easily return this or that information to your iPhone or iPad at any time. Fast, easy, convenient! Only sometimes it is necessary to find a specific package of information with which iTunes worked. Where are the backups stored? How are they created? What should every user know about?

Windows base

The operating system with which the user works will play a huge role. The fact is that on different operating systems, data is recorded and stored at various addresses.

What does iTunes offer? Where are backups of user information stored? For example, on Windows. Most of the owners of mobile devices work with this operating system.

In order not to get confused, you can use the following search recommendations:

  1. Windows XP. In practice, it does not occur so often, but it does occur. You must go to "My Computer". Next, go to the hard disk partition where the operating system is installed. There go to the following address: Documents and Computer. Here open the MobileSync folder. ITunes data backups will be located in BackUp.
  2. Windows Vista. To date, work in this OS has practically lost its relevance. In it you will need to go to Documents and Settings / AppData / Roaming / Apple Computer. All other searches will be exactly the same as in the previous case.
  3. Windows 7-10. The most common scenario. It is under the control of these versions that iTunes is most often launched. Where are user backups stored? In the same place as in all previous cases. The only difference is that to open AppData, you will have to initially follow the path: C: / Users / username. The BackUp folder in MobileSync is exactly what you need.

In fact, there is nothing difficult in the search process. Only a few users note that sometimes BackUp is missing. What to do in a similar situation?

Lack of BackUp

The main thing is not to panic. The fact is that the problem under study is encountered by many users. There is no need to be afraid of it, everything can be fixed in a few clicks.

The problem is with Windows settings. In fact, there is a BackUp folder, it is simply hidden from the user's eyes. To find it at the previously indicated addresses, you must:

  1. Go to "Start" - "Control Panel".
  2. Select "Folder Options" - "View".
  3. Customize the display of hidden files and folders. To do this, you must mark the appropriate items and save the changes.

After the actions taken, all hidden documents on the computer will become available to the user. So, "BackUp" can also be found.

For Mac

Some users work not with Windows, but with MacOS. iTunes is perfectly compatible with such an operating system. But in it, you also need to know where to go to find backups with human data.

In general, the process is not much different from the previously proposed algorithms. The required folder from "ITunes" is located in MobileSync. You can find it in: user / library / Application Support.

Accordingly, this is where the application changes? This question will no longer cause trouble. You can find the document you want in just a few clicks.

About compatibility

The corresponding information is stored in a folder with a particular copy. To check the version of the device that is compatible with the information, you need:

  1. Open BackUp and go to the folder with the required data package.
  2. Find the Info.Plist file. It opens with a text editor. For example, through "Notepad" in Windows.
  3. Study the contents of the document carefully. After Product Name there will definitely be a mention of the version of the smartphone on which the copy of the data will run.

All these actions can be mastered even by a novice user. Was a backup made to iTunes? The storage location of the corresponding document is now known. And even how to check its compatibility, too.

Methods for making a copy

Before looking for backup data, you need to create it. Not everyone knows about this procedure either. How do I create a backup using iTunes? Bringing the idea to life will not take much time. It is enough to follow a short instruction.

Backing up via iTunes goes something like this:

  1. Download and install the latest version of "ITunes".
  2. Connect the mobile device to the computer using a wire.
  3. Launch the previously installed application.
  4. How to create a backup in iTunes? Select the connected device in the menu, go to the "Overview" section.
  5. In the menu, select the "Make a copy now" button.
  6. Click on "OK" after the completion of the process.

This is the simplest solution. You can also work with iCloud or third-party apps. But this is not the best solution. After all, an iPhone backup via iTunes is created in just a few clicks!

Results and conclusions

From now on, it is clear how to work with backup data on an iPod or iPhone. Finding them on your computer is no longer difficult. Each user is able to bring the idea to life.

IPhone backup via iTunes is restored if necessary. It is recommended not to store such documents on your computer. This is a kind of data protection method. It is advisable to transfer all copies of the iPhone to removable media.

Of course, nothing is more important on a PC than user files and documents. What becomes most obvious after the sudden loss of important documents or precious family photos.

So, it is very important to protect your files on your computer. For example, making backups and storing them in safe and sensible locations.

Choosing where to store your backed up files is very important because keeping your backups in the wrong location can often be as bad as having no backups at all. So where to store backups, what are the pros and cons?

prompt... Many internet routers allow connecting USB hard drives to them, which can be used as network storage. This can be a great place to back up.

  • A second hard drive on your computer is the fastest and least difficult way to store backups, because the system can automatically update the backup every time the file is changed. However, electrical surges can damage both the original data and the backup. Theft or fire will also destroy both copies.
  • Network storage device (NAS) is a great way to store archives both at home and in the workplace. NAS drives are hidden in hard-to-reach places. However, they are still vulnerable to fire.
  • CD / DVD / Blu-ray discs for backups are no longer recommended. Partly because, with the exception of Blu-Ray, discs don't have a lot of storage. In addition, discs deteriorate and there is no guarantee that they will be readable after 3 months or 3 years.
  • USB hard drives - perhaps the best option because they can be stored anywhere, both at your place and at the home of the person responsible for backing up important business data.
  • USB flash drives - can be thought of as a backup destination, but they come in size and price. In addition, keep in mind that they are relatively easy to mechanically break (for example, sat down, put in the washing machine, etc.) and are even more easily lost.
  • Cloud storage - are becoming more popular and there are many options to choose from, including Microsoft SkyDrive, Google Drive, Yandex Drive, Mile Drive, Carbonite, Mozy, Amazon S3 and so on.

The problem here is the initial download, if you have tens, or even hundreds of gigabytes, and a rather slow connection, it can take weeks or even months to download.

Your workplace can be considered relatively safe. At least here, you can control access to the room where your computers are kept. But, if you store your business archives outside of this room, it is highly recommended to encrypt them.

The only secure storage strategy for business data is virtual private network (VPN) or cloud storage and custom-designed encryption solutions.

Warning... If you choose to store your backups over the network in the cloud, be careful! For example, you are using SkyDrive, which syncs files on your computer with files in the cloud, or some other backup solution that keeps your files in sync by deleting a backup from the cloud, if this file is deleted from your computer - in which case you may find that, if you accidentally delete a file from your computer, its backup copy is completely deleted. To avoid this problem, as long as you do not restore your files, stop your backup.

Backing up files in Windows 8.1.

There are two ways to back up files in Windows 8.1. The first method is to use the Microsoft SkyDrive cloud sync and backup service (renamed OneDrive). It can be configured in PC settings under OneDrive, which lets you know how much free space you have for your backed up files and can easily purchase additional space.

Windows 8.1 built-in OneDrive

The files backed up to OneDrive will then be available to you, provided you have enough cloud space (although the first backup can take days or even weeks, depending on your internet connection speed).

If you want to back up your files locally, Windows 8.1 comes with a new version of the file backup tool called File History. Here, after making changes to the files, they are backed up, so that if you accidentally change something in the file, you can restore it.

File history can be incredibly useful, especially if you use your computer for work and change files frequently (such as Office documents). Here you can rollback an accidental or unauthorized change.

File history is carried out from the computer settings and the control panel. You can use your internal hard drives, USB drives, and network drives (although the latter two won't work unless they're connected or accessible). history file parameters under PC parameters.

File history under PC Settings

Here File History automatically detects any included USB hard drives or additional internal hard drives on your computer, but network locations can also be used. These include NAS drives and USB hard drives connected to your Internet router. If you would like to choose one of these storage locations, click on the "other options" link.

Significantly more control over your file history can be obtained by going there through the control panel. Here you can specify a more precise location for your backups, inside network or hard drives, so that you can store your backup in a specific folder, not just in the root of the drive.

File history in control panel

prompt... If you are using a USB hard drive connected to your internet router for backup, why not use it for file history as well?

The first time you run File History, a full backup of your libraries (documents, music, pictures, videos) is created, and if you want to back up additional files, you must add them to your libraries. This initial backup may also take some time, depending on the number of files and connection speed.

However, you don't have to worry about your computer, because if you need to put your computer to sleep or shut it down, the backup will be interrupted and resume the next time you turn on your PC.

File History keeps copies of files that have been deleted and modified, helping you recover old, accidentally deleted or modified copies of documents. It also includes all changes, even minor ones, that were made to the file after it was opened. Every time you open a file, picture or MP3, the file changes, updating the last access mark.

Attention... When using file backup in PC settings and file history, the control panel displays the backup status.

However, you can fix this by clicking on the exclude folders option on the left side of the history pane page. Here you can exclude disks containing file types that can only change when they were last accessed, a marker is set. These are types of files for music, pictures and videos. But keep in mind that this action excludes these files and folders from the backup, so make sure you have a backup somewhere else.

Excluding files from history

If you want to change the location of the file history on disk, you can do so in the left pane by clicking the Change Disk option. File history will then move all of its backups to a new location. Clicking on the advanced options link in the left pane gives you more control over how the story works:

  • You can choose how often to save copies of files. Remember that this is not automatically done when you save the file. You can choose a certain frequency, at least 10 minutes. If you are using Windows 8.1 for work, a short save period is more reliable, especially if you work with files that change regularly, such as Word documents.
  • You can choose how much disk space is reserved for an offline copy of your documents. This local copy of modified and deleted files is stored on your computer so that it can be restored even when you are disconnected from USB backups or NAS file history.
  • You can choose how long the versions are kept. The "always" option is a bit misleading, as it is the same as the "no space required yet" option. Storing files until space is needed is probably the best option.

Additional file history options

prompt... If you are working and there is not enough disk space on the disk, or if there are too many old versions of files, you can click the clean up versions link and delete older versions of files from the disk.

Note... If you are using a laptop or tablet that has only one hard drive, you cannot save the version history of files locally on your computer, since Windows 8.1 does not support backing up to the same location as the original files. Many internet routers have USB ports, so you can plug in an external hard drive for use as a storage network. It's a great place to back up and version your history files.

You can restore older versions of files using the Restore Personal Files option on the left side of the File History page.

The window that opens will show you all the previous versions of the saved documents, with their date and time. You can recover both individual files and groups of files.

Recover saved and deleted files in file history.

File history is used to recover your files in four different circumstances: you had to reinstall Windows on your computer; You need to move files to a new computer; You have accidentally deleted a file or files and you must restore them; or you accidentally made changes to a file that you do not intend to make.

Let's start with the last two scenarios. When you look at a specific folder in the file explorer, or select a file, you will see a "log" button in the ribbon.

Click on it and open the file history recovery window.

File recovery in explorer

Here you will see several different sets of controls. The back button and address bar at the top of the window work exactly the same as in the file explorer and entering a folder in the address bar will take you to the corresponding backup.

Main file history recovery window

At the bottom of the window there are forward and backward (in time) buttons that move you back and forth through the various dates and times the files were modified. These buttons will help you find the correct file to recover. Between these buttons is a large, green "Restore" button.

To recover files, select the file (or files) you want to recover and press the green button. What could be easier.

In the main controls of the file history, available in the control panel, in the upper left part of the window there is a link to restore personal files. Click it and open the file history recovery window.

Note... If you are restoring your files from file history after reinstalling Windows, you need to create file history again and specify the same backup location that you used before. Then you can restore all your files to your PC.

Many users do not even think about it, and just sew their device again, and then rack their brains and wonder - where did all the contacts, messages, settings, applications go? Fortunately, in the latest iTunes this process is automated, and you don't need to think about it.

But what if you just don't like the design of the new harvester and want to stay on the old favorite iTunes? In this case, the Backup copy will have to be done manually. You can also hide everything in iCloud.

So, let's try to figure out the possible backup options ...

To begin with, there are 2 ways to keep an iPhone backup.

  1. On a computer using iTunes.
  2. In the cloud, on Apple servers via iCloud.

Which is more convenient, everyone chooses for himself.

Simultaneously: iPhone cannot be backed up to iTunes or iCloud!

In old iTunes

This is done quite simply, you just need to follow these steps:

  1. Connect your device to your computer.
  2. Select your device on the left in the section selection column.
  3. In the device window that opens, scroll to the item "Backup".
  4. Choose a copy path: either it will be iCloud or a classic copy on your computer.
  5. Wait for the backup process to complete.

In new iTunes

In the new iTunes 11 version (if you have it installed and you disabled auto-backup, forgetting to do the last), you only need to:

  1. Connect your device to your computer.
  2. Select the device in the upper right by its name.
  3. Press the button "Backup" .

Where the iPhone backup is stored on the computer:

This location depends on the operating system installed on your computer:

  • Windows XP: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Username \\ Application Data \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup \\.
  • Vista or Windows 7: Users \\ Username \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup \\.
  • Mac OS: \\ Users \\ Username \\ Libraries \\ Application Support \\ MobileSync \\ Backup.

ICloud backup

From now on, the backup to the Apple server will occur every day without your participation.

But for this you need:

  1. Internet connection via Wi-Fi.
  2. Connecting iPhone to a power source.
  3. Screen lock.

You can manually create a backup copy yourself. To do this, connect your iPhone to the Internet via Wi-Fi. Open "Settings" - "iCloud" - "Storage & Copies". Select "Create a copy".

How to Restore iPhone Backup

In old iTunes

Select your iPhone in the right sidebar. Click the right mouse button on this item.
In the menu that appears, the item "Restore from backup". Specify the desired iPhone backup. Click "Restore".

In new iTunes

In the lower right corner, click the device button. Click the Browse tab. Click "Recover from a copy".

Transferring Data from iPhone

We have considered the first option.

Option number two is a situation when you cannot make a backup through iTunes, but you need to do it.

Attention - for the method described below you will need a jailbreak installed on your device. This method is not quite a way, but only an opportunity to save the remnants of "Pompeii" under various force majeure circumstances.

So, if iTunes does not want or cannot perform a backup, and it is really needed, then the following will help to get out of the situation at least to some extent:

  1. Contacts - var / mobile / Library / AddressBook... (backup copy of iphone contacts. There are two files in the folder, we save both.).
  2. SMS - var / mobile / Library / SMS .
  3. Post office - var / mobile / Library / Mail .
  4. Notes - / var / mobile / Library / Notes / .
  5. Apps from the App Store should be in iTunes, if not, right-click in iTunes on your iPhone, then - "Transfer purchases".
  6. Programs from Cydia will have to be reinstalled. You can save a list of them with AptBackupby installing the appropriate application from Cydia.
  7. Photos lie in var / mobile / Media / DCIM .
  8. The music should be in iTunes, if not, copy it using the file manager (and just don’t try to copy it back to them later, it will ruin your library on your phone and you will have to restore it only by a complete library update).
  9. Ringtones should be in iTunes, if not, copy them using the file manager for iPhone (don't try to copy them back later, it will ruin your phone library!).
  10. The calendar - / var / mobile / Library / Calendar .
  11. Bookmarks, history - / var / mobile / Library / Safari .
  12. Safari bookmarks as icons on the desktop / var / mobile / Library / WebClips .

On all the folders from the Library, transferred manually, it is necessary to check the rights (0700 Owner - mobile, Group - mobile), and on the files themselves that are inside (0644 Owner - mobile, Group - mobile). If the rights are set correctly, then the contacts will be saved normally and there will be no flights.

Now, having learned how and where to make a Backup, you will no longer be afraid of losing data when you change your phone, or in a situation when you made a mistake when

Mobile devices such as the iPhone are in great demand among the population. There are various applications and programs for working with gadgets. For example, iTunes is a very popular software. The application allows you to synchronize a mobile device with a computer, as well as work with information on a tablet / phone. For example, backing up user data is becoming a common feature. You can find the corresponding document at any time and restore it to iPhone / iPad. Just not everyone knows where iTunes stores the backup. Where to look for it in this or that case?

For Windows

Much depends on which operating system you are talking about. The fact is that the majority of users work with Windows. Accordingly, iTunes stores backups in designated locations. Where exactly?

The operating system version also plays an important role. For example, you can work with:

  • Windows XP;
  • Vista;
  • Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10.

In all of these versions, iTunes stores backup data in different areas. So what folders are they stored in? Where does the user need to log in in this or that case?

For Windows XP, the following is relevant: Documents and Settings / user Computer / MobileSync. You need to find a folder called BackUp. It contains all the backups made by the application.

You can also work in Windows Vista. This is far from the most common case. Where does iTunes back up user data on Vista? You can find it at: Docoments and Settings / username / AppData / Roaming / Apple Computer / MobileSync. As in the previous case, it is necessary to examine the "BackUp" folder.

Newer versions of Windows are easier to work with. It is enough to go to the hard disk partition on which the OS is installed. Next, go to: Users / name / AppData / Roaming / Apple Computer. As before, you need to find the MobileSync folder, and in it - "BackUp".

If there is no folder

Sometimes it happens that the required document is not in Windows. Then users wonder where the iTunes backup is. After all, the application works, it saves some information somewhere.

In fact, BackUp is simply hidden from the user's eyes. In order to correct the situation, it is required:

  1. Select "Folder Options" - "View".
  2. Check the box next to "Show files and folders hidden from the user".
  3. Click "OK".


Some users work with macOS. This is far from the most common case, but it still occurs. Where does iTunes back up information in such a case?

Finding the file you want is easy. It is enough to go to the following address: Users / user / Library / Application Support. This is where the MobileSync folder will be.

Now each user will be able to find one or another copy made by iTunes for iPhone or iPad. If necessary, you can delete it or copy it to removable media.

Determine the iPhone version

You should pay attention to the fact that all backups that are made with the help of "iTunes" are created for specific device models. This means the file will not be recognized on newer / older phones.

It's clear where iTunes stores the backup. And how to determine which smartphone / tablet it was made for?

The instructions for determining the version of the iPhone that are compatible with the data look like this:

  1. Find the folder that contains all copies from iTunes.
  2. Open the required package of documents. The folder will definitely contain the Info.Plist file.
  3. Run the document using any text editor. For example, Notepad is perfect.
  4. Find line: Product Name.
  5. Now you should carefully study the information between the lines.... It is there that something like the iPhone 5S will be written.

Done! From now on, it is clear how to find it, as well as how you can understand on which version of the iPhone certain data were created.

Every time you sync between your Apple device and iTunes, this media combine creates a fresh backup. This very useful function of the program can help out a lot if for some reason you have lost all the information from your Iphone. And iTunes in just two clicks will help you return all the information to its place. However, if you carry out, for example, reinstalling Windows on your computer, then you can easily lose the backup. In this case, you should also play it safe by copying the backup data to removable media or any cloud service. So today you will find out where your iTunes backup is stored on your computer.

The location of the backup on Mac OS X.

In order to access the backup files, you need to go to: ~ // Libraries / Application Support / MobileSync / Backup /... Now copy the Backup folder and save it in a safe place.

The location of the Windows XP backup.

The backup copy on a computer running Windows XP is located at the following location: \\ Documents and Settings \\ (username) \\ Application Data \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup \\.

Location of the Windows 7/8 backup.

To access your backup data on Windows 7/8, open Windows Explorer and go to: C: \\ Users \\ (username) \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Apple Computer \\ MobileSync \\ Backup \\.

Pay special attention to the fact that the data in this folder may not be displayed. they are hidden. To see the files contained in the Backup folder, open the Start menu and select Control Panel. In Windows 8, hover your mouse cursor to the far right of the screen to open the navigation pane and select the Options button. In the "Parameters" the section "Control Panel" we need is located. With Control Panel open, go to Folder Options. A window will open in which you need to go to the "View" tab and activate the "Show hidden files, folders and drives" option. Then click "Apply" and the "OK" button.

It is also worth noting that there is only one backup for each Apple device. Each time the device is synchronized with iTunes, the old backup will be replaced with a more recent one, i.e. all previous data will be hopelessly lost. You can securely save a backup in any cloud storage, for example,

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