Old VK design for a computer. How to return the old VKontakte design on a computer

Presenting users with a new interface. As many experts assumed, the developers focused on Material Design, bringing the design of the desktop version as close as possible to the look of the social network in applications on Android and iOS. Mass media and Internet users perceived the redesign of Russia's largest Internet service differently.

Since the appearance of VKontakte in 2006, the creators have been adding new functions, eliminating old ones (as was the case with the famous wall), but did not touch the main design, changing only some elements. “The main principle of the new VKontakte design is that it looks similar and recognizable on all devices. It is easy for a website user to find the desired section in a mobile application, and vice versa, ”noted the social network's operational director, Andrey Rogozov.

Social network users began to actively discuss the innovations: “Testing a new design of contacts! At first glance, it's cozy! We are waiting for alternative likes, ala Litsokniga "," Vkontakte "redesign has delighted many", "Briefly about the new design # VKontakte is a bit unusual, but in principle everything is not bad, return only square avatars-icons!", "A mixture of # Instagram and # FB, and, of course, actually invented tricks "," Vkontakte redesign is, perhaps, one of the few April Fools' tricks, which is not a joke, but quite a pleasant reality. "

However, not all comments are positive: “The new design on VKontakte is complete nonsense. Can't think of anything yourself? There are simply no words "," the redesign of VK is just awful "," The new design of # VKontakte is like other people's glasses with diopters. "

Many users accused VKontakte of copying Facebook: “I don’t understand, # Vkontakte was bought by #facebook? For the new design in many ways repeats the design of the overseas social network "," Your mother ... how to return the old design of Vkontakte? It's horror ... ... as if Facebook got into ... a terrible dream "," When developing a new design, the VK team did not come up with anything better than to steal the existing Facebook one. "

For now, users can return the "classic" design if they don't like the new version. It is not known when the fresh design will be available to everyone without exception. Internet users do not exclude that the "redesign" is just an April Fool's joke.

Who would have thought that a highly publicized update of the official client of the social network VKontakte would cause such a reaction from users? They are not just unhappy - they are outraged. Literally all the changes were criticized: the left panel transformed into a tabbar, and a camera for stories, and even likes, which from the usual blue turned suddenly red. Even the most restrained state a number of flaws that would be nice to fix in order to return the interface to its former convenience.

  1. Disable auto-update of the Vkontakte application on Google Play;
  2. Remove the new version of VK;
  3. Restore the old VKontakte client.

Disable VK auto-update in Google Play:

OptionsGoogle play");

  1. Launch the Play Store, go to " Options"by clicking on the corresponding icon (Alternatively, the icon with three horizontal stripes near the inscription" Google play");
  2. Select " Settings"and uncheck the box" Auto-update apps"(in some versions of the application, you need to check the box" Never").

After these actions, the Vkontakte application installed from Google Play will no longer be able to update automatically, and you can use the usual old version of Vkontakte for Android without worrying that the client interface will change at any time due to the next program update.

Removing the new version of Vkontakte:

  • Go to " Settings", further into" Applications", then select the new app that disappointed you" In contact with»And delete it from your Android device.

Restoring the old VK client for Android:

Download and install the previous version of the official client of the VK social network for Android (you can find it by following the link).

Everything. You have returned to your smartphone or tablet the familiar version of the VK application with a convenient interface for you, and it will not go anywhere without your consent. There is no need to be afraid of automatic updates of the VKontakte social network client - you have blocked this opportunity.

The new version of the VKontakte application allowed us to make sure once again that not all the changes conceived as an improvement and increase in the usability of the application lead to these improvements. Users' tastes, habits and needs are highly individual. Fortunately, you can almost always find a way to return to the old proven version of the program and continue to communicate on the social network (in this case) in the usual conditions.

Information from 10/04/2017: As a result of a change in the VKontakte policy, audio recordings in older versions of the client are no longer available. The official response from VKontakte technical support on this matter: Hello! Music in older versions of the application is disabled at the request of the copyright holders. Please update to the latest version: vk.cc/android. VK support team

For the first time in 10 years, she completely changed her website design. In the beginning, these were experiments for some users, and the other day, the design has changed completely for everyone.

On the one hand, it is quite "decorous and noble", in a word, the guys did a great job, many users even liked this innovation, but not everyone. People who, over the years, have become accustomed to the familiar look of the site, and suddenly change something radically? Many disagree with this change. Earlier, when all these changes were just beginning, there was a function “ Revert to old design”, But the developers removed it completely.

What should those who are used to the old style of VKontakte do?

Luckily for many, there are two ways to bring back the old social media design.

1 way.

Return the old VK design can be done with one very simple but useful browser extension, and. Expansion Stylish allows you to apply different styles to some sites, including VK.

Detailed instructions:

Let's figure out how to return the old VKontakte style, using the example of the Google Chrome browser?

  1. Download the extension Stylish for Chrome (where to download, see above).
Fig. 1

2. Now, when the extension is installed (Fig.2), such an icon will appear.

Fig. 2
Fig. 3

4. Press, and downloads the style itself ““. (Fig. 3)

5. There click on the button “ Install with Stylish”. (Fig. 4)

Fig. 4
Fig. 5

We confirm (Fig. 5) and reload the browser. (Close completely and reopen the browser)

Fig. 6

Now we can see what is installed. We just have to check the box to switch to the old style (Fig. 7) or uncheck the box to return the new one (Fig. 8), whoever is comfortable.

Fig. 7 (Old style)
Fig. 8 (New style)

Method 2. How to return to the old VK design

Well, this proposed method is even simpler, but only suitable for the browser. If in the first method we considered we could switch between the new and old VK style, then in this example, only the old style remains.

So! Go to this tab - Return the old VK design.
We go to the page with the extension, download, install and use the old and familiar version.

Fig. 9 (Extension "Return old VK design")

Basically, such simple actions will help us return the familiar, old style in our VK.

In connection with the complete renovation of the design of the popular social network VKontakte, many users have a question about how to return the old version of VK. Let's analyze the process of performing this task on a computer and a smartphone / tablet.

1. Returning to the past on the computer

To return to the old version of VK on a PC or laptop, you just need to use the settings.

This is done like this:

  • Go to any dialogue. It can even be a chat with several friends. At the bottom, find the gear-shaped icon and click on it.
  • A sub-menu appears. Select the item "Switch to classic interface" in it.

Unfortunately, this is where the capabilities of PC and laptop users end. Unfortunately, they will not be able to completely switch to the old design.

2. Why is this happening?

The VKontakte employees themselves believe that they have worked on the errors, and therefore there is no longer any point in the old version. This is confirmed by the screenshot of the support call below.

Interesting: At first, when the design update just happened, there was a button in the usual settings that returned the old look. Then they removed it.

So, we figured out how to return the old version of VK to the computer at least for some share. Now let's talk about what you can do for users of multimedia devices.

3. On a smartphone / tablet, everything is much easier

In short, for Android you need to install the old version as an application and make sure that the device cannot be updated.

Step by step, this process is as follows:

  • Open Play Market and select "Options" (three horizontal stripes), then "Settings".
  • Tap on the words "Auto-update applications" and in the menu that appears, select the option "Never".

  • Now go to the usual settings of your device, there find the list of applications (in the most recent versions of Android, you need to open the Applications menu, then Application Manager). There, open the page of the VKontakte application that you are already using to access this social network.
  • On the application page, click the "Delete" button and select "OK" in the request that appears. The program will be removed.

The procedure for "changing the design" on the iPhone is almost the same. The video below clearly shows how all this is done. If you have any questions, be sure to write to us!

In April 2016, the social network Vkontakte received a new design and design. In the test version of the new Vkontakte design, each user himself could turn on the new version, check it, and if it did not suit him, then go back to the old version of VK. But let's consider whether it is possible to return to the old version of Vk now.

How to enable the new version of VKontakte?

You can do it like this: open it and at the very end of the page, click "Join testing" (this may not work anymore).

How to enable the old version of VK?

You could return the old one back in the same place, at the very bottom of the narrow left column of the site, pale gray link... It is called "Return to the old version of the site"... Now not everyone has it, but soon it will disappear completely.

Did the new version turn on by itself?

Since June 9, part of VK users (about 10 percent) received a new version forcibly, that is, it turned on itself, and they can no longer return to the old one. If this happened to you, then most likely you are among these users. What to do? You can't do anything, you can only get used to it, because a person gets used to everything. Try to take it easy. Some time will pass, and the old version will already seem inconvenient to you. And in any case, the developers of the VK site could not keep the old version for you for a long time.

Reportedly, this is the beginning of a massive transfer of all VK users to the new version. Here is the official news about it. Those who did not get into the mentioned 10%, for some time still will be able to switch to the new version and back to the old one, but then everyone will have only the new version.

The new version of VKontakte on the phone

The new version is understood as the full version of the site that people use on computers and tablets. This does not apply to the VK application for phones, which is being developed and updated separately (see:).

Not everyone likes the new version of VK. Many people demand to return to the previous version, which they find more convenient. Someone claims that the new design is too similar and even. Users even created an online petition demanding that the old version be kept and given "the right to choose." Most likely, this will not affect anything. Online petitions are often created for a variety of reasons and are widely disseminated through them. But in fact, the petition has not helped anyone yet. When the noise dies down, everyone forgets about her.

VKontakte laughed at its users, who promised to leave if they did not return the old version. A month after their promise, they still continued to sit in VK (look at them).

It is known that some of the people always meet any major update with hostility, since changing old habits is too painful for them. But over time, they calm down.

Why is it important? When you express your opinion, it becomes easier, you release your negativity. True, 92% of people will not read this, but will immediately look for a hole where they can write. Congratulations if you are reading this! If you really want to contact VKontakte employees and ask them to return the old version, try contacting their support service.

How to enter a new or old version of VK?

You can easily enter any version of VKontakte (depending on which one you have now) through.

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