How to remove a password from a computer: tips for users. "Global login problems" or "How to remove a password from a computer

For many users, typing a password on a computer during its launch is a procedure that is, as they say, a burden. Someone ignores the recommendations for the safe use of Windows because of bouts of laziness. Other comrades simply do not need to protect their PC with a password and type a symbolic key each time they turn on. Since only they use the computer, and outsiders do not have access to it.

This article will tell you how you can remove a password from a computer in various ways.

Method number 1: setting up an account

1. Press the key combination - "Win" and "R" (simultaneously).

2. In the "Run" line, type the command - control userpasswords2

3. Click "OK".

4. To remove the password at the entrance, in the "Accounts ..." window, by clicking the mouse, select your profile in the "Username" column.

Note. You will not see the panels for the set of credentials, the system will perform authorization automatically.

6. Click the Apply button.

7. In the new window, enter your account login and password twice. Click OK again.

Remember! By removing the password, you give unhindered access to your personal data for unauthorized persons.

Method number 2: change registry settings

Only an experienced user can disable manual password entry through the registry options. Therefore, before you start implementing this method, think carefully about whether you can correctly execute it. Setting the wrong characteristics, entries in the registry can disrupt the operation of the entire operating system and disable it.

Note. You can also create a backup copy of "branches" before editing. In case of an error, using it, you can return the state of the registry settings to their original position.

1. As in method # 1, open the Run panel.

2. Type the directive - regedit. Press Enter.

3. Go to the section:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → Software → Microsoft → Windows NT → CurrentVersion → Winlogon

4. In the Winlogon folder, open the AutoAdminLogon parameter (double-click) and change its parameter to 1.

5. In the DefaultDomainName parameter, enter your account name.

Attention! If this setting is not in the directory, create it: right-click → New → String parameter.

6. Create an entry of type "string parameter" named DefaultPassword. And then set the password for entering the system in it (in the setting value field).

7. Close the editor, restart your PC.

Windows will start without prompting for credentials.

Method number 3: disable at the command line

1. Open the "Start" panel (click the first button on the taskbar).

2. In the search line, enter - CMD.

3. Right-click on the icon of the same name that appears at the top of the panel.

4. In the context menu, run the "Run as administrator" option.

5. Type in the line - net user, press "Enter".

6. Find your account (name) in the list.

7. Run the same command in the format:

If the message "Command completed successfully" appears, you will be able to log into the operating system without logging in.

Method # 4: changing the input setting using the Autologon utility

How to remove password from Windows 10 computer? Knowing this, you can simplify the task of your login.

By default, stationary PCs and laptops on which Windows 10 is installed require a password when enabled for their accounts or local records.

As a rule, this combination of password characters is chosen during system installation to increase the security of confidential information stored on a computer that is open to access by several users at once.

Therefore, if protection gets in the way, and you want to disable the password prompt, you should use one of the options for setting automatic boot of Windows 10 to go directly to the desktop.

Pros and cons of passwordless login

The main advantage of a password-free login is quick access to the system.

No need to remember passwords and waste time entering them; Peach time you turn on your computer, this saves valuable time, and most importantly, you will never lose your password and access to your data.

Among the minuses, it is worth noting the simplification of access to the computer by other people - at home, for example, there may be children.

Remove password

The principles of setting up a logon to Windows 10 are not too different from the actions that are performed in previous versions - Windows 7 and 8.

At the same time, it is recommended to remove the protection of the entire system and individual accounts only in cases where only one person uses the computer.

If there are several users, it is worth leaving passwords on other accounts.

There are two main ways to remove a password in Windows 10:

  • through the register;
  • through accounts.

In addition, the password can be removed not only for the account, but also for the local record. And also - remove a similar function when exiting sleep mode.

Method using accounts

Using Windows 10 accounts is the easiest option to remove your password. The main actions will be as follows:

  • open the "Run" window by pressing the combination Win + R;
  • enter one of the commands in the dialog box - netplwiz or control userpasswords2;
  • press "Enter";

  • select the required user in the account window that opens and uncheck the box for requiring a username and password;
  • click the "Apply" button;

  • in the automatic login window, enter the previously set password twice to confirm your rights to remove it;
  • click "OK".

Advice! After completing all the steps, make sure that the check box on the password requirement has disappeared. You can finally check this by rebooting the system.

Removing the password through the registry

In cases where automatic passwordless login cannot be configured for some reason, you should use the second option - the registry editor.

This requires:

  • open the editor using the "Run" window, called by the Win + R key combination;
  • enter the regedit command;
  • press the enter key;
  • when a window appears asking you to make changes to the system, select the "Yes" option.

  • in the registry go to the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" section;
  • open the subsections SOFTWARE, Microsoft, Windows NT, CurrentVersion and Winlogon one by one;

  • find the DefaultUserName parameter in the right column of the editor, double-click on it and check if the value field contains the name of the account for which the password is being changed;
  • select the parameter called "DefaultPassword" in the same place or create it if it has not been created yet. To do this, press the "Create" button and select the "String parameter" value. Enter the password in the "Value" field;
  • enable the ability to automatically log into the operating system by finding another parameter - "AutoAdminLogon". This value is zero by default, and must be changed to one for passwordless entry.

After restarting your computer, Windows 10 should start without having to enter passwords.

However, because of the complexity of this method and the ability to modify the registry, it is best to use the first technique first.

Disable password for local recording

Using a local account that limits the user's ability, but is often necessary for a work computer, you can also remove the password when logging into Windows.

After that, even the system locked by the Win + L keys does not require a password. All that is required for this:

  • run the command line (requires login through an administrator account);
  • enter the command net users and notice how the username is displayed;
  • repeat the input again using another command - "net user username";
  • press Enter.

After the command prompt is closed, the Windows 10 user is able to log in without using a password.

Many preinstalled operating systems have a default password for authorization. The administrator password is designed to protect data and settings from other computer users. It is sometimes used to prevent access to children. However, if no one uses the device except you or only trusted persons use the device, the Windows password will only interfere. This article is useful for people who are interested in how to remove a password from a computer running Windows 7.

Removing an account password

In order to remove the password for your account, you must perform the following simple sequence of actions:

  • Open the Start menu using the Win button or the corresponding icon on the screen;
  • Open the "Control Panel" windows;
  • Find and open the "User Accounts" category;
  • Select "Remove password";
  • Enter your password and click "OK".

After these manipulations, Windows will not ask for a password when logging in.

Administrator password

Some users who use only one account (often an administrator) face a problem when they forget their password and cannot get into the system in any way. In earlier versions of Windows, this problem could be solved using Safe Mode, but in the G7, Microsoft has fixed the vulnerability.

Now, in order to remove the password, you will need an installation disc or a bootable USB flash drive. If you are the owner of the licensed version, you will probably have a DVD with a system image. If not, then the ISO image can be downloaded on the network and placed on a USB drive. This is done using the command line or special utilities, for example, UNetBootIn. How to do this is best read in the manuals for specific programs.

When the preparatory work is completed, you can take care of the administrator password itself:

  • First you need to insert the USB flash drive into the computer port and turn it on;
  • Now you need to go into BIOS settings and choose to boot from your portable device;
  • When the data from the disk or flash drive is loaded, the Windows installation screen will appear;
  • Select the language (Russian) and click "Next";
  • At the bottom of the window you will see the inscription "System Restore" - click on it;
  • If the machine has several OS installed, select the required one;
  • Then go to item "Command line";
  • In it you need to enter the command "regedit" and press Enter;
  • In the window that opens, select "HkeyLocalMachine";
  • In the top menu, open the "File" item, and in it "Load bush";
  • Specify the path: "C: \\\\ Windows \\ System32 \\ config \\ System" (if your system disk is different, specify it);
  • Enter any name for the section, in the example let's call it "195";
  • Discover "HkeyLocalMachine \\ 195 \\ Setup";
  • Double click on "Cmd Line" and set the value to "Cmd.exe";
  • In the "SetupType" parameter, enter "2" in the same way;
  • Highlight your section "195", open "File" and press "Unload Bush";
  • Close all windows and restart your device.

After restarting the computer, you will see the console, in which you will need to write the command "net user" and then the username and new password. Press Enter and the OS will be turned on. Now that you know your password and can log in, you can delete it using the method indicated at the beginning of the article.

Removing the password when entering Windows 7 is quite simple. This will require a minimum amount of time as well as knowledge. This kind of operation usually takes no more than a couple of minutes.

It can be done in various ways: through a special console, command line, or by dumping these keys from SAM. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Why set a password

It often happens that a PC stores some important and confidential data, access to which should be limited. Microsoft Windows makes it easy to restrict the circle of people who have access to files on the computer by installing a special key. It can be its own for each person, if there are several users.

Also, an access code is required to protect information on a PC to different owners from each other. For example, it is not uncommon for parents to do this so that curious children cannot get acquainted with some information they do not rely on.

Remove the password through the "Run" console

One of the easiest way to disable the entry of an access key on the OS is with the "Run" item. It is quite easy to access it - just click on the "Start" button. Most often, the item in question is present on the right side of the window that opens.

Command entry

To disable the function in question, you must enter a specific command. It will open a special applet to do this.

The process of entering the command itself is as follows:

  • open the menu of the "Start" button;
  • click on the "Run" item;
  • in the field that opens, write "control userpassword2".

After completing these operations, a window titled "User Accounts" will open.

It contains two tabs:

  • "Users";
  • "Additionally".

It is necessary to stop your attention on the first tab. Since it is in it that all account settings are carried out, including changing the login, access key and other attributes. Plus, you can easily add new accounts or delete old ones if you want.

Disable password

To disable Password, just open the corresponding window ("accounts" -\u003e "users"). In it, you must uncheck the box titled "Require username and ...". In this simple way, you can disable the need to enter a Password.

We confirm the user

You can also completely disable the Microsoft Windows login window.

To do this, you need to do the following:

  • in the window called "Accounts", double-click on the desired line (admin, user or something else);
  • click "OK".

A window will open containing three fields. Only the top should be filled in, login is written there. The rest are left blank. After that, click on "OK" again. After performing these operations, when you start Microsoft Windows, you will not need to enter Password. Which is quite convenient if only one person has physical access to the PC.

video: Password reset

Remove password when Windows starts without programs

Also, Password in the operating system in question can be unstuck without using the "Run" item, as well as various kinds of third-party applications. To do this, just use a special command line. In this way, you can avoid the need to enter a Password when you turn on the computer, as well as when it wakes from sleep mode.

Command line configuration

In order to configure the command line, you must use the disk with the Windows distribution. This method of setting and resetting the access code is suitable if it is forgotten, and otherwise it is not possible to start the OS.

First of all, it is necessary to install the boot from a CD or other device containing the distribution kit through Bios. After that, you should reboot and start the installation.

After that, the following actions are performed:

  1. CmdLine - enter cmd.exe;
  2. SetupType - replace parameter 0 with 2;
  • select section 999 and click "Unload bush";
  • extract the distribution and reboot the PC.

Reset password and login

After loading the operating system, the user will immediately see a command prompt window. To reset the password, enter the following command: net user username

If, for some reason, User has forgotten the name of the account, then you can simply write net user without parameters. This will display all available titles and select the required one.

If the new Password is not supposed to be used, then it is sufficient to leave the field blank.

If you need to enter a new one, the command will look like this: drive name: Windowssystem32net user username new-key.

It is also often required to create a new account without an access key.

To do this, you must execute the following commands in strict order:

These commands perform operations in strict order:

  1. creating a new User;
  2. adding it to the Administrator working group;
  3. removal from the Users group.

The considered reset method is quite complicated, but quite feasible even for not very experienced PC owners.

Method for resetting key data from SAM file

There are many different ways to reset your login code. But all of them only change the information stored in a special file called SAM in various ways. It is he who is used by the OS to place data concerning both User and Password in it. This abbreviation name stands for Security Account Manager.

The file in question has no extension, since it simply does not need it. It is a direct part of the registry, located in the directory systemrootsystem32config... Also, a copy of the file in question is available on the rescue disk, if this function for some reason has not been disabled earlier.

Editing this file to change the operating system login parameters is the most difficult path. To work with SAM, you need specialized software from third parties. All SAM operations must be performed with the utmost care and accuracy.

How it works

The most popular application for changing data in a SAM file is the active password changer. Before starting work, you need to copy the application to some medium or another FAT32 hard drive.

After completing this operation, you must:

  1. run the file from the password folder "BootableDiskCreator";
  2. in the window that opens, select "Add USB ...";
  3. activate the button "Start".

After completing all the above steps, a bootable USB flash drive will be created.

The process of changing data using the application in question looks like this:

This way of working with accounts and their attributes is as secure as possible. Since it avoids editing the registry and other manual operations. This is sometimes difficult for not very experienced users who started working with their PCs relatively recently. The probability of harming the operating system in this case is practically zero.

Another important advantage of this program is the ability to set a schedule for using a PC by separate accounts.

The disadvantages include the fact that some outdated motherboard models do not support starting from a USB drive. In such a situation, you have to look for some alternative options: floppy disk, CD, or something else.

Quite often, especially with beginners, situations arise when the combination of characters required to enter the OS is forgotten or lost for other reasons. There are many ways out of such a difficult situation; system reinstallation is not always required. Moreover, any computer owner who has minimal skills in interacting with this type of equipment can cope with resetting the OS access code.


More and more users are buying laptops with installed. Along with the increasing popularity of this system, the number of questions related to the use of the new Windows interface increases. In this article, we will answer one of such questions, namely, how to disable the password in Windows 8.

How to turn off Windows 8 password prompt

There are several ways to disable password in Windows 8. The first option that we will consider is disabling the password prompt on system boot.

Open the Windows 8 start screen and enter the netplwiz command.

After that, the operating system finishes searching - run the netplwiz program.

In the window that opens, you need to uncheck the box next to the "Require username and password" function. When you close the window, the system will ask you to enter the current account.

After these steps, we restart the computer. After a reboot, the operating system will no longer require a password. Your account will be logged in automatically.

This method does not delete the password, but only disables its request when the computer starts. In other situations, for example when changing user, you will have to enter a password.

How to disable password in Windows 8 completely

In order to completely disable the password in Windows 8, you need to delete it. To do this, open the Windows 8 start screen and launch the Windows settings interface by clicking on the link "Changing computer settings"

In the window that opens, open the "Accounts" section, and then "Login Options".

In the window that opens, click on the "Change" button in the "Password" section.

After that, you need to enter your current password and click on the "Next" button. The last step is the "Change Password" window.

Here you need to leave all fields empty, to do this, just click on the "Next" button. Everything, after that the password will be completely removed, and you can use the account without entering a password.

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