Quick Start Guide: How to Use Facebook. How to use Facebook and why you need it

Whatever they say about people, most of them love to communicate with their own kind. Unfortunately, the modern rhythm and lifestyle does not always allow us to allocate time to meet with family and friends. But the need for communication has not disappeared. This problem was solved. Social networks have appeared on the Internet.

How to register with Facebook

Before registering on a social network (in any, not just Facebook), you must clearly realize a simple truth - absolutely everything that you upload to your profile, everything written will remain on the network forever. Even when you completely delete your account, the special services will be able to get a printout if necessary. Believe it or not, there have already been precedents in the United States.

A lot of people waste their free time on social media. This time can be devoted to family people, self-study, creating your own business. If the above did not scare you, then go to Facebook and click on the registration button, or simply follow the following link:

You will be taken to the registration page:

Figure: 1. To register on Facebook, fill in fields 1-6
  • Surname (number 2 in Fig. 1),
  • Name (1 in Fig. 1),
  • Mobile phone number or email address: e-mail (3),
  • Password (4),
  • date of birth (5),
  • Floor (6 in Fig. 1).

If you are going to “be friends” with foreigners, then the name and surname can be written in English letters. If you don't like it, you can always change it.

After filling in the fields 1-6, press the green button "Create an account" (7 in Fig. 1).

After that, the system will offer to take a number of steps: bring friends, add a place of residence, educational institutions where you studied, upload a photo, etc. You can skip all this, fill in later.

A letter will be sent to the mailbox you specified during registration, in which you need to follow the link, that is, confirm your mail. If everything is done correctly, you can open Facebook, enter your username and password (number 8 in Fig. 1). After that you will be logged into your account.

It is enough to register on Facebook once, and then you can enter by entering your username and password in the upper right corner of the site (8 in Fig. 1).

How to sign out of Facebook

Please do not confuse logging out of your Facebook account with - these are two different things.

To log out of Facebook, click on the lock in the upper right corner (1 in Fig. 2). A menu will appear in which we click the "Exit" option - this is a competent end of the work. Then an outsider who somehow ended up at your computer or tablet will not gain access to your account.

Figure: 2. How to log out of Facebook

If to exit Facebook simply click on the cross in the upper right corner of the browser, then anyone who opens the browser on your device will have access to your personal information on Facebook. He will be able to send any messages on your behalf or act at his own discretion on your behalf.

Consider the interface of the social network Facebook. Actually, it changes, and a lot depends on the settings of your personal account, as well as on how actively you use Facebook. Below are the relatively standard interface parameters.

Facebook profile, news feed, messages, search

In the upper left corner there is a thumbnail of your profile photo for Facebook, if you have uploaded it (1 in Fig. 3):

Figure: 3. Facebook profile, news feed, messages, search

1 in fig. 3 - If you click on the photo or on your last name, you will be taken to your personal Facebook page.

2 in Fig. 3 - News feed (Events), which displays events related to you: friends who have confirmed friendship requests, comments under your posts, ratings of your comments, etc.

3 in Fig. 3 - Messages, where you can view all messages received from other users and sent by you,

4 in fig. 3 - Search (the search string at the very top of the page), designed to find people, community or group. To find what you want, start typing letters, and Facebook will provide you with hints,

Friends on Facebook

On the right side there is a menu called “Find Friends” and “People You May Know” - here you can look at the people who may be. Be sure to check it out if you want to immediately fill your contact list.

Figure: 4. Facebook: find friends and friend requests

How to block users on Facebook

There is a lock in the upper right corner (1 in Fig. 5). Click on it, a menu will open in which we click "Settings" (2 in Fig. 5).

Figure: 5. Facebook settings

In the "Settings" you can select the "Block" option, which allows you to block certain users, hide your actions, prohibit certain persons from contacting yourself, as well as block messages:

Figure: 6. Block users and messages on Facebook

Facebook chat

At the bottom right is a chat with your friends:

Figure: 7. Facebook chat

Each friend who is currently online will have a green circle in the right column of Facebook. To start an exchange of personal messages in a chat with a friend who is online, click on the desired name and surname.

If there are many friends, then most often there are messages from those friends whom you actively comment on or rate.

To configure your chat, you can click on the gear icon (Fig. 7).

How to change your personal information

To do this, click on the thumbnail of your profile photo (1 in Fig. 8). The button "Edit profile" will appear (2 in Fig. 8). By clicking on it, you will be taken to a menu with the basic data of your account, having the opportunity to edit all its fields. It is enough to click on the pencil icon for each field and enter the required data.

Figure: 8. Your profile photo and information can also be changed at any time.

Safety is important

By registering an account and posting personal information there, you should understand that hackers may also be interested in it. Be sure to choose a strong password containing letters, signs, and numbers.

It is undesirable to use Facebook on other people's, work computers. Because these machines can be infected with viruses that steal personal data.

Do not forget to log out of your account at the end of the work through the “Sign out” option (Fig. 2).

Be careful with your notes. There were precedents when they took screenshots of messages and sued for libel.

It is undesirable to post your own too, as a last resort, restrict access to them (only for friends), and also write about all your movements in your account. Burglary thieves have long mastered new technologies. If they see that the owner of the apartment is resting in some southern resort, they will not miss the opportunity to visit his home and take out all the valuables from there.

Another important point is that they also actively use social networks to collect more information about potential borrowers. If they see that a person who wants to take out a loan is, for example, in numerous communities of bookmakers and casinos, they will clearly not consider him trustworthy. Try to maintain a positive image.

If you want to learn how to use the social network Facebook (facebook), then this article is for you.

In terms of its interface, Facebook is in many ways similar to the Vkontakte network. In addition to communication, on Facebook, you can exchange photos, follow the news, participate in their discussion, join groups of interests, listen to music, play, and more. dr.

The main difference between Facebook and our usual social networks Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte is that it is an international network, available in almost every corner of the world, with the exception of a few countries where, for religious or political reasons, it is prohibited by the state (Iraq, Iran, Syria, China).
Facebook was created back in 2004 and during this time it has been able to search for friends by many parameters: by email address, ICQ or QIP number, Skype, through import from other social networks.

Signing up with Facebook is absolutely free and available, now a little more than one billion people communicate on the network.

1. How to register with Facebook.

Anyone over 13 years old can register on Facebook.... To do this, you need to have access to the Internet, know your email address and mobile phone number.
The registration process itself is simple.
Let's consider it in detail:
In any search engine, enter Facebook (facebook). In the list of links that opens, we look for the one with the address - https://ru-ru.facebook.com/ and go to it.

1.2. The first thing we will see is the registration (login) window, in which you will need to enter your data.

(Picture 1)

Name and surname can be written in Russian, later they will be automatically translated into English. The password can be any, but not less than 6 characters and is sufficiently strong. The email address can only be used once, that is, if someone from your family is already registered on Facebook with this address (or cell phone number), then your attempt will be rejected.
The registration window usually opens immediately in Russian, but if something goes wrong, you can select the desired language on the language bar at the bottom of the page.

1.3. You will now be prompted for 4 stepsallowing you to immediately clarify personal information, find possible friends, create a news feed depending on your interests and add a photo to the created page, better known as the word "avatar".

Step 1. Find friends using e-mail and skype contacts.

(Figure 2)

Step 2. Specification of personal information: hometown, school, university, place of work. Based on the entered data, the Facebook search engine will select possible friends. Why possible? The world is great, and you will be asked to find your acquaintances among a huge number of people who could live with you in the same city, go to school with the same name or work in the organization of the same name.

Step 2 - entering personal information

(Figure 3)

Step 3. Selecting interesting pages. To do this, select the links you like with the mouse and confirm by clicking the "Save and continue" button. You can choose an unlimited number of pages that interest you, all news on the selected topics will automatically appear in the news feed.

Step 3 - finding interest groups

(Figure 4)

Step 4. Adding a photo (including from a webcam).

(Figure 5)

You can skip the above steps (steps) and return to them later.
1.4. To complete registration, you need to go to your email. There should be a confirmation letter with a request to follow the link.

(Figure 6)

The letter came to me immediately, but it happens that due to the mail settings it ends up in the "Spam" folder. Therefore, if there is no letter, first look for it there.
After these simple steps, registration is completed and you have become a full member of the social network Facebook.

2. Facebook interface. Page navigation.

From the main page, you can go to all the main features of Facebook.
The upper horizontal panel provides access to information and management of your account. On the left there are quick access buttons: "Friend requests", "Recent messages", "Notifications".

(Figure 7)

If new information appears, numbers appear next to these buttons, notifying how many new events concerning the account owner have appeared on the network.
In the right corner of the same panel are buttons: "Find Friends", "Home", "Quick Privacy Settings" and "Privacy Settings and Tools".

I would like to draw your attention to the last two buttons. Since Facebook has repeatedly been accused of violating user privacy, its developers have offered the ability to change the settings for accessing information, namely, to choose who can see the published materials. Here you can also go to the account settings, which allow you to change your personal data (for example, your last name) and exit your page.

Privacy - page access settings

(Figure 9)

For, to change the first or last name, you need to do the following:
Select Privacy Settings and Tools / Account Settings / General Account Settings, then click "Edit" in the required field
In the window that opens, change your personal data, enter your password for Facebook and save the changes.

Below the top horizontal panel is the status window, below it is the news feed. Several lines of annotation allow you to understand what the note is about, and with a click of the mouse you can open the entire article.

(Figure 10)

The left vertical panel is needed to quickly navigate to messages, music, games, etc., and also to see which of your friends winked at you.

Left panel - for quick access

(Figure 11)

The right vertical panel contains avatars of possible friends. By clicking on the cross in the upper right corner, an unnecessary photo can be deleted (in a couple of seconds a new avatar will appear in its place), and by selecting the inscription "Add to friends" - in one motion send an offer of friendship.

3. How to add friends to Facebook.

Let's take a look at several ways to find or import Facebook friends.
3.1. By surname (name of a friend). To do this, enter the data into the search box in the upper horizontal panel.

(Figure 12)

The search box works on the Yandex principle: it displays the most popular results for the entered query. If the right person is not among them, click "Show more results". If necessary, you can use the filter, which will allow you to refine the data and remove unnecessary results.

3.2. By email addresses, skype name, ICQ or QIP numbers. To do this, select "Find Friends" on the upper horizontal panel (or in the left vertical panel), enter the data (for the mailbox - email address and email password, for Skype - name and password in Skype, for ICQ - number and password, etc. etc.). After a while, Facebook will pull out all the contacts, and all you have to do is add friends if they are already registered with Facebook, and invite friends if they are not registered yet.

3.3. Through "Other tools" that allow you to upload a file with friends' contacts, send an individual invitation to your friend's email address or mobile phone number, through the data specified during registration (school, university, place of work).
3.4. With the help of the Vkontakte social network. Immediately after registration, Facebook will offer to find friends who are simultaneously registered in Vkontakte and on Facebook. After you allow Facebook access to your Vkontakte account, possible friends will be selected, whom you will need to invite to be friends on Facebook.

(Figure 13)

4. How to delete your Facebook account.

On Facebook, you can temporarily block your account or delete it permanently. In the first case, your page will be deactivated (that is, no one will see it) until you visit it again. After that, it will automatically return to all those settings that were before deactivation, save contacts, photos, correspondence, etc. In the second case, the page will be permanently deleted, the password and login are invalidated, and re-entry is possible only through a new registration.
4.1. How to delete your Facebook account temporarily.
To do this, select Privacy Settings and Tools (asterisk in Figure 8) / Account Settings / Security / Deactivate Account.

Facebook will then ask you to explain why you are logging out of the social network, confirm your password, and enter letters and numbers to verify security. Only after that the inscription will appear: "Your account has been disabled", and an email with a link will be sent to your e-mail address, by clicking on which you can again restore your page.

4.2. For, to delete your Facebook account permanently, you have to go to the Facebook Help Center (Privacy Settings & Tools / Help).
In the request window, write "Delete account" and click on the link "How to delete your account permanently".

(Figure 14)

There we select the link: "fill out this form" and proceed to delete the account:
(If you did not find the link, then copy this one - http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form\u003ddelete_account into the address bar of your browser.)

Button - delete account

(Figure 15)

(Figure 16)

After that, you need to go to your Facebook page and confirm the deletion. Completely all information about your page will be deleted after 14 days. If you log into Facebook during this time, the deletion will be automatically canceled and your account will be restored.

5. How to recover your Facebook password.

To log into your Facebook page, you need to enter your email address and password. If the password is hacked or forgotten, you will have to use the "Forgot password" link.

(Figure 17)

Then, following the prompts, write a letter with a request to send a link to reset your password to your email address.
After that, you will receive a letter with a digital code, which must be typed into the password recovery window.

Enter the digital code and press - continue

(Figure 18)

In the next window, enter a new password and confirm it.

Enter a new password and press the button - continue

(Figure 19)

After clicking on the "Continue" button (unless, of course, you made a mistake when confirming your password), your Facebook page will open with a welcoming inscription:
"Welcome to Facebook!"

It is difficult to imagine a modern Internet user who does not know what social networks are. "VKontakte" and "Odnoklassniki" are exactly the sites on which we spend most of our time. But this is not the whole list of popular social networks. In foreign countries, for example, everyone uses Facebook. And if you want to try it too, but the interface seems somewhat complicated and incomprehensible to you, we will show you how to use Facebook.

Facebook is ...

Let's first figure out what Facebook is. It is a global social network originally from America. It is she who is the progenitor of the VKontakte network known in Russia and the nearest countries, which appeared later. And its creator, took over the idea from -

Facebook was invented by an ordinary student in 2004 Nobody knew how to use Facebook. And at first it served as a means of communication between various students of this, and later other universities. And only after Facebook began to enjoy great popularity, it was decided to open it to the whole world. It happened in 2008. At the same time, the Russian-speaking population of the planet learned about how to use Facebook.

How to register

To register, you need to go to the main page of the site, select the appropriate section and reliably fill in the presented fields of the application form. It should be indicated:

  • name and surname;
  • e-mail address;
  • password;
  • your gender;
  • date of birth.

After that, a special letter should come to the mailbox. It is imperative to open it and confirm the registration. Everything, you have coped with the main task. You are now part of yet another social network.

We fill in information about ourselves

In order for your friends, acquaintances, colleagues, classmates and relatives to find you quickly, you need to enter information about yourself as fully and reliably as possible. You can indicate your name in Russian and English. Two options will allow you to find you faster in search. Knowing where you study or work is also important, as this will help most of your surroundings find you.

If you fill in the information correctly, the system will automatically filter users and offer you to add some of them as friends. They are selected on the basis of the similarity of the data presented: a single educational institution or place of work, as well as the number of mutual friends.

One of the most important steps is adding an avatar. It is from the photograph that you are first recognized and distinguished from the many namesakes.

If you want to provide as much information about yourself as possible in order to, for example, find new friends of interest or get to know the opposite sex, this can also be easily done. Add data like this:

  • place of residence;
  • marital status;
  • political preferences;
  • religion;
  • favorite quotes, movies and books, etc.

How to use

After all the information in your profile is filled in, you can proceed to the operational part and master the principle of operation of this social network. It's easy to figure out how to use Facebook. Over time, each action will work out to automatism, and the interface will become painfully familiar, you will navigate with your eyes closed. But if you are an inexperienced user, you need to know the general plan of action.

How to write a message on Facebook:

  • go to the "Friends" tab and select the desired addressee from the proposed list;
  • go to the page of the person you want to write to, and at the top right (just below the avatar) click on "Message";
  • in the dialog box that appears, you can write whatever is needed and press the Enter key to send.

Another important aspect to learn is the privacy of your profile. You need to go to the page settings and select the privacy column. There, opposite the necessary interface elements (a block of photos, friends, videos, etc.), you need to put a checkmark. And then these sections will be inaccessible to unauthorized users.

It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without popular messengers and social networks such as Telegram, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc. In the USA and other foreign countries, for example, they use Facebook. Today we will tell you how to use Facebook for dummies and why you need it in general.

A social network that was created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. Initially, it served for communication between employees of Harvard University, but when popularity began to grow exponentially, it was decided to involve the whole world. And Pavel Durov took over the idea and presented an opportunity for communication and exchange of videos, photos and text files on his Vkontakte network. Many users who are not yet familiar with this network often ask why Facebook is needed.

Many of us gravitate not only to live communication with loved ones, friends, relatives, but also want to develop our horizons. The application is also adapted for the Russian consumer, in it you can communicate in Russian. The service allows you to expand your professional list of acquaintances, exchange knowledge, and discuss various topics. For a business, this is primarily a search for potential customers, the ability to contact a person wherever he is. The main thing is the presence of the Internet. The creation of groups and pages helps to actively promote the product to the international market, respectively, companies are primarily interested in active communication, feedback and regularly stimulate the audience in various ways, for example, with promotions and contests.

Registration on Facebook

If you do not understand anything on the Internet, do not despair. The article will cover all aspects of the issue and give step-by-step recommendations on how to use Facebook for dummies. To get started, you need to register. It's completely free and doesn't take a lot of time. Prepare your phone number, it will receive a confirmation code for activation. Go to the main page, fill in the proposed fields, because in case of loss of access, the organizers may request additional data. A confirmation letter will be sent to the mailbox, follow the link from it.

The page profile is activated. For completeness, you must fill in information about yourself, family, acquaintances, place of work or study. The name can be entered in two languages, Russian and English. Then it will be easy to find you in the search. Now you can post posts, news, comment and like.

Extensive Facebook capabilities

  1. active attraction of new people to the business community;
  2. extended list of options for work;
  3. all kinds of discounts and promotions;
  4. search and establishment of the necessary contacts in the online process;
  5. setting up targeted advertising;
  6. facebook capabilities allow you to receive direct feedback from customers and respond to it;
  7. video clips, music, films, jokes;
  8. scrolling through the news feed, “Like” icons;
  9. broadcasting liked posts to other community members;
  10. discussions on interesting topics;
  11. expressing one's opinion, defending a position;
  12. open communication with the audience;
  13. lightning-fast reaction to any event;
  14. availability of various versions for pc and mobile devices running modern platforms;
  15. free message boards;
  16. active discussion of published topics;
  17. independent promotion of a page or group at first without buying advertising from famous bloggers;
  18. the opportunity to get feedback on a new product, it is enough to post information and users will give feedback.

Important! Many have heard, and maybe have experienced the fundamental moments of collaboration with Facebook. Developers block users for various reasons.


To avoid an unpleasant situation, study and observe the following requirements:

  • Speak respectfully about each other. Do not give a reason for an insult and behave yourself with utmost correctness. Negative and derogatory communication in relation to participants will entail fines in the form of permanent blocking of the page or profile.
  • Do not send out forbidden and immoral information. Agitation for the sale of drugs, the distribution of pornography and the incitement of ethnic hatred are serious reasons for the final and life-long ban.
  • No bulk mailing. It is forbidden to send unauthorized advertisements, regular and numerous requests to be added to "Friends" will lead to limited opportunities when working with a social network.

If you want to enjoy chatting on Facebook, follow the above requirements, and you don't have to think about losing your page due to rash actions. After all, ignorance of the law does not absolve from responsibility.

That's all. Now you know what great opportunities for development the service provides and how to use Facebook. Now there are several million registered users, respectively, the search is carried out according to the information provided on the page. In fact, people are selected based on similar data provided. Do not be lazy to upload a photo to your profile picture, so you can stand out from the variety. If the purpose of registering on the network is to find a partner or mates, for example, tourism, then it is enough to appear as an interesting and mysterious person.

To do this, tell about yourself, indicate your favorite quotes, filmography, books, only what really catches you. With the activated page, you can start to deal with the interface. In your profile, pay attention to the sections that you can edit:

Social networks are becoming more and more popular all over the world every year. The leading position is occupied by the well-known Facebook. This resource is used by millions, if not billions of people around the world. It is great for communication, business, entertainment and leisure. The network functionality is constantly expanding, and old functions are also being improved. This article is devoted to the discussion of the capabilities of this social network.

The social network Facebook provides many opportunities for its users, thanks to which they can communicate with other people, exchange photos, share impressions and spend their leisure time. Of the many functions of this resource, several main ones can be distinguished.


You can find your friend through the search to add him to your friends list. Then you do not have to find the right person in the search every time, and in the news feed you will be able to follow his publications and various actions. To find and add a friend to your list, you must:

Also, on the person's page, you can follow his publications and other actions. You can start a dialogue with your friend, for this you just need to press "Message"... You will have access not only to text messages, but also to video calls and voice calls. You can send your friend a photo, smiley, GIF, various files.

On a friend's page, you can view his published photos, there is also the opportunity to rate them. In the tab "More" you will be able to find music, videos and other information. Friends of a friend can also be viewed in the tab "Friends".

There are three icons at the top that will display friend requests that have sent you, messages sent to you, and other notifications.

To make new acquaintances or move contacts from another resource, just click on "Find friends", after which you will be taken to the search page.

In the search parameters, you can specify the necessary information by which you want to find a person.

Groups and pages

Facebook has the ability to create different pages and groups that will be dedicated to a specific topic. For example, if you are fond of cars, you can find a suitable page for yourself to follow the news and read various information that will be published in this community. To find a page or group you need:

Now on the main page you can click on "Groups" or "Pages"to see a list of communities you have subscribed to or clicked on "Like".

Also, on the main page, the news feed will show the latest publications of the pages to which you are subscribed.

Music, video, photo

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