How to go to the command line options. How to open command prompt

“And where did they hide everything? Why did familiar and constantly needed applications disappear from their places? - approximately so think of users who have switched to Windows 10 from "seven" and "piggy". "Where did the command console go?"

In fact, she did not go anywhere. It lies in the same place, but for some reason it became more difficult for many to launch it. Perhaps out of habit. In order to make it easier for you, today I will tell you about how to open the command line in Windows 10 7 in the easiest ways and I will share some tricks "for the lazy."

The way is simpler than simple: through the RMB menu of the Start button

If you did not have time to update your Top Ten to version 1703, right-click on Start (RMB) or press the Windows and X keys. The commands for opening the console are at the bottom of the first part of the menu.

In build 1703, the command line in the RMB Start menu for some reason was replaced with PowerShell. Here's what happened:

You can use this application in the same way as the console, but if the familiar black window is closer and dearer to you, let's return it to its place:

  • Let's open the system utility through the same menu “ Options"And go to the section" Personalization».
  • In the list of subsections, select “ Task bar". On the right next to the command " Replace command line with shellPowerShell ..."Move the slider to the position" Off».

The ancient way: through the directory of installed programs

You have most likely used this method before, but it may seem unusual because in the top ten the directory of installed applications has slightly changed. So:
  • We go to Start and open the list " All programs". We go down almost to the very bottom - to the letter "C".
  • Expand the section " Utility - Windows» and here she is, dear, in front of us.

If you are going to use the console for administrative tasks, click on “ Command line"Right-click, select" Additionally"And" Run as administrator».

Quick way: through the "Run" dialog

  • To open the above dialog box, press the Windows and R combination on the keyboard, or go to the context menu of the Start button and select “ Execute».
  • We enter the command “ cmd"(Without quotes) and click OK.

Universal way: using the system search function

  • We click on the icon with the magnifying glass in the taskbar or press on the Windows and S keyboard - both actions do the same - open the search window. We enter in the field “ Search inWindows"The familiar command" cmd". A list of files and folders that mention the word in their names will be displayed at the top. And the first number in it will be what we were looking for.

If you want to run the console on behalf of the admin, click on the found RMB file and select the appropriate command. Or after entering " cmd»In the search field, press Enter-Shift-Ctrl on your keyboard.

The smart way: create shortcuts

If you use the console all the time, you might find it convenient to open it with a shortcut on the taskbar, desktop, or Start. Let's figure out how to create it.

On the taskbar

Let's find cmd using the Windows search (you already know how to do this), right-click on it and select “ Pin to taskbar". The shortcut will be located at the bottom of the screen near the Start button.

By default, Command Prompt runs under the current user account. To open it once with administrative rights, click on the RMB shortcut, again right-click on the item " Command line"And select" Running from admin».

If you want the utility to run with administrator rights all the time, open it through the same menu “ Properties". On the tab “ Label"Of the next window, click" Additionally».

In the additional properties window, check the box “ Run as administrator”And save the setting.

In Start

We find the console through the search and open its context menu - in the same way as for creating a shortcut on the taskbar. We choose " Pin to start screen". After that, a shortcut (more precisely, a tile) will appear in the right half of the Start menu.

To call the console with admin rights, you will again have to climb into the right-click menu. The option is hidden in the section " Additionally».

On the desktop

To create a shortcut to the command line on the desktop, you first need to open the storage location of its executable file - cmd.exe. It hides deep in the depths of the \\ Windows \\ system32 system directory. In order not to search for it through the explorer, create a shortcut on the taskbar according to the instructions above (later you can delete it), go to the properties and click the " File location»

After opening in the target directory and finding the desired object, right-click on it "rodent". In the menu that opens, select the command " Create shortcut»And confirm your agreement to save it to your desktop.

The lazy way: assign hotkeys to launch the console

Is it inconvenient to click on the shortcut? Or maybe laziness, like me? Assign a keyboard shortcut to open the command prompt. To do this, go to the properties of the previously created shortcut, place the cursor in the field “ Quick call»And press any 2-3 keys together.

After saving the setting, the command line will be opened using this combination.

The most practical way: create a command to open CMD in the explorer context menu

One of the most practical ways to invoke frequently used system utilities, I think, is adding the appropriate commands to the explorer context menu. For example, the desktop. This is done very simply.

To enable the command line in the desktop PCM menu, copy the instructions below into Notepad or the program that replaces it. Save the file with an arbitrary name. Specify the extension. reg (to assign an arbitrary extension to a notepad text document, press the Shift + Ctrl + S keys and change the file type from "txt" to "all").

blank line

@ \u003d "Command line"

If you want to delete a command, copy the following instructions into a text document, save it in reg file format and run.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

blank line

[-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \\ DesktopBackground \\ Shell \\ 1]

In a second, there will be no trace of it.

I hope this is more than enough. Now you will definitely not have problems with opening a black window in Windows 10.

More on the site:

How to open command prompt in Windows 10: 7 most convenient ways updated: July 16, 2017 by: Johnny mnemonic

By entering commands in Command line in operating systems of the Windows family, you can solve a variety of tasks, including those that cannot be solved through a graphical interface or are much more difficult to do. Let's see how in Windows 7 you can open this tool in various ways.

Interface "Command line" is an application that provides textual communication between the user and the OS. The executable file of this program is CMD.EXE. In Windows 7, there are quite a few ways to invoke the specified tool. Let's find out more about them.

Method 1: Run window

One of the most popular and easiest ways to call "Command line" is the use of a window "Run".

The main disadvantages of this method are that not all users are accustomed to keeping in memory various combinations of hot keys and launch commands, as well as the fact that activation on behalf of the administrator cannot be performed in this way.

Method 2: Start Menu

Both of these problems are solved by running through the menu "Start"... Using this method, it is not necessary to keep in mind various combinations and commands, and you can also launch the program of interest to us on behalf of the administrator.

Method 3: using search

The application we need, including on behalf of the administrator, can also be activated using the search.

Method 4: directly launch the executable file

As you remember, we said that launching the interface "Command line" produced using the executable file CMD.EXE. From this we can conclude that it is possible to start the program by activating this file by going to the directory of its location using Windows Explorer.

In this case, it is not at all necessary to use the address bar to go to the CMD.EXE location directory in Explorer. Moving can also be done using the navigation menu located in Windows 7 on the left side of the window, but, of course, taking into account the address that was indicated above.

Method 5: address bar of Explorer

Thus, you don't even have to search for CMD.EXE in Explorer. But the main drawback is that this method does not provide for activation on behalf of the administrator.

Method 6: launch for a specific folder

There is a rather interesting activation option "Command line" for a specific folder, but unfortunately most users don't know about it.

Method 7: forming a shortcut

There is an option to activate the "Command Line", having previously formed a shortcut on the desktop that refers to CMD.EXE.

  1. Click PKM anywhere on your desktop. In the contextual list, stop the selection on "Create"... In the additional list, go to "Label".
  2. The shortcut creation window starts. Click on the button "Overview…"to specify the path to the executable file.
  3. A small window opens, where you should go to the CMD.EXE location directory at the address that was already specified earlier. It is required to select CMD.EXE and press "OK".
  4. After the object address is displayed in the shortcut creation window, click "Further".
  5. A name is given to the shortcut in the next window field. By default, it corresponds to the name of the selected file, that is, in our case "Cmd.exe"... This name can be left as it is, but you can also change it by driving in any other. The main thing is that by looking at this name, you understand what exactly this shortcut is responsible for launching. For example, you can enter the expression "Command line"... After the name is entered, press "Done".
  6. The shortcut will be generated and displayed on the desktop. To launch the tool, just double-click on it Paintwork.

    If you want to activate on behalf of the administrator, then you should click on the shortcut PKM and select from the list "Run as administrator".

    As you can see, for activation "Command line" using the shortcut you will have to tinker a little once, but in the future, when the shortcut has already been created, this option for activating the CMD.EXE file will be the fastest and easiest of all the above methods. At the same time, it will allow you to run the tool, both in normal mode and on behalf of the administrator.

There are quite a few launch options "Command line" in Windows 7. Some of them support activation as an administrator, while others do not. In addition, it is possible to run this tool for a specific folder. The best option to always be able to quickly launch CMD.EXE, including on behalf of the administrator, is to create a shortcut on the desktop.

So, the new operating system Windows 10 gives its users. But what about the old proven interfaces that make computer work much easier? For example, through the command line, you can do a lot of operations that are difficult to implement through windows. Naturally, a lot of bug work has gone into Windows 10. The wandering chaos from previous versions of systems, such as the piling up of plates in the Start menu, was stopped. Therefore, it was decided to leave the command line.

Of course, such an interface itself is unusual for a typical user. Nevertheless, it is very convenient to work through the command line, remembering primitive commands. No need to click the mouse, everything is done by hand. And you can do everything faster with your hands if you develop a skill. Now we will tell you how to find the command line in the newest Windows 10 and start working through it.

Instant start

For advanced computer users, hotkeys have been around for a long time. These simple combinations open any applications that do not need to look for a few minutes on windows. In this case, the command line opens by pressing Win + X. You can also easily right-click on the Start menu in Windows 10. A context menu will drop out, in which you should select a special item.

Looking for search

To make it easier to work in Windows 10, there is a special search. Yes, the developers have implemented such a function through the magnifying glass image on the taskbar. The hand just wants to press the attractive icon. Let's do it. A search bar will open in which you need to type: cmd. If you need to run as administrator, which is almost always necessary, then just right-click on the search results and select the appropriate launch.

Familiar windows

In Windows 10, you can't get away from the familiar windowed interface. Actually, the system is based on this principle. Therefore, there is an easy way to launch the command line through the standard explorer. Any folder has a File menu that can be opened with a mouse click. Naturally, an item with the desired name will appear, where you can open the command line, even as an administrator, with one click.

In such simple ways, you can open the command line, so that later it is easy to work through it. How to do it? It is enough to type typical commands on the net. Of course, you won't be able to remember everything right away. But if you train regularly, then after a while your hands will write the necessary commands themselves. After all, the graphical interface not only eats up a huge amount of computer resources, but also loads the human brain with additional information, which is often unnecessary.

The command line in Windows will sooner or later come in handy for every user. Therefore, we will tell you in detail how to call it and apply it in practice. It's easy to feel the benefits of this method of operating system management right away.

How to invoke command line in Windows 7?

In "Seven", as in previous iterations of Windows, the command line is in its usual place (but in Windows 10 it will have to be looked for in a different way). There are several ways to launch, from simple to being able to access the console from any folder. The most memorable one works in the following way:

  • open "Start" -\u003e "All programs";
  • select "Standard", in the list we find "Command line";
  • to run with administrator rights - right-click on the item and select the desired item in the context menu;
  • in order not to search for the command line among programs, you can enter the name into the search and select it among the results.

Create a shortcut to the command line in Windows 7

"Console" is the same program for Windows as any other. It has its own folder and specific location in the Windows / System32 (for 32-bit OS) and Windows / SysWOW64 (in the case of a 64-bit version) directories. Therefore, you can find the command line there, run the cmd.exe process as administrator, as mentioned above, or create a shortcut that will be located in a user-friendly place (for example, on the desktop). Let's do it like this:

  • find the cmd.exe file in the above folders, right-click on it and select “Create shortcut”;
  • move the shortcut to the desktop or drag the cmd.exe file while holding down the right button (it will also create a shortcut);
  • through the context menu go to the properties of the shortcut, below we select the "Advanced" button;
  • in the menu that appears, leave the checkbox opposite the "Run as administrator" item (this will eliminate the need to constantly click on the corresponding item in the context menu).

Command Prompt in Windows 8

The principle of launching the command line in the G8 is the same, and do not be confused by the non-standard tiled interface. In the search window of the initial screen, type the word "command line", then select the program in the results found. The innovations have touched the hotkeys - it is now easy to find the command line in the menu that opens with the Win + X buttons. It is also launched by right-clicking on the start button (you can choose to run with or without superuser rights).

Additional ways to open the command line for all versions of Windows

All the methods of the third point have been carried over to Windows 10, so you should not be afraid of upgrades to this version - it is almost impossible to get confused in it. Any element that the user has difficulty finding is easiest to enter into the search and follow the system prompts. Interestingly, in any version of Windows, the command line can be opened from the folder. This is convenient in that you will not need to follow the specified path with the command, observing the entire intricate address leading to the files. To open the console in the desired folder, right-click on an empty space while holding Shift, and then find the "Command Window" item in the context menu.

Watch a video on how to call and use the command line to manage Windows to finally understand the issue:

The command line is a standard Windows tool that allows you to control a personal computer using text commands rather than a graphical interface. The functionality of windows with convenient buttons and an eye-pleasing design is sometimes not enough, and even a novice user sooner or later comes across the command line. This article describes how to open a folder from the command line and what functions you can perform on it using text commands.

Open command prompt

First you need to launch a command prompt window. This can be done in several ways.

  1. Through the start menu. You need to open the menu and find the "Service" section. Here, double click on the line to launch the application. If you need to run the program as an administrator, then select the appropriate item in the context menu.
  2. Through the search bar. In the search on the taskbar, you can type cmd or "command line", and then right-click on the search result. From the menu, select Run with administrator rights.
  3. The third option is the command in the program application, use the Win + R key combination, and in the line enter cmd and press Enter. The utility will start immediately with administrator rights.

Windows 10 has an extended version of PowerShell, which can be launched in the same ways, only in the case of the Run application, you need to enter powershell.

How do I open a folder on the command line?

Now - to entering commands. To do this, you need to enter cd, put a space and do not press Enter to apply the command. After that, you must register the path to the required directory. For example, to open the System32 folder on the system partition, you must type cd C: / WINDOWS / System32 / and press Enter.

This is how you can open a folder on the command line and navigate directories. To do this, use a number of useful commands:

  • cd .. - go one level higher;
  • cd \\ - go to the root directory of the hard disk;
  • cd / d - change directory or hard disk (or all at the same time).

By remembering these combinations, you can navigate directories and run programs, open files, edit folders, and so on. For help with other useful commands, type help and press Enter.

How to open command prompt in a folder on Windows 10?

In order not to manually write the path to the directory via cmd, you can run the command line already in the folder itself. In this case, the starting point for commands will be the current directory, and you will only have to perform the necessary operations. In the latest update, only the "Open PowerShell window here" option remained in the Windows 10 context menu by default.

To start, you need to go to the folder through the explorer and hold down the Shift key in an empty space, right-click. Select the above mentioned item in the context menu. After that, a command line will appear with a predefined path to the directory.

You can also open PowerShell through Explorer as follows:

  • go to the directory window;
  • click on the "File" button;
  • In the menu that opens, select "Start Windows PowerShell".

Now you know how to open a folder through the command line in Windows and vice versa. Both options are relevant in the latest Windows 10 updates and can be useful to a computer user at any time.

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