Connecting to someone else's camera via the Internet. Video surveillance over the Internet using a webcam. How to find the exact IP address of a video camera

The first CCTV cameras were connected to a computer monitor using wires. This limited the ability to use video devices. But today the signal from the camera is transmitted wirelessly, which makes it possible to view images anywhere in the world using the Internet.

You can order a ready-made video surveillance system on the website Experts will mount the equipment, connect it and configure it.

Camera connection

Modern cameras can be used without a router. They transmit a digital signal that can be monitored from a computer if connected to this video device. First of all, it should be noted that access to the camera is carried out by entering a password and login. Without this information, you will not be able to view the image.

The connection method depends on the number of devices:

  1. The easiest way is to connect one camera. To do this, you need to enter the IP address of the camera in the address bar of your browser. Usually it is indicated on the device itself. You do not need to change the port number unless it is blocked by your ISP.
  2. When connecting two or more cameras, you must use a router. All devices connect to it via cable or wireless. In the settings of the web interface of the cameras, you will need to change the port numbers, since each camera must have a special one. The value can be from 1000 to 65000.

If the connection was made correctly, then when you enter the IP address in the address bar, you can connect to cameras from any remote location.

You can view the image not only on a stationary computer or laptop. Special applications allow you to connect to your video surveillance networks using your smartphone or tablet.

How to find the IP address of the camera

To start working with a video camera, you must enter the value of its IP address into the address bar of the browser. You can find the value in the instructions for the camera. If the address has been changed, you can reset the settings.

All cameras from the same manufacturer have the same default IP address. If you plan to connect several cameras to the network, you will need to change from the address. Otherwise, there may be a conflict in the network.

The disc with the software that comes with the camera will help you find out all the necessary values. If it was lost, then on the Internet you can find programs that will allow you to find out the addresses when scanning devices.

- a small program for connecting to audio and video devices on a remote computer. The best program to connect to and microphone.

The program is not perfect, but quite usable, if there was a backconnect it would certainly be fun. But unfortunately the author of the program "Redsh" has long since scored and is not developing the project. By the way, the source code is walking on the net if I find it in the archive with the program.

Remcam features

  • Selecting the video capture format (video format, resolution).
  • Support for common RGB, YUV, JPEG - formats (BI_RGB, YUY2, UYVY, NV12, YV12, I420, Y8, MJPG, and others). There is no need to install any additional codecs to decode these formats.
  • Compression of a video stream into JPEG, with a configurable degree of quantization.
  • Selecting the format for capturing and transmitting audio (number of channels, sampling frequency).
  • Audio stream encoding in IMA ADPCM.
  • Automatic balancing of audio and video streams when there is a lack of bandwidth.
  • Optional ZLIB traffic compression.
  • Traffic utilization indicators, CPU load on local and remote systems.
  • Optional server password protection (simple md5 salt authentication).
  • Small size of the application (server - 180.5 kb). No additional files or libraries are required.
  • Address book for servers with the ability to import and export.

The Remkam utility was created for parents to monitor and control their children. Using the Remkam program for the purpose of surveillance, covert surveillance and for secret wiretapping of strangers - you are violating the laws of your country.

Remcam instructions and setup

The program itself consists of 2 main modules:

  • Client
  • Server

Client - must be run on your computer. With this program you connect to a remote Webcam.

Server - run only on the computer to be monitored. If you accidentally run the server on your machine, read the article below, I will tell you how to remove it.

Let's put the Client folder aside. All changes will be made with the files found in the Server folder. For the program to work, all the files in this folder must be located on the remote computer.

Open the install.cmd file (do not run it, but open it with an editor (for example notepad)) and change these lines:

@ echo off

set dest \u003d% systemroot% \\ system32

set exe \u003d cam2_sv. exe

set pass \u003d 1234 set port \u003d 57011 set arun \u003d HKLM< code >

Everything that was written above will be used in the client to connect to the server. The rest of the settings in this file do not need to be touched without special need!

How to remove Remcam?

To uninstall the program, you must run the remove.cmd file located in the server directory.

I warn you! The program is partially detected by some antivirus software.

Windows 7 Compatible: Yes
Interface language: English
Archive password:

Download for free

Today in the video surveillance industry there is a trend of gradual transition from analog cameras to modern digital IP video capture devices. This fact is quite natural, since analog devices do not at all keep up with the development of modern technologies, when they offer the user much better image quality and ease of use of the video surveillance system as a whole for virtually the same amount. Plus, with the help of the latter, it is quite easy to organize remote control of an object, which in our time is also becoming an important point when creating a video surveillance system.

In connection with the widespread transition to IP cameras, more and more people began to be interested in the question of their correct connection and configuration. Of course, for a novice user this may seem like a difficult and insoluble task, but for those who have been familiar with a computer for a long time, connecting and configuring IP cameras will not cause any particular difficulties. In this article, we tried to describe in as much detail as possible the process of connecting a digital IP camera to a computer, as well as specifying the correct settings for the device to work correctly.

We connect the IP camera to the computer

Any IP camera is connected to the computer's network card directly via. If there are several cameras, then to access the viewing of images from each of them, you need to connect IP cameras through a router.

All IP cameras have their own address by default, and before proceeding with the configuration of the IP camera, we need to know it. To do this, you can use specialized software, which usually comes with the devices, or download the necessary utility on the manufacturer's website. In addition, the IP address of the camera is usually spelled out in the user manual or on the attached device label.

If you try to access the camera interface through a browser on the first connection, you will most likely fail. This happens because the computer and the camera are configured to operate on different subnets. After we have learned the IP address of the camera, it is necessary to bring it in line with the one used in your local network.

Today, the creation of remote video surveillance is especially important. Surveillance over the Internet is fairly easy to accomplish using a router with a dedicated IP address. Online video surveillance can be implemented in 4 ways, which you can read about.

It is becoming more and more accessible to create remote video surveillance using special ones. Moreover, when implementing cloud video surveillance, you do not need a dedicated IP address, and equipment settings are reduced to a minimum.

For video surveillance at remote sites, GSM cameras may come in handy. They will be convenient to use in the country, in the garage, or in a country house, since they can promptly warn you about the occurrence of various extraordinary events at the facility by sending a message to your mobile phone. You can read about GSM cameras for video surveillance at the link.

To find out the IP of the local network, you need to go to the "Sharing and Networks Control Center", then in the "Connections" line, select the "Ethernet" or "Via local network" item. In the window that opens, click on the "Details" button, then a new tab opens to us, on which we find out the IP address of the local network - we look at the line "IPv4 default gateway", in our case the computer is running on the 192.168.99. * Network. Let's say the IP address of your camera was like this:, now our task is to replace it with - you can have any other numbers, but the principle remains the same.

Find out the IP address of the local network

You can change the IP address of the camera using the same program through which you learned it. Hikvision, for example, calls it SADP, while other cameras come with their own programs. After the IP address of the camera is aligned with the address of the local network, the image from it will become available at the new IP address, in our case it is

Changing the IP address of the camera through its web interface

There is another way to get into the web interface of the camera, which involves changing the IP address of the local network. For example, the IP address of our camera looks like, and the local network of the computer is, and we need the computer and the camera to work in the same subnet (.99. Or .0.). To do this, we will bring the subnet of the local network in accordance with the address of the camera, for example, change it to To do this, go to the "Sharing and Networks Control Center", then in the "Connections" line, select the "Ethernet" or "Local Area Network" item. A window should be highlighted as in the screenshot below. In this window, click on the "Properties" button, then select "IP protocol version 4 IPv4", call its properties, and manually register the IP address, and specify the address of our IP camera as the gateway. Don't forget to save your settings.

Registering an IP address for accessing the camera. The picture is available for enlargement

Now, through any browser, go to the device's web interface - type in the camera address in the search bar. If you did everything correctly, a window should open for entering the login and password, which we take from the instructions for the camera. They are usually admin / admin, admin / 12345, admin / 00000000, and other light combinations by default. After entering the data, you will be able to view the image from the camera, as well as configure the camera.

In the web interface of the camera, it is necessary to match the IP address of the camera with the address of the local network. Typically, these settings are found on a tab called "Network". For example, your router is located at the local network address, which means that for the camera we need to set an IP of something like the following: We put a tick in the IP settings on "Fixed IP address" - we need it to configure it, and write the data:

  • IP address:;
  • Subnet mask: standard;
  • Gateway (the IP address at which our router is located):;
  • DNS IP Address:

If you do not want to view your cameras over the Internet, then just check the box next to the Dynamic IP (DCHP) line.

Now you need to assign a port to your camera. Port "80" is open by default, so if your camera does not have these settings, you should use. If this line is available, we write the values \u200b\u200bmanually for each camera. For the first, for example, let's set port 8081.

Diagram of connecting IP cameras to a computer via a router and creating access via the Internet

We save the settings, disconnect the camera's network cable from the computer and insert it into a free port of the router. After that, all the manual settings of the IP address that we made earlier in the local network to connect to the web interface of the camera are reset to automatic - we just put dots to get the IP address and DNS addresses automatically, and connect the router to the computer's network card. If necessary, enter the web interface of the camera already through the router at the IP address assigned to it (, and set up a wireless connection via Wi-Fi. We do the same settings for each camera, and do not forget to assign different IP addresses and ports to all other devices, if this is acceptable (some cameras do not provide for manual port assignment, for them it will be standard - "80"). For example, the second camera will be assigned the IP, and the port 8082, the third, the fourth, and so on.

For video surveillance using IP cameras through a computer, you may need special programs. They can be bundled with the equipment, or downloaded separately from the Internet. You can read about them in.

Instead of IP cameras, in some cases, it is more expedient to use. For example, when the video surveillance system consists of only one camera.

You can organize video surveillance in the country using a conventional 3G router and several IP cameras. At the same time, it is very important that there are no interruptions with the cellular network signal in your area. Read the article on how to implement suburban video surveillance in this way.

Configuring a router to view IP cameras over the Internet

After configuring the cameras, it is the turn of the router:

  1. We connect all configured cameras to the router via network LAN ports, or via Wi-Fi;
  2. We connect the router to a computer via Wi-Fi or a network cable;
  3. We go into its web interface, and proceed to port forwarding so that the router, when accessing a certain address from the outside, knows which camera to issue from the internal network.

These settings can be found in sections named "Port Forwarding", "Routing", "WAN", in the "Virtual Server" or "Virtual Server" tab. First you need to activate the virtual server with a tick. Depending on the router model, you can stumble upon similar settings:

  • Service name - we write it manually, for example, "First camera";
  • Port range - the port that we assigned in the settings of the first camera (8081);
  • Local IP address (IP address of the camera) - for example, we have it;
  • Local port - 8081, or 80 if there are no port settings in the camera;
  • Protocol: TCP - the IP camera works with this protocol;
  • Protocol number: leave the field blank, or write any number, for example, 1.

Connecting and configuring an IP camera via a router

We register the settings for each camera according to the above-described principle. Do not forget that each camera must have its own distinct IP address and port, if, of course, there is such a possibility.

In order to connect to the cameras from any device with Internet access, you need a static IP address. You can order it from your provider for a fee, or use the DynDNS service. Using this service, you can assign any domain name to your dynamic IP address, like http: // But first, you need to activate this function in the router settings. In some routers, these settings are located in the "WAN" section of the "DDNS" tab. There you can specify the server (DynDNS, ASUS, NO-IP, etc.), your 3rd level domain name, and other necessary settings. Next, we register the domain name on the service (by the way, ASUS routers have their own free service for these needs), and prescribe it in the router settings.

Functional check after configuring IP cameras

After configuring the IP cameras and the router, we will check their performance. To do this, you need to open a browser and write the IP address of the camera and its port in the address bar in a similar form: http: // 8081,or http: // your_static_IP_address: 8081.When accessing the camera from your computer located in the same local network as cameras with a router, just type in its unique IP address into the address bar.

If you configured everything correctly, the system should work, and when you register different ports in the browser address bar, you will see the picture from the corresponding camera.

So, we have examined the question of how to connect an IP camera to a computer and configure it to work in a local network, as well as organize access to it via the Internet from any device. Remember that some of the nuances on the equipment of different manufacturers may differ, but the basic principle of setting will always be the same.


    Hello, thanks for reading the article.
    question, any, roughly speaking, not an expensive ip-camera, can I connect to the laptop by "conjuring" with an ip-address?

    ps I need to shoot a video in the dark with an IR camera. For these purposes, it will be enough for me: camera-ip, software, laptop?

    1. Hello, of course, you can connect any even the cheapest IP camera to your laptop. Everything described by you will be enough to connect one IP camera to a laptop.

      Are there ip cameras with wifi and the ability to directly connect to it without using a wifi router?
      Those. there is a phone with an android and wifi, there is an ip-camera with wifi in the open field 😉 how to make them friends?

      1. Try using tinyCam Monitor to connect CCTV cameras to Android. With it, you can connect most IP cameras with a WiFi access point to your Android gadget.

Today, technical progress has reached such a level that sometimes you just want to play god. Of course, we still cannot create people, but it is quite possible to interact with units of technology. This article will discuss the theoretical connectivity to various webcams. Please note that the contents of this article are for informational purposes only, so remember that intrusion into the personal space of another person, especially in this way, is punishable by law.

general information

Many people fear that a camera built into their laptops or connected to a computer may snoop and eavesdrop. It should be noted that for good reason. Moreover, this can be done not only by them, but also by mobile devices, televisions and even household appliances like irons (there was a scandal with them in the Russian Federation several years ago). And now we will look at how to connect to someone else's webcam.

Choosing a tool

The necessary tools can be provided by the fourth version of the .NET Framework and VS2010. Also DirectDraw and MSDN technologies are suitable for connection. But to solve the problem, the article will focus on the Video For Windows (VFW) technology. At the same time, WinAPI functions are widely used. Of course, these are not all the available technologies with which you can access the camera. But they are the most elaborate and perfect of the widely known and accessible to people.


So how do you connect to someone else's webcam? Initially, it should be borne in mind that the device may have several devices for capturing images and sound. Therefore, you should take care of the possibility of choosing the tool with which you will work. To solve this problem, we use the capGetDriverDescription () function.

It can take five parameters:

  • wDriverIndex is the index of the video capture driver. It can take values \u200b\u200bfrom zero to nine.
  • lpszName - the parameter points to the buffer containing the corresponding driver name.
  • cbName is used to specify the size in bytes of the lpszName buffer.
  • lpszVer contains a pointer to a buffer where the description for a specific driver can be found.
  • cbVer is the size in bytes of the buffer where the driver description is stored.

How to connect to someone else's webcam? Ipb image can give out camera activation. Therefore, it is necessary to work on this as well. You can, of course, write a little code here that allows you to connect and control the operation of the device, but since this is an invasion of privacy, only a description will be provided. You can use C # to create the required program.

When working, you must specify the name of the function that is connected, and also write the name of the DLL where it is defined. The class should be used to compose all the individual developments.

What should you do next?

We continue to figure out how to connect to the webcam of someone else's computer. To a specialist, the code may seem very simple to implement. What should be done? We wrote above about the first parameter of the capGetDriverDescription () function, which can acquire a value from zero to nine. Therefore, you should start a cycle that will purposefully work in this range to find the value you need. So, we have a list of devices. Now you need to take care of the transmission of the video stream. The capCreateCaptureWindow () function will help with this, the main purpose of which is to create a capture window. What should be done in this case? It all sounds corny - you only need to send messages to the capture window. The well-known SendMessage () function will help with this. But back to capCreateCaptureWindow ().

Capturing the image

The capCreateCaptureWindow () function has arguments of interest to us:

  • lpszWindowName is a null-terminated string that contains the name of the capture window;
  • x is the location of the X coordinate;
  • y is the location of the y coordinate;
  • nWidth - window width;
  • nHeight - window height;
  • dwStyle - window style;
  • hWnd - call to the parent window;
  • nID is the window identifier.

As a result of the function execution, NULL will be received (in case of an error) or the connection will be successfully created. But keep in mind that since it is WinAPI, you need to import it. With all this data, you can already start the camera initialization process. Immediately after creating the window, you can already try to send a message. If the result is nonzero, it means that the attempt was successful. Then you need to define and send messages on which a number of operations depend. So, it follows in turn:

  • connect to a device driver that provides video capture;
  • make a break;
  • copy the frame to the clipboard;
  • if necessary, enable the preview mode;
  • if necessary, activate the overlap;
  • adjust the preview speed if necessary;
  • enable scaling if necessary;
  • if necessary, set the call function for preview;
  • get a single frame from the video capture driver;
  • save the frame received from the camera to a file.

Well, in general, that's all.

What about other devices?

There are not only computers in the world. If you are interested in how to connect to the webcam of someone else's laptop, then the described method is perfect for this purpose as well. Of course, if the Windows operating system is installed there. Lovers of "penguins" this will not work. After all, there, as a rule, user permission is required for any action. And if there is a desire to connect to Linux, then you have to ask the person to allow him to follow.

Of course, purely theoretically, he can resolve it out of stupidity or accident. But in reality there is no reason to hope for this. If the question is about how to connect to someone else's iPhone or Android webcam, then a lot depends on the operating system used. And speaking even in general terms is very difficult because of their great variety.


But nothing is impossible if you set a goal for yourself and work hard to achieve it. Take the iPhone, for example. Phones of this series are considered well protected. And it is impossible to hack them programmatically (at least officially). But in practice, you can find a gap. The main thing is to search well. Let's say we make an application that feeds the video to us. And under the guise of something we will force the user to download and install it. In this case, we will prescribe the creation of a secret copy, which will not be displayed in the registers. And that's all. Even if the user deletes the application, we will still monitor it.

Is it really that easy to hack the camera on your laptop? The author of Medialeaks, after reading the latest news about hacking millions of video cameras, hacking applications and sites on which the stream from hacked cameras from all over the world has become an analogue of a reality show, decided to study programs for hacking webcams, and also tried to find ways in which you can protect yourself from peeping anonymous and other online voyeurs.

Troll. James Troll. Who spies on webcam owners

Talking about hacking video cameras is no longer surprising these days. This has become so widespread that some hackers (crackers) maintain a website that shows broadcasts from unpowered surveillance cameras and webcams from around the world, and other programs that allow you to remotely access various cameras connected to the Internet.

In most cases, hacking of devices occurs due to the fact that their owners do not change the factory password of cameras by connecting them to a public network, but ordinary webcams on laptops do not fall into this category. To gain access to them, crackers need something more serious than the "admin admin" password, and there is nowhere to drive it.

Contrary to the popular belief that webcams are hacked by special services, it is much more common to stumble upon stories of hacks committed not by people in uniform, but by mere mortals. Moreover, in the comments on thematic sites often sit not even overly curious individuals trying to spy on their loved ones, but hackers-trolls. It makes little difference for them who to watch, but they can do much more harm to their victims, because they may not be limited to surveillance. Sometimes they take control of someone else's computer, destroying or modifying user data for fun.

Even a schoolboy who has not reached puberty can hack a camera on a laptop: there are tons of videos on YouTube about hacking, the authors of which troll unsuspecting users by connecting to their webcams. There are many authors of such videos, but the essence of the videos is the same: to get access to the webcam, and then stream the expression on the victim's face while she tries to figure out why the wallpaper on the desktop suddenly changed or porn with sound turned on. Most often, these videos are shot by teenagers, and the title contains the words "funny", "troll", "we get lost", etc.

Schoolchildren are so familiar with hacking programs that they give full-fledged lessons on how to set up hacking programs on their channels, where between videos about hacking other people's computers they talk about their childhood hobbies like "growing a cactus" and "here's my favorite doll."

The webcam hacking trend has become very popular. Hackers (crackers) have created several specialized sites where they talk about various methods of hacking computers, share their discoveries and successes in the field of trolling in the corresponding threads on the forums and create their own builds of burglars that will allow those who want to start mocking unknown people on the network without unnecessary problems with by installing programs.

Eyes are everywhere. Business for voyeurs

In addition to trolls, those who try to make real money by spying on strangers are also connected to the cameras. VKontakte has communities that sell access to various cameras. Most often these are surveillance cameras installed in rented apartments and public places. It is easy to connect to them: the owners often do not change the factory passwords, turning the camera into the network, and the only problem for the cracker is finding a device in the desired location - and if he works as an installer or configurator of such cameras, the task becomes even easier.

For example, the administration of the “IVMS we distribute, we sell, we change / IP Camera” community sells broadcasts from cameras from apartments in the group's built-in store on VKontakte, ranking them by cost. The prettier the victim of the broadcast (in the overwhelming majority of cases they are women), the more expensive it is to spy on her. The ceiling of the price does not exceed 400 rubles - for this money, the administrator offers anyone who wants to connect to the camera in the room of a young girl.

For starters, admins offer subscribers to watch life in some homes for free, where surveillance systems are installed in almost every room. The broadcasts are conducted around the clock, in some cases, the admins sign them with comments in the style of "something good here." The groups also offer the installation of pre-configured surveillance cameras and even service, replacement and product warranties.

Almost legal. How webcams are hacked

Most often, computers are hacked using completely legal utilities, which are usually used as a means of optimizing the work of system administrators and other employees of IT departments in various large organizations - TeamViewer, RMS, LuminosityLink, Radmin and the like. The principle of their operation assumes that one of the computers on the network can be controlled by the other remotely and within corporate networks this can hardly be a problem: each computer on the network is associated with the "master" general settings, their connection is often password-protected.

Such programs can also be used by ordinary network users. All you need to do is to install on two or more computers the equipment connected to each other by the same pre-defined settings - the "client" utilities on the computers being managed, and the server utility on the device that will be the master.

It is unlikely that many hack victims deliberately install software clients for themselves that will allow them to be monitored. In most cases, the client is installed on the computer as a companion utility during the installation of a pre-modified program (most often it is something free and downloaded from an incomprehensible resource). With the help of such a Trojan installed in the torrent search engine MediaGet, in April 2016, one of the users of Dvacha for several days in a row.

In addition to official programs designed to make life easier for sysadmins, there are utilities geared specifically to secretly monitoring computers. These include, for example, RemCam and DarkComet. The latter suddenly became associated with the Syrian conflict: according to Wired, the government used DarkComet to spy on opposition activists, sending them a hidden link to its installation disguised as a pop-up message box. After information about the actions of the Syrian government appeared in the media, the developer of the application officially stopped supporting it, saying that he never wanted the authorities to use it.

It is ironic that the creators of hacking applications, who tell on their website about how to hack into other people's computers, are also connected with communities on VKontakte, which report on information security and computer protection against various hacking methods.

Apps for Android work on the same principle, but the license protects users of mobile phones to some extent. For example, the GPP Remote Viewer application allows you to receive data from a computer in the same way as TeamViewer, but while you download it from the Play Market, you can trust a little more that Trojans will not be installed with it.

With Apple products, the situation is easier to manage and more difficult at the moment of hacking: modern remote access utilities on iOS often require synchronization via Apple ID, and this leaves even fewer opportunities for quickly hacking computers or installing a harmful utility on them that will transfer control to a third party ...

Medialeaks is watching you. Trying to hack each other's webcam

The editors of Medialeaks have tested two common programs for monitoring via webcam and remote data management - legal RMS and "gray" RemCam2. The little table tried to hack into Tatyana's computer, throwing her PM in all sorts of incomprehensible files that were supposed to install the appropriate software on her computer. Everything on Windows, software was used for monitoring without user modifications.

RMS asked for a lot of different permissions at startup, which should be ignored if you run a version preconfigured by someone (or by you, if you are a Hackerman). In addition, to connect to the victim's computer, the program asked for a password that Tanya entered during installation. Silent hacking failed, and when we connected the remote control of the camera, a corresponding notification was displayed on the victim's screen. The voyeur Mamkin was defeated, but only because he used a legally downloaded and unmodified utility.

RemCam2 turned out to be much more useful in this regard - it is a full-fledged Trojan, the installation of which even the user himself would not guess: no screens, the application was installed imperceptibly when Tanya clicked on the icon of a file with a stupid name in the chat. Having recognized her IP, the insidious Little Table began to observe the editor who was working at that time, instead of working himself.

It was possible to remove the programs completely only after cleaning the registry. Don't do this at home.

Thin and sticky protection. How they try to fence themselves off from voyeurs

Unfortunately, if you actively use the Internet, then it is simply impossible to completely protect yourself from peeping through the webcam and remote access to data. This does not mean that you have malware installed on your computer right now, but the more you download incomprehensible applications from various dubious sources (or follow links in letters from strangers), the more likely you will stumble upon one of these Trojans.

But even if the camera is turned off, some Trojans may try to turn it back on, so those who are worried about possible spyware should check the computer with the trivial Program Manager utility - it shows what processes are running at the moment, and this will allow you to notice whether someone camcorder. It's not even worth writing about antiviruses.

It is because of the impossibility of achieving 100% security among many PC users that the tradition of sticking webcams is widespread - oddly enough, at the moment this is the most effective way to combat peeping. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and former FBI director James Comey have spoken about the benefits of sticking video cameras, and according to ESET antivirus vendors, about 17% of PC users use video cameras.

The use of duct tape as a means of protecting against voyeurs has taken on a new level in recent years: enthusiasts are replacing it with special camera shutters, and some laptop manufacturers add shutters for cameras during their production stage. However, even in this case, hackers can spy on victims - if not peeping, then at least eavesdropping using the built-in microphone. So when gluing the camera, think about that too.

In fact, an unsealed video camera also has its advantages: it can help a potential victim detect a hack, since the indicator of its operation on the laptop case will indicate that an outsider has connected to the computer. In this case, the only correct solution is to turn off the Internet immediately, as soon as you see the video camera light flickering for an unknown reason for at least a second: this almost never happens by accident.

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