I crushed the screen of the phone what to do. The smartphone screen crashed: ah! what to do

It’s hard for a person today to imagine life without a mobile phone. Without this device, we do not leave home, it accompanies us everywhere and is exposed to various risks. Very often, when carelessly using smartphones, cracks appear in front of the panel, as this is a very fragile part. The glass on the smartphone has cracked - what should I do if the sensor works at the same time? Can I fix it? These are the first questions that arise for each of us in the event of a nuisance. We will answer them in the article below.

Why does my smartphone screen not work?

The most famous reason for this is mechanical damage. What they don’t do with mobile phones - they drop them, sit on them, attack, put heavy objects, throw them on the wall. And if the owner carries his phone in the back pocket of his pants, then the likelihood of damaging the screen increases significantly. The only way out of this situation is to replace the display.

A very common problem is the flooding of the gadget with liquid. In this case, you should immediately contact a specialist. Only a competent master after drying and diagnostics will answer the question of whether it can be repaired.

Important! The problem of recessed gadgets is discussed in more detail by our specialists in a separate article.

Not in all cases the owner is to blame. There are a number of problems with the displays of touch phones that are independent of the host, namely:

  • Only a white screen is displayed on the phone. In this case, there may be problems such as a faulty controller on the board, the cable is damaged, the program has failed, or the display needs to be replaced.
  • The display lights up in blue - this is a problem with either the controller or the screen itself.
  • A ripple appeared on the screen - the controller is defective or a screen replacement is required.
  • The picture is distorted, the image appears or disappears - the loop is defective.
  • The picture is poorly visible, but the screen works in this case - in most cases this indicates a malfunction of the backlight circuit.

Important! Do not delay the trip to the service center if you notice any malfunctions in the operation of the screen of your gadget. The faster you do this, the easier it will be to restore your phone. If, according to the results of the diagnostics, it turned out that the repair would be unprofitable, we suggest immediately looking at the optimal model for the purchase. Our reviews will help you with this:

Temporary solutions

If the cracks on the screen are not very large, you can try to fix the situation yourself. The options below are suitable only if the functionality of the gadget is not broken, that is, the sensor works:

  • Try to gently polish the crack with a special tool such as or an emery cloth of very fine grain.
  • As a temporary solution - or that “shake” the screen in its current state and do not allow the crack to grow in size.

Touch Screen Replacement

Touchscreen phones have become very popular as they are easy to use. A touch screen or touchscreen is part of modern smartphones that lends itself to the greatest vulnerability. It is usually made of fragile glass or plastic, which can easily be broken, poured, scratched. If the glass cracked on the smartphone - what should I do? Do not worry! Replacing the touchscreen is not so difficult, and it will take a little time.

Important! Touchscreens that are completely broken and do not work cannot be repaired! Be extremely careful with them.

Touch screen replacement required:

  • There are cracks on it.
  • The touchscreen does not respond to touch or does what it pleases.
  • The smartphone freezes when pressed.

Important! The sensor is made of several active layers - if one of them is damaged, the touchscreen will not work. Very often, if the screen does not respond to touch, it is necessary to replace the glass, not the screen. In most cases, this will be much cheaper.

If the image has become blurry, it is not fully displayed, blackouts appear or the image is not visible at all, you need to change the entire screen.

Do not try to fix the phone yourself - if the glass on the smartphone is cracked, use the services of specialists. When replacing the glass, original parts should be supplied, not Chinese ones, since the second ones break very often, after which it is almost impossible to repair the phone. Also, the service center will provide you with a guarantee on the part that you have been supplied with and the work performed by them.

Should I change the screen myself?

If you are a jack of all trades, you can try replacing the screen yourself. For this you will need: a new display and special screwdrivers.

To get started, turn off the mobile device and remove the battery and SIM cards from it, select the screwdrivers suitable for your phone. Next, use step-by-step instructions that are suitable for your phone model, as different models have different nuances - you can find them on the Internet.

Many of us are faced with a situation where one awkward movement caused a crack on the screen of your phone. Fortunately, there is a quick and easy way to stop the crack from growing on the phone screen. Best of all, for this purpose, use materials that you probably have at home, or even among what you carry with you every day, in your bag.

Of course, it is best, in general, not to fall or use a shockproof bumper case for the phone. This will help you avoid many unpleasant situations with damage to the glass or the case of the smartphone. However, what should I do if a crack still appears? How to prevent further cracking of the touchscreen?

The magic ingredient to stop cracking a small screen is cyanoacrylate. Cyanoacrylate is a fast-acting adhesive that forms strong transparent bonds with glass and plastics. It can be found in super glue, glue for nails and clear nail polish. Once you find any of this list, stopping the crack from spreading on the phone screen will be easy:

  • Wipe the surface of your smartphone from dust or debris, being careful not to press too hard and make the crack bigger
  • Apply a small amount of super glue to a toothpick or any other object that has a sharp tip. With a light touch, gently apply it to the crack
  • Tilt the phone in different directions to help the glue penetrate deeper into the crack. Then remove excess using a paper towel or cloth.
  • Allow the glue to dry completely before using the phone again

Fixing a cracked phone screen using cyanoacrylate is not an ideal solution. The method is less effective for significant damage, and repairs are likely to be noticeable even on a small crack. There is also the very real possibility that attempting any kind of home repair will invalidate your warranty. However, if you are looking for a quick solution, this is a great way to slow down the spread of cracks on the screen and extend the life of your phone.

Alternatively, you may consider replacing your screen at a service center. And sometimes it’s better just to admit defeat and move on. For many, a cracked screen on an old telephone is a clear sign that the time has come for something new. You can sell your old phone even if it has a cracked screen. The proceeds will make the purchase of a new smartphone less burdensome for your budget.

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Tablet PCs continue to recapture their market share from conventional desktops and laptops. Still, this gadget is thin, light, easy to learn and everyday use. The moment has already come when there are users who do not have a home computer, no laptop, only a tablet. Of course, the usage scenarios for such people are not very complicated - web surfing, social networks, instant messengers, casual games.

For such tasks, the "tablet" is enough with the head, the computer in this case will be an excess. But what if the glass on the tablet is cracked?

Causes of the problem

The situation is actually quite common - as we wrote above, the gadget is thin and light, and therefore fragile. It’s easier to damage the display on it in a variety of ways, let's list some situations in which this can happen:

This is not the whole list of possible reasons why the screen of your favorite device can go cracked and turn the joy of its everyday use into anger at the carelessness of others or yourself. Nevertheless, these are the most common cases, according to the statistics of service centers.

What to do?

So, what should you do if the tablet falls and the screen cracks?

Carry it to a service center. You will not find in this material detailed instructions for replacing a broken display in a tablet. As a rule, such a procedure differs even within the model range of one manufacturer, not to mention different ones. In addition, this process is far from as simple as it may seem to an inexperienced user from the outside.

A user who ventured to repair a broken tablet screen on his own may encounter such main pitfalls:

  • Lack of experience. The replacement process is quite complicated - you need to peel off the protective glass from the matrix. In some models, they represent a single module, in some - not. Well, if only the protective glass broke, and the matrix remained intact, but if the repairman does not have enough experience and the necessary equipment (and often, those who repair “on the knee” have the equipment as well), then you may immediately encounter the need to change and the matrix damaged during glass replacement.
  • The availability of the necessary parts is also important. Especially if it happens in not the largest cities. Buying a protective layer, touchscreen or matrix in this case becomes even more difficult. You can, of course, order everything you need via the Internet, but there are nuances - to order, you need to know what to order, and this is not always obvious. It happens that on the same model of the tablet in different batches different touch glasses are installed, often incompatible with each other. Sometimes it is possible to solve the digitizer problem, sometimes not. But what and how to sew, you also need to know what brings us back to the first point - the lack of experience.

Therefore, if you have any trouble with the screen of your tablet, the best way would be to contact a service center.

This is especially important if the device is still under warranty. If you try to repair it yourself, you will definitely lose the right to warranty service. Of course, a broken screen is rarely recognized as a warranty case, but you will still have insurance in case of any other possible problems with the device.

In addition, it is always easier to prevent a problem than to dissolve its consequences later. Therefore, we strongly recommend using covers for your gadgets, preferably with a hard protective surface on the display side. Another good option would be a protective film or recently received widespread protective glass (ultra-thin strong glass that sticks to the display like).

According to the same statistics of service centers, protective films often help much better than covers, as they give the screen additional strength. Another useful tip: just be careful yourself when handling a fragile device, and demand this from those to whom you give it in your hands.

In general, take care of your gadget, and it will last you a long time. We hope that after reading this material you will use your tablets more carefully, purchase protective accessories for them and never run into the problem of a broken screen. And if you share this article with your friends, they will also be able to protect their devices and will certainly be grateful to you. Stay with us!

Video on what to do if the glass on the tablet is cracked:

Ilya Burenin Pupil (186) 1 year ago

The display is that part on which the image is displayed, it is the display that displays information and makes it visible to you. If the display crashes, it is easy to understand - you either do not see anything, or you see stains and black blots or uneven stripes.
Touchscreen is a touch glass. The essence of the touchscreen is the same - you touch it with your finger to trigger a particular function, or to perform some action. If the touchscreen is broken, it is also easy to understand. Cracks are superficial, you can feel them with your finger, the sensor can lose sensitivity.
The term "glass" is relevant for those phones that do not have a touchscreen, and their display is not protected by touch glass.
Remember: if your phone has touch control, then there is no separately taken glass in it. There is no glass protecting the touchscreen. It can neither be bought nor installed. The touchscreen is a single indivisible whole. AND...

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Often during careless handling of touch phones or tablets, cracks or the so-called "cobwebs" appear on the front panel of the device after unwanted contact with asphalt or other solid objects. Here we will try to explain what to do and how to understand what broke.

1. Cracks appeared on the front. Is it possible to replace it?

Often we are mistaken in thinking that the front of the device and the sensor are two different parts. This is not true. The front end in touch phones is the touch glass itself (touchscreen). There are cases when after the fall the touchscreen continued to work, although it had visible damage. But, as a rule, spontaneous clicks, an incorrect reaction to touch, or a complete inoperability appear over time. If your front part crashes (also called a protective glass, not to be confused with a protective glass that is glued instead of a film), then you will have to change the touchscreen (sensor),.

2. Sensor broken, but display ...

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For a long time, films were the most popular means of protecting a phone’s display. At a time when the touchscreens were still resistive, the plastic top layer was quickly wiped off, scratches were collected on it, and if it falls, the sensor can be damaged and become unusable. However, the film is scratched, it does not have 100% transparency, impairing visibility, and the finger on it does not always slide well. With the advent of thin and transparent tempered glasses, as well as the development of oleophobic coating technology, protective glass began to be offered as an alternative to films. According to their manufacturers, such coatings save the screen from scratches and bumps. But do I need a protective glass on the phone? Learn this will help the material.

A bit of physics

Tempered glass is an ordinary glass that has undergone physico-chemical treatment. In the manufacturing process, it is subjected to high temperature heating, and also etched in special reagents. During processing changes ...

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Apple has developed and released a great digital device - the iPhone. With multi-functional capabilities and sleek design, these portable mobile devices have won the attention of many users in the world. Thanks to high-quality components and high-tech assembly, iPhone communicators are reliable and long-term operation. But such digital devices are not immune from mechanical damage that entails various deformations. Particularly vulnerable parts of the communicator are the case and the screen. If an accident happened with your computer satellite and the iPhone screen crashed, the PDA Center service center will solve this problem and replace the iPhone screen of all models. The PDA Center company carries out repair of mobile devices of any manufacturers of portable computer tools. A special column of the company is the repair of Apple phones, since this procedure requires special qualifications. IPhone Communicator Screen ...

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Good day.

I dropped the phone, the protective glass cracked (I think the display itself is intact, because the shadows from cracks are visible on the display itself, the display works fine, there are no idle pixels, the screen responds very well to taps across its entire area). An authorized service center claims that you still need to change the display, because This protective glass is included in the video module, and this is 50% + of the cost of the phone. He spoke the truth on the phone, because the service center is far enough

I repaired push-button telephones, it would have just been decided to replace the front panel or the case, but I didn’t have to deal with touch-sensitive ones, I did not find the service manual for this phone (DNS S4704), I tried to disassemble it, but when the front panel was disconnected, it started to crumble and the protective glass cracked, so I did not, until there are no accessories.

Questions (if someone came across similar)
  1. Is it really ...

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Many people are interested in the question of how to protect the smartphone screen from damage. Defects on the display occur for a variety of reasons - these are random strokes, shocks, falling onto a hard surface, and carrying a smartphone in one pocket with coins and keys. Of course, the owner of any device, even a top-end device, even a simple entry-level smartphone, would like the screen surface to remain smooth and smooth for as long as possible, there would be no scratches and cracks, chips and scuffs on it.

Defects in the display occur for a variety of reasons.

Someone will say that it is enough to stick a protective film on the display. Alas, it does not always live up to the hopes placed on it. And then tempered glass comes to the rescue.

Tempered glass: what is it?

It is made of chemically treated tempered glass and several times thicker than the traditional protective film. On sale you can find glass whose thickness is ...

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Buying even an inexpensive smartphone, you should buy accessories to protect it from damage. It is especially necessary to protect the screen of the smartphone, because if it is damaged, we will lose the opportunity to use the device.

To protect the screen of the smartphone, most of us acquire a special film. And this is the right purchase, the screen in the protective film is scratched less, the risk of breaking it is also reduced. But there is another type of screen protection - glass.

Advantages of protective glass:

Its resistance to mechanical damage is much higher than that of films. You can even try to scratch the best quality glass with a knife or scissors, and there will be no residue on it. Also, the protective glass significantly reduces the risk of damage to the screen during shock loads.

The protective glass lasts much longer than the protective film.

Protective glass holds much better than a similar film.

Disadvantages of protective glass:

The price of such glass is higher than the film, ...

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Technological progress does not stand still: phones that previously could only make calls today combine a huge number of functions, without which we can’t imagine our life. A huge number of accessories are sold to our “favorites”: covers, protective glasses and films, plugs for the headphone slot, pendants - there is nothing to list. Some of this is just decoration, some is a necessity. The latter also includes a protective glass on the phone. How to glue and what functions does it perform? And is it really necessary?

Why is it necessary?

Before you figure out how to properly glue the protective glass to the phone, you should understand why it is needed at all. In its functions, glass is the same as film, but the latter can protect the screen only from scratches, in the event of a fall, the probability of a happy outcome is very small. Those glasses that are commercially available are tempered, so if the phone is in danger of breaking it, the whole blow will take on itself ...

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Despite the fact that modern phones have long been equipped with reliable and durable displays, I still want to somehow secure my device. However, over-accuracy wakes up to all new things. Only after a while, when they get used to them a little, they begin to love them less. So with smartphones. Time passes - and they are already thrown, but not put, often sit down and put cups of coffee. But that's all later.

And now the brand new device has just been taken out of the box, it should be protected from all sorts of dangers. To do this, a cover is put on the case, and a protective glass or film is glued to the display. Which is better from them, it is necessary to understand below.

What is a protective film?

No need to consider the film for the screen as some kind of high-tech product. They learned how to produce plastic for a long time, just for such purposes it was not needed. Films usually have three layers, and the topmost layer provides protection. The middle layer should absorb ...

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Protecting the display of a mobile device is something that many users are interested in. Any mechanical damage to the screen can be accompanied by very serious problems. There can be both small freezes in the sensor operation, and the screen module can completely fail. Therefore, it is recommended to apply a protective coating on each model. It provides cellular protection in a variety of conditions. However, when buying safety glass, certain recommendations must be followed. In our article you will learn how to choose a protective glass on your smartphone.

What is a protective glass

The protective coating is made of specialized “tempered glass”. And it is pretreated with chemical compounds. When compared with an ordinary film, it can be understood that the device with a protective glass is several times thicker, which indicates its reliability.

Before choosing a protective glass, you should learn a little about the features of this protection ...

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Before sticking the protective film, let's figure it out: Do I need a protective film on my smartphone?
There is no exact answer, but let's try to figure it out.
Roughly speaking, you can divide smartphones into two types: smartphones with a plastic display or tempered glass.

  The first ones, for the sake of economy, use the usual cheap plastic on the displays, which is easily scratched and literally in a week you will notice that the smartphone’s screen is micro-scratched.

The latter use tempered glass, which is not so easy to scratch, but it is possible.
As already clear, in the first case, a protective film is necessary to maintain the normal look of the smartphone. In the second case, the protective film, imho, is not needed.

Protective film (protective film) is a thin polymer coating (transparent) on one side is covered with glue. Usually come with two glued extra. layers that you must peel off before you stick the protective film on your ...

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I always glued a matte film, I like it by touch and there are no blocks. Husband gave a new phone and set the glass. Phew. Do not like it at all. The video is bad, fingerprints, now you need to constantly. I'm crazy. I'm afraid to tear off so as not to damage the glass. I am tormented.
I don’t know what kind of glass you glued, maybe it happens differently, a year ago I bought a new phone and I was immediately offered to stick glass-350 UAH in the salon then it was very happy, I don’t even notice it, not that it somehow interferes, who does not know, will not even understand when the phone will be examined, that the glass is glued and everything is clearly visible on the phone, there was a film on the old phone, and this is where the hemorrhagic is, you need to periodically glue it on a new one, because over time it gets rubbed, scratched, bubbles start to go and the look becomes shabby: and the glass is as new something more than ...

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If you ask about “protective glass for a smartphone”, then you will unanimously say “Gorilla glass” and you will be absolutely right - “there is such a letter in this word”, this is what Leonid Yakubovich said. But the fact is that Gorilla glass safety glasses are used mainly in mobile devices (mainly smartphones) and are not sold separately. And as practice shows, damaging the screen of a smartphone (even if it is protected by a "gorilla") is not so difficult - just scratch it with something more durable (a ring with a broomstick, grains of sand in your pocket, etc.). And so what to do? Is it possible to change the screen every time it is covered with "cobwebs" from a pair of grains of sand in your pocket or will it land inaccurately from a seemingly small height?

One of the most reliable options is the use of films or protective glasses. For a number of reasons, we don’t really like films, so today we will talk about protective glasses - for example, Mamoru Shield glass.

Broken screen - perhaps the most common ...

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Cracked screen on touchscreen phone - what to do?

According to statistics, cracks that appeared on the screen as a result of not too careful handling of mobile gadgets are the most common reason for contacting repair shops. And this is not surprising, because the display is the notorious Achilles heel for anyone, even the most expensive and famous mobile phone. What to do if the screen cracked on the touchscreen phone, let's sort it out together. It is better not to take risks and immediately replace it https://meizu.telemama.ru/zamena-stekla-na-meizu-mx.html

What to do if the phone screen is cracked?

So, there is a problem - after a crash, cracks appeared on the screen of the mobile phone. How to act in this situation and how dangerous are they both for the phone itself and for its owner? It all depends on the degree of damage received. For example, if there are one or two cracks, and they do not interfere with the normal operation of the mobile gadget, it is quite possible to do with half measures - stick on top of the screen ...

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A modern smartphone is a fragile thing, especially its screen. The tempered glass that covers the displays for protection is almost not afraid of scratches and light bumps somewhere in the middle. But from landing on a hard surface, and even if the smartphone hits an angle or the edge of the screen, then it’s easy to break it. Sometimes only glass cracks, while the display itself continues to show the picture normally, and sometimes the image disappears. In some cases, the sensor maintains its working state, and in some cases it stops responding to the finger.

There are several options for damage, and what to do if a smartphone screen is broken depends on the type and scale of these damage. Therefore, we will try to figure out what's what, and draw up a further procedure. It should be noted right away: if certain parts of the display do not work, you don’t need to try to make him react to his fingers, increasing the force of pressing. After all, this way you can cut yourself into a chip or drive small pieces of glass into the skin.

What to do if the screen and sensor work

If the smartphone’s screen is broken, but it continues to show a picture, and the sensor responds to fingers, there are two options. If the device does not have an air gap between the screen and the sensor, it means only the glass is damaged, and the touchscreen remains intact. This design is found in almost all smartphones, more expensive than $ 160-200, for example, in the iPhone. The second option is when there is an air gap. Then the sensor can be considered broken, but only its glass base is damaged, and the invisible sensor layer of the conductors remains intact.

In the first case, the problem is eliminated by plywood glass to a new one. You can’t do it on your own, since you need to disassemble the phone and heat it in a special installation in order to peel the broken glass off the screen. Not all services carry out such a procedure (an experienced master is needed here), but if you find a specialist, you can save. The repair cost is usually from $ 15 to $ 100 (depending on the smartphone, as well as your country and city). Savings can be significant, because the original display on the same iPhone 6 with a replacement service can cost up to $ 150, and the glass itself can cost only 50. Therefore, if the glass is broken on the screen of a new smartphone, but everything works, and the master still says that a replacement is required for about $ 200 - you can try to find another master who will change only broken glass. True, this is not always possible.

If the display with an air gap (in this case, when pressed near the crack, the glass bends), then the sensor will have to be changed. However, it is already easier, much more masters are capable of making repairs normally. The price of replacing a touchscreen for a very popular or budget smartphone is from $ 10 to $ 30, plus the cost of work (for example, in Ukraine - from 150 to 500 UAH, in Russia - from 1000 rubles). But for a rare model (for which spare parts are not mass produced) - it may turn out to be twice as expensive.

What to do if the screen is broken and it does not work

If the screen is broken and after that it either does not show (there are dark spots or patches filled with multi-colored patterns), or does not respond to the finger - everything is more complicated. For models without an air gap under the sensor, you will have to change the entire display assembly. The issue price depends on the model. For example, if you broke iPhone 5S, you need to get ready to shell out about $ 30-50 (the original screen is 1.5-2 times more expensive than a copy). On Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 or Meizu M3, repair costs from $ 25 to $ 60 (also depends on the original spare part or copy), and on the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge - all 300.

For smartphones with an air gap under the touchscreen (which is most Chinese-made devices, priced at less than $ 120-130, and some models are more expensive), you can replace only the part that does not work. The price of the issue depends on the quality of the screen that happened to break, and the complexity of the work. Only a replacement screen will cost from 25 to 50 dollars, and only a sensor will be slightly cheaper. The popularity of the device also matters: for example, on the GSmart Mika M2, which cost about $ 100, the price of the assembled screen is about $ 50, and on the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro for $ 150 - from $ 20 (excluding the wizard).

Due to the strong spread of prices in different workshops and service centers, if you have broken your phone, we recommend google adequate prices before going to the master. You can do this simply by request like “replacement / repair / screen price [your smartphone model]”. By comparing the offers of several services, you can determine where they call you a really favorable cost of services, and where - they just want to make money on a girl who accidentally crashed a smartphone, who is not familiar with the intricacies of electronics repair.

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