Wipe Cache Partition what is it on Android

A smartphone is a necessity for a modern person. This device is used for entertainment, work and communication with friends. And almost every day, in connection with this or that need, users install applications of varying degrees of usefulness.

It is not surprising that over time, the system begins to respond less quickly to incoming commands and some of them have to be uninstalled. This partially helps, however, in the bowels of the operating system, some data still remains regarding the operation of previously installed applications, which will negatively affect the operation of the device. To remove them, you need to clear the application cache or Wipe Cache Partition. What it is, as well as some of the features of performing this action, will be discussed further.

If you are quickly using up all your memory and you do not know about, you are advised to familiarize yourself with the application.

General description of the problem

As mentioned above, each application during its work uses some temporary files that are stored in a special section of the system called the cache. It is interesting to note that these files can remain there even after the application itself has been uninstalled. For technically savvy users, this problem is obvious and they regularly clean up temporary files, however, most people do not, which leads sooner or later to problems.

How to understand that you need cleaning

In order to understand whether cleaning of temporary files is required, you should pay attention to the operation of applications and the operating system of the smartphone as a whole. If, with a moderate number of installed applications and their correct use, the device slows down, then there is a clear need to carry out work using Wipe Cache Partition. Naturally, this can be observed for other reasons, but the wipesystem cache is the first thing to do.

Features of the mode

What is Wipe Cache Partition? It is important to note one of the most significant features of the considered Wipe Cache Partition mode of clearing the cache. When performing a task, there is no reset of user settings, deletion of applications or phonebook contacts, unlike other wipe modes that are also present among the possibilities.

System recovery and how to clean the application cache

For the most complete understanding of the issue, it is worth considering such a section of the system as Recovery. In simple terms, this is the second bottom of the system, which allows you to perform a number of basic actions with it. Most often, recovery is used to change device firmware, back up or restore the system, and similar actions. Including through the recovery, the application cache is also cleared.

In order to enter the recovery menu, you must simultaneously hold down several buttons of the smartphone. Most often this is the simultaneous pressing of both volume keys and the power off key of the device. So, the algorithm of actions should be as follows:

  1. Turn off your smartphone.
  2. Simultaneously hold down the volume rocker (both keys) and the off button. Keep until the characteristic splash appears.
  3. In the appeared recovery menu, find the item Wipe Cache Partition and activate it. (Switching usually occurs using the same volume rocker, and the selection is done with the power button).
  4. After clicking on the menu item, the display will show the actions being performed and upon completion will confirm the success of the work.
  5. Next, you need to choose to restart or shutdown the device.

After the device is rebooted, it will be cleared of traces of applications. This applies to both installed programs and those already uninstalled. As a result of Wipe Cache Partition, the operating system and applications will run faster. The procedure is worth repeating periodically, especially if you have to frequently install and uninstall applications. In any case, preventing the problem is better than dealing with it.

A wipe (wipe - wipe, wipe) in the Android system is called a factory reset. This process is also called "formatting" or "hard reset". Why do I need to reboot on android?

The fact is that after this action, the device will completely clear of the preinstalled programs, and will help get rid of the following problems:

  • Possible failure of work as a result of obtaining root rights;
  • Incorrect functioning and the appearance of system errors;
  • Deterioration of performance as a result of operating system updates;
  • Malfunctions due to flashing, i.e., after switching from original to bone-based firmware;
  • Deleting all personal data (hard reset) during the pre-sale preparation of the device.

Types of "reset" on Android

Hard reset on android can be conditionally divided into two types:

  1. Full (aka hard reboot on android) - deleting all programs and data on the device itself, or in any of the selected sections.
  2. Partial - removes a specific folder (directory).

Ways to execute wipe

You can execute Android wipe from the following modes:

  1. Settings menu: go to the settings menu, then "restore" and "reset", tick the "clear SD card" checkbox (data stored on the memory card, programs and files are deleted, information will also be deleted from the phone's memory).
  2. Using the "reset" button located on the device (if the presence is provided by the manufacturer): using a paper clip (or a similar object), hold down the reset button, and hold it for 15-30 seconds (the settings are reset to factory settings).
  3. Recovery menu: to get into the recovery menu, turn off the power, hold down the "home" key and the volume rocker to increase, simultaneously with the "power on" button. Important: different devices may have different key combinations. We move through any menu by decreasing or increasing the volume, and the choice of actions is carried out with the "power" key (turning on). In addition, it is possible to use a PC and ADB program, universal for all devices. First, enable USB debugging.

a) In the standard Android recovery menu: select Wipe data / factory reset, then "Wipe cache partition", reboot the smartphone (Reboot system now);

b) In the Recovery CWM menu (or similar):

  • Partial Wipe (in the case of a "glitch" of some program), with the preservation of all data or programs: "Wipe cache partition", then "Advanced", then "Wipe Dalvick Cache", finally reboot, or reboot on android
  • Full Wipe or hard reset android (removing all programs and their data): select "Wipe data / factory reset", then "Wipe cache partition", and reboot the smartphone (Reboot system now). The content is saved.

Wipe through recovery

Now directly about wipe through recovery. In the classic version of Android recovery, two types of reset are available:

To delete all data stored in the DATA or CACHE sections and folders containing program data. In this way, we permanently remove all applications along with the root directories and personal settings, but we keep the media files (image, video, music).

Wipe cache - erase temporary information about the operation of programs and applications. This action is mandatory in the event of a system malfunction.

What if all else fails? Do not blame the fact that "hands do not grow from there", you just need to perform "WIPE DATA / FACTORY RESET". In this case, it is possible to make wipe applicable to any section of the system.

And the last, fourth mode from which you can run the wipe is the Bootloader menu, but in this case you need to use the fastboot tools.

Additional information about wipe on Android

Often on sites that publish information about android, you can find instructions for flashing, as well as obtaining root rights. These guides instruct you to perform a factory reset as follows: wipe data, wipe cache, wipe dalvik cache, format data... However, this is a frankly incorrect recommendation, because it does not reveal the full structure of the recovery menu and speaks of ignorance of the file structure of the Android system. The wipe data / factory reset action removes the data partition holding the dalvik cache directory. This means that some manipulations will be completely unnecessary. The fact is that wipe and format are terms that have the same meaning, for example, the system / xbin section does not contain format files, but the wipe file is there.

Some of the nuances of performing a wipe on Android

Often users are faced with a dilemma: when is the factory reset, before flashing the device, or after? The answer lies on the surface - of course before flashing, because any firmware usually has a built-in function that automatically reboots the system after the installation has been completed.

If the firmware in the " data"There are uploaded files" wipe", We look at how the system will perform its functions after loading, if it is bad, then we execute" wipe data».

And a little more information about the intricacies.

Many experts agree that the focus of CYanogenMod custom firmware can be called a script - part of the installation from the recovery menu, which initially backs up the system files, and after flashing it restores them. This can lead to errors. Therefore, if you decide to use this firmware, then first run the format system.

That, in fact, is all that we wanted to tell, we really hope that our information was useful.

Users of smartphones based on the Android operating system, who do not mind digging into the settings of their gadget, have repeatedly wondered - Wipe data / factory reset what it is?

This is a function that allows you to reset the settings to factory defaults, clearing all the information along the way. In this case, the data is deleted both from the memory card and the global built-in memory of the phone. Only the system folder and other system sections responsible for the correct operation of the smartphone remain intact after using this function. The rest of the information and applications are erased completely without the possibility of returning them in any way.


Why is this feature needed

There are many reasons to use this feature. Often, users are faced with the problem of memory limitation. The SD card always has its limit, and the memory built into the phone, as a rule, can hold even less information. However, despite all the warnings, we clog the phone, filling it with music, videos and photos, which ultimately leads to unpleasant consequences:

  • smartphone loading is very slow;
  • the gadget freezes even with the simplest manipulations with it;
  • applications stop working correctly.

In this case, it becomes difficult to use it, if not completely impossible, so many, faced with this problem for the first time, rush to the service center, wanting to fix everything as quickly as possible.

Important! Equipment repair and inspection services are not free and you will have to spend money on what you can easily do at home yourself.

Viruses can also be one of the reasons. By downloading applications, games and information from unverified sites, the user risks his gadget. Sometimes the built-in virus successfully copes with the virus entered into the system. antivirus program but their reliability is not always top notch.

An effective way to get rid of the problem is to use. Along with personal files, the deletion of which, unfortunately, cannot be avoided, the virus will also be destroyed.

You can use it for a number of reasons:

  • If you've recently flashed your smartphone, demolishing the built-in, original system, replacing it with a custom one, or simply upgrading to a higher version.
  • When you sell your phone to another person, not wanting him to get access to your personal information.
  • In the case of permanent android crashes, for which you cannot find an explanation.

Reset to factory options , of course, you can do it without a compelling reason, if you want to, just saying goodbye to old and boring applications that you don't have time to dig into.


From english wipe it translates as cleaning, wiping, and if you see it in the gadget's settings, always remember that this is formatting and hardly anything else. There are two types:

  • Full wipe - choosing an action will result in a complete cleaning and formatting of both the built-in and removable memory.
  • Partial wipe - helps to delete individual partitions and folders, performing the cleaning operation so that this does not lead to malfunctions and failures in the future.

There are three ways to use it on Android:

  • through the options menu;
  • using Recovery;
  • thanks to a dedicated reset button, if available.

Following the first method, we turn on the smartphone and in the menu we find the section “ Settings"(Most often a gear-shaped icon) and click on it.

Further, almost at the very bottom, we see the item " Recovery"And go to it. Then you should find " Factory reset"And use it. To continue, click " clear all».

Please note: The system will definitely issue a warning that your files will be deleted permanently. We just agree and continue.

The manipulations carried out will lead to the fact that your gadget will go out for a while, and when it lights up again, a robot will be displayed with a scale showing at what stage the formatting is now. As soon as it completes, the device will reboot, but it will do so very slowly, so do not be afraid that you have violated something or only made the situation worse.

The second method, using recovery, is more time-consuming and requires careful attention from the performer. Follow the instructions and you will succeed:

  • Turn off your smartphone or tablet completely.
  • We hold down the volume control on its side panel and, without releasing it, press the power button.
  • Either the company logo or the menu for work should be displayed and only after that we release the buttons.

The course of further actions depends entirely on whether this feature is standard. If you see a list of commands on a black screen, then CWM is installed on the gadget. This means that you should use the volume up and down keys for paging. With their help, we reach the section of the desired section and select the correct item with the on and off button of the smartphone. Next, we confirm our choice.

Wipe (Wipe) for Android. How to properly perform a factory reset on Android... In this article, we will look at how to properly perform a factory reset or wipe on Android. What types of reset are there and various nuances.

Reset settings, Hard reset, Wipe - these are all synonyms (the same thing) that mean a partial or complete reset of all data and settings.

Why do you need to perform a factory reset?

A factory reset cleans Android of your data and programs and may be needed for various reasons:

  • If Android does not work correctly and fatal errors often occur
  • After getting Root rights Android
  • After firmware (transition from original firmware to custom firmware, OS update)
  • In order not to distribute personal data (when the device is resold and transferred to other hands)

In the Android ecosystem, factory reset is called wipe. The English word Wipe [wipe] is to wipe, wipe. For many, the familiar word in this case would be formatting or format. So remember, Wipe in Android is a factory reset, formatting!

Types of wipe on Android

Wipe on Android can be divided into full and partial.

Full wipe - completely deletes all data on the partition.

Partial wipe - removes a specific directory (folder) on a partition.

What modes can you perform Wipe on Android

  • From the Recovery menu
  • From the Bootloader menu using fastboot
  • Via hardware reset button (if available)
  • How to wipe on Android

    Performing a factory reset from the settings menu

    Go to the settings menu and find the menu Recovery and Reset and go to it

    In the menu you can (if necessary) mark Clear SD card - this will erase the data on the memory card and internal memory too, as well as all programs and their data!

    Performing a factory reset using a hardware reset button

    To reset, take a thin paperclip and unfold it. Press the reset button for 15-30 seconds with a paperclip. Then the Android settings are reset.

    Wipe on Android from the Recovery menu

    Wipe can be performed from both standard Recovery and custom recovery. Executing Wipe from the Recovery menu is more flexible than from the settings menu.

    Executing Wipe from Standard Recovery

    In standard Recovery, you can perform 2 types of factory reset.

    wipe data/factory reset - will delete data from the DATA and CACHE sections and the folder on the internal memory with program data. With a given wipe delete all your programs their data, Personal settings, .

    Wipe cache

    Executing Wipe from Custom Recovery

    Custom Recovery also has the same items as the standard one.

    wipe data / factory reset - will delete data from the DATA and CACHE sections and the folder in the internal memory with program data. With this wipe, all your programs their data, Personal settings, but all your pictures, videos and music remain.

    Wipe cache - delete temporary data of program activities, this reset is needed if you sometimes have errors on Android!

    If you have any problems with the work of programs, then you should try to do it first WIPE DALVIK CACHE, you can do it from the advanced menu, all your programs and their data will remain

    If problems persist, then it is worth doing WIPE DATA / FACTORY RESET

    Also in custom recovery there is an extra. reset options, for this it is worth going to the MOUNTS AND STORAGE menu. Here you have the option to wipe to any Android section.

    From the Bootloader menu via the Fastboot utility

    It is also possible to execute wipe through the Bootloader menu, using the fastboot utility for flashing Android devices. It looks like this:

    fastboot erase cache

    More information about wipe on Android

    This information is for those who want to know more about wipe.

    BRED about WIPE

    On the Internet, in particular on Android sites, you can find instructions for flashing or getting root rights. In these instructions, they often write what to do wipe and describe how to do it. It sounds like this:

    After the firmware, do - wipe data, wipe cache, wipe dalvik cache, format data!


    Why? This is because people do not read the logs issued by Recovery and do not know the file structure of Android, plus do not know the Linux commands.

    When you wipe data / factory reset, the data partition is erased, and the data partition contains the dalvik cache directory, and the cache partition is also erased. Now you understand why you don't need to do all these unnecessary manipulations! But you probably noticed that I didn't say a word about format?


    WIPE and format are one and the same! How so? some Android literates might say! And like this, executing wipe or format is the same thing and it's easy to check. In the / system / xbin or / system / bin section, you will not find the format binary file only wipe, and in other Linux too. There is a reformatting to another file system, but that's another story that has nothing to do with wipe.

    The intricacies of running Wipe on Android

    Many are faced with the question of when to wipe? Before or after firmware? It is better to do it before flashing, as many firmwares can have an automatic reboot function built in after installing the firmware! If the firmware contains files that are uploaded to the data section, then it is worth checking how the system will behave, if it boots, well, if not, then run wipe data.

    The intricacies of running Wipe on Android 2

    From personal observations, I noticed the following feature, in the popular custom firmware CyanogenMod there is a script that is executed during installation from under the recovery menu. This script first backs up the system files (system partition) before the firmware and restores after. Because of this script, errors can sometimes occur and wander, from firmware to the next firmware. Therefore, if you are a user of CyanogenMod firmware or you know that there is a script in updater-script that performs this backup, then it is better to do the format system before the firmware.

    Many situations can lead to the need to reset the Android system settings, for example: frequent freezes of the device, the Android system cannot boot, or the gadget unlock password is lost. "Hard Reset" is a radical solution to get your device back into working order.

    Looking ahead, I note that "Hard Reset" deletes data only from the device's memory, without affecting the SD memory card, although there is option 2 that allows you to affect it.

    Attention!!! All contacts, installed applications, messages, etc. will be deleted. It is highly recommended to back up your phone data before starting the reset operation! One way to back up is.

    Option 1. Recovery Mode

    Turn off the device and boot into Recovery Mode by holding several keys together. Each manufacturer has its own buttons:

    • "+" on the volume rocker and the "ON / OFF" button;
    • "-" on the volume rocker and the "ON / OFF" button;
    • Volume "+" and "-" together and the "ON / OFF" button;
    • Volume "+" and "-" together, home key and ON / OFF button;
    • In Chinese devices, hold down the volume key and plug in the charger.

    The volume up / down buttons move up and down the recovery menu, and the command is selected using the ON / OFF button. In recent devices, control in "Recovery Mode" can be normal (touch).

    Select "wipe data / factory reset", and confirm the system reset by selecting "Yes - delete all user data". When the wipe is complete, select the "reboot system now" option.

    It will be a little more difficult to see the reset on Chinese phones. For example, in "iconBIT NetTAB Mercury XL" or clone "Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9500" the recovery menu is in Chinese. If you have the same situation, the picture below shows the Russian translation of the "Recovery Mode" menu.

    To navigate the menu, use only the "-" volume key, since the "+" key is used to return one level up. Press the ON / OFF button to select the highlighted command.

    To run a full reset of Android settings in Chinese phones, you need to select the 6th item. The funny thing is, after the selection, the command will be executed without confirmation.

    After a few minutes of waiting, your Android device will boot up as if it was first launched after purchase, possibly with a request to add a Google account.

    Option 2. Recovery and reset

    In the Android settings, you can see an item such as "Restore and Reset". It is designed to reset the system settings and restore from a backup saved on the Internet.

    Click on the "Factory data reset" option.

    Scroll down and optionally check the "Clear phone memory - card" option to delete personal data from your SD memory card such as photos, music and other user data. Click on the "Reset phone settings" button.

    User data will be deleted and factory data restored.

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