Change the Windows 10 account name. Change the Windows username

Microsoft designs its operating systems so that multiple users can use a single PC. And so that they do not interfere with each other and have the opportunity to protect their personal data, an account system has been implemented. Each of them has its own unique name and a personal folder in which all personal information is stored. This article describes how change username and change the name your account folders in Windows 10.


Before changing your operating system configurations, it is always recommended to create a restore point... This is a backup of all Windows 10 settings and is saved to your hard drive. If something goes wrong, you can easily run System Restore.

Also follows make a backup all data in your account folder: documents, photos, desktop content. Just copy them to a separate directory on disk.

How to change the name for your Microsoft account

In Windows 10, as in 8.1, users can create both a local (regular) account and connect the system to their shared Microsoft account. All parameters of this account are changed on a special website. To rename such an account, follow the instructions provided:

Note that you cannot rename the name of your folder this way.

Local account

If you use to log into Windows 10 the usual accounting, you can easily change its parameters in the system settings:

Here you can change Password to sign in (or create one if you don't already have one).

How to rename a personal folder

Windows 10 does not have a dedicated interface for changing the name of your personal folder. If you need to do this, the easiest way is create a new account with the required name and transfer all your information on him:

After that it will be recognized new account and new personal folder... You can use them as the main ones by copying everything you need.

Remember that if you just rename the directory in Windows Explorer, nothing will work correctly.

To change its name, you need to edit the system registry. This can damage your operating system.

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Greetings! Today's article is from the series "every owner of a smartphone from Apple should know this." I would even say, I just have to. Why? Because knowing how to correctly change the Apple ID or iCloud account on the iPhone can be useful to you almost always. And even if it is not necessary now, it will be needed someday ... Believe me, my little personal experience. Believe me, believe me, it won't be superfluous! :)

In general, as a rule, for the time being, the user does not even think about this operation. Doesn't the smartphone work? Works! Are there any problems? It seems to be not! Then why bother with any settings at all? But nothing lasts forever and all sorts of things can happen. What kind? There are a lot of examples.

  • Sale of the device.
  • Buying a new or not new gadget.
  • Someone knows your Apple ID, password, iCloud - the surest way to protect yourself, completely change your account.
  • Just start your iPhone life from scratch :)

In general, it is clear that the job is necessary. So let's learn how to completely log out of the Apple ID and iCloud accounts linked to the iPhone, and log in with new data. Forward!:)

Important! It is necessary to understand that for those people who, for some reason, do not know (do not remember) the password and login of the identifier, this method will not work, they should do it.

How to change iCloud on iPhone

Since iCloud is a more important account (here is the Find iPhone function, etc.), let's start with it. Briefly on the points:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. We are looking for the iCloud menu item and go into it.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and see the line "Exit".
  4. Click and meet the first warning: "If you sign out of your account, all photos in Photo Stream and iCloud Drive stored in iCloud will be deleted from this iPhone." What does it mean? This means that when you change your iCloud account, the above data associated with it will be deleted from the iPhone. No need to worry, they will remain in the "cloud" itself and you can access them from We agree with this.
  5. The second warning pops up - "All iCloud notes will be deleted from the iPhone." Relevant for those who have used the note application and with cloud storage, computer, etc. Again, you need to understand that they are not completely deleted, access to them will remain through the site.
  6. Another question - "What do you want to do with calendars, Safari data, contacts and reminders?" I choose to leave on this iPhone. In which case, you can remove them yourself later.
  7. We are offered to enter the password from iCloud - we do it. That's it, we're signed out on this iPhone.
  8. Entering new data - iCloud changed.

2 ways to change Apple ID

Now you can change the second identifier on the iPhone - Apple ID. There are two ways here:

  • In the case when you have already logged out of iCloud (how to do it - described above), then you can simply and then it will be completely new and clean "like from a factory". Naturally, no information will remain on it! Next, just an Apple ID account and indicate it directly.
  • Or change Apple ID through the menu. Conveniently, in this case all games, applications, music, ringtones, etc. will remain on the device. downloaded using the previous account.

How to do it?

As you can see, all manipulations take place exclusively in the settings and do not take much time.

Despite the fact that I tried to describe the process of replacing accounts on the iPhone as detailed as possible, it may well be that something remained incomprehensible. Can? Of course! Therefore, we are not shy and write our questions in the comments - I will try to answer everyone.

P.S.S. Okay, you can do without "likes" - that's me, just kidding :) Although, frankly, I would be very pleased to see such activity from you. Thank you!

Hello, today I will show you how to change or rename username on windows 10.

There are a lot of reasons. From common antipathy to necessity before selling a computer. First you need to decide which account you are interested in.

There are two: a local account and a Microsoft account.

Local accountingIs an account used only on your PC.

Microsoft accountIs the entry you use on all types of Windows operating systems. If you have already decided and asked the question "how to rename a user in windows 10", let's get started.
First, we'll look at local recording. To change your username, you need:

  • Call the Run dialog. Press the key combination Win + R. A small window will appear in the lower left corner.
  • In the window that appears, enter the command "control"
  • The Control Panel will open. Find the "User Accounts" sector, and go to "Change the type of account", which is located below.

  • Select and click on the windows 10 administrator whose name you want to change.

  • In this window, click on "Change Account".

  • Here you can change the name of the account. Enter the new username in the special field and click Rename.

This is how you can change your username.

The second is to consider changing your account.

When asked how to change your username in windows 10, they often mean changing your Microsoft account name. You will need an internet connection here.

  • Go to the official website of the company.
  • Log in to your account in windows 10 by entering your username and password. Then go to the "Account" tab
  • Just below your photo, on the left, you will see a Change Name hyperlink. Click.

  • Enter your First and Last Name. Click "Save".

  • Many people ask: "how do I change my account? How do I change my account?" In Windows 10 there is no special algorithm for renaming your personal folder. The only way to do this is create a new account with the desired name and transfer all files:
    Open the Start menu.
  • Click on the "Options" section.

  • Go to the "Accounts" category.

  • Select the tab "Family and other users" (It's on the left). And click on the "plus" in the "Other Users" category.
  • Click on "I do not have login details for this person" below.

The question of how to change the username in Windows 10 we get asked very often. This means changing the name of the directory in which all your data is stored, and the name of the account itself. Below we will just touch on this issue - step-by-step instructions and a video are at your service.

But why do you need to change your username at all? There are actually 2 main reasons:

  • programs located in the home directory (just in the folder whose name we will change) may not work well with Cyrillic characters in the path to their files;
  • the user simply does not like the name of his account and, accordingly, the directory. A person could come up with a name and then want to change it.

Remember: sometimes such actions can lead to serious failures in the OS and even the impossibility of authorization in it. Follow our instructions exactly to avoid mistakes. Everything described below was tested on a computer and laptop with Windows 10 installed. Moreover, this method worked perfectly not only with a local account, but also with a Microsoft account.

Consider the algorithm for changing the name of the Windows 10 account. To do this, at the very beginning, we will need to add another user account to the OS.

  1. We may not even create a new account, but use a hidden one. To do this, you need to open a command line with superuser rights. Open the system search (by clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the left half of the taskbar) and enter the cmd operator in the marked line. Next, click on the result indicated in the screenshot with the right mouse button and click "Run as administrator".

  1. We enter the entry in the black window: net user Administrator / active: yes and press enter. If you have a non-Russian edition of Windows 10 or the language was installed additionally, then enter Administrator instead of "Administrator".

  1. The system will notify us that the command was completed successfully, and we move on. Now you need to exit Windows. To do this, open the "Start" menu, click on the user icon (indicated in the screenshot by the number "2"), and then click on "Exit".

  1. Now click on the entry that appears, highlighting it, and then select "Login".

Attention: in some cases, in order for the administrator account to appear, you need to restart your computer or laptop.

  1. Start the "Computer Management" tool by right-clicking on the "Start" button.

  1. We go along the path "Local users and groups", then "Users". We make a right click on the name of the account that needs to be renamed, and select the desired item in the context menu.

  1. Enter a new name, then press Enter.

  1. Open Registry Editor. To do this, run the "Run" utility (press Win + R at the same time) and enter the word regedit in the window that appears. Next, click "OK".

  1. When the registry editor opens, follow the path indicated by the number "1". Then we will need to determine to which of the records the account that we are renaming belongs to. To do this, click on each item in turn until you find the desired name in the right editor window.

  1. When the desired item is found, double-click the left mouse button to open the ProfileImagePath key and rename it (use the same name that you entered when renaming the folder).

After you log out of the administrator account and return to your account, its name, including the folder, should be renamed.

Attention: after all the necessary changes have taken effect, disable the superuser account by activating the command line with administrator privileges and entering the operator: net user Administrator / active: no.

How to change your username on Windows 10 Home

The variant that we described above is not suitable for the home version of the Ten. You will have to act a little differently with her.

Let's consider how exactly:

  1. In the same way as in the case of Windows 10 Pro, activate an account with superuser privileges through the command line and log in under it.
  2. Rename the user's folder, exactly as it was done when working with the professional "Ten". Change the name of the registry key responsible for your Windows account in the same way.
  3. Then select the root directory (with the computer icon) in the registry editor, use the "Edit" - "Find" menu and enter the query C: \\ Users \\ Old_directory_name.

  1. Rename all found results with a new name and click "Find Next" until the old records remain.

  1. When the process of renaming old entries is over, close the registry editor and log out of the administrator account by returning to your main account.

Note: we used this algorithm in just installed Windows 10. If we apply it to a system that has been used for some time, errors may occur with the operation of applications registered in the system.

Above we figured out how to change your Windows 10 username. If you have any questions, you can leave them in the comments. We or other users will help you with the answer.

How to Rename User Folder in Windows 10 - video

It is no secret that the so-called user account, which he creates when registering on the official website of the corporation, plays a significant role. However, let's see how to change your Microsoft account, if really necessary. Questions regarding the loss of a mobile gadget or the legality of installing the company's software products will not be considered now. Let's focus on the very "accounting".

How to change your Microsoft account: first steps

Surely every user of computer systems or mobile gadgets based on Windows has faced the problem of accounting. This is not surprising, since many software products or updates of the same system are available to the user only if there is one.

This applies equally to users of stationary computer systems, laptops, and smartphones (in most cases, these are Nokia gadgets). How do I create or change my Microsoft account? It couldn't be easier.

To begin with, you just need to register on the corporation's website, and then confirm the creation of the record by responding to the letter in the e-mail specified during registration. Just in case, the corporation's server automatically sends a special notification with a code to the mobile phone, which will come in handy if the "account" has been forgotten or the user simply does not remember the login and password.

Note that we are not talking about any binding to a specific device (computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet), although there are a number of conditions regarding software updates, but more on that later.

What is the “accounting” for, and is there any point in creating it?

Before proceeding to the consideration of the voiced problem ("How do I change my Microsoft account on my phone?"), An equally important question should be resolved: is it worth creating such a registration at all? By the way, the same topic will be relevant for owners of a stationary computer terminal or laptop.

Let's take the simplest example. As practice shows, most Windows users, not counting the "dozen", which is available for download in free mode, use pirated copies of this OS. There is nothing surprising in this, because even an outdated "expiration" with all the service packs is quite expensive that our people simply cannot afford it.

At the same time, if the user is not going to upgrade the system or receive official updates, then there is no need to think about creating an account. What for? Indeed, at one time, the then head of Microsoft, Bill Gates, warned that all pirated copies of Windows would be monitored online, and there could be no talk of any updates.

Apparently, he had to bury his dream, because today there are so many identical copies of Windows with offline activation that it is generally unknown which of them can be original and which one is hacked.

Another thing is when a transition to a new version of the OS is required (both on a computer and on a smartphone). Here you cannot do without "accounting".

Official funds online

As a rule, the problem itself, how to change the Microsoft account on the phone or on the computer (laptop), is not particularly difficult. To do this (of course, if you have the login and password specified during registration on the official website), you just need to go to the resource you are looking for, and then use the menu of your own profile, where the corresponding settings will be located.

It goes without saying that you can change not only your login or password. Here you can also change, say, the registration data of the place of residence (if the automatic detection of the region is not enabled), the e-mail address or the number of the "mobile phone". In general, the procedure is standard, practically no different from similar actions, for example, when creating or changing your own account on social networks like VKontakte or Facebook.

Can I change my account using Windows native tools?

There is only one answer to this question: "No!" The most striking example of this is the setting of the increasingly popular “ten”.

You can disable user identification in it when logging into the system or when exiting hibernation (sleep) mode, and this can be done quite simply: either through computer administration or through the power management system (for sleep mode). But changing the password, even if the computer is offline without a permanent connection to the Internet, will not work.

But if the requirement for a login and password is enabled, the system (in our case Windows 10, no matter what version it is - Technical Preview or Pro) will still require exactly the data specified during registration. Here, by the way, even the settings for managing your own account, even if you have full administrator rights on this computer, will not help. The simplest passwords like "11111111" do not pass (these are the security features). Even if you disable everything (antiviruses, firewall or optimizer programs that directly interact with the system), nothing good will come of it.

How to change your Microsoft account: Windows Phone

It is not so simple with the "accounts" created for mobile gadgets. Now, a few words about how to change your Microsoft account to Nokia or any other Windows smartphone. Take the Lumia series smartphones as an example.

First of all, when deciding how to change your Microsoft account to Lumiya, you should reset the settings to the factory settings, then use the transition to the official website, and then make the necessary adjustments. But it turns out that it is much easier to create a new "account" using your mobile number, since in this case the binding is carried out to it.

On the other hand, to reset the password, you can directly from your smartphone go to the official support site in the help section, where in this issue a link will be indicated to change the "account". That's all.


As you can see from the above material, the very question of how to change your Microsoft account is not particularly difficult. Another thing is for which device such a change will be made. In our case, only a smartphone or tablet with a SIM-card responsible for the subscriber's number can play a key role, since computer systems do not have such a binding.

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