How to disable the family service on the beeline. Family tariffs Beeline “Everything for the family”. How to connect the tariff "All for the Family" from Beeline

This tariff plan is not stand alone, but is set by default for all additional numbers connected to the main number on Beeline.

Family tariffs Beeline

Some tariff plans Beeline line "For you, family and home", with a large number of free minutes, SMS and Internet traffic, provide for the ability to connect up to 5 additional numbers to the main one. Subscribers of such additional numbers can spend packages of traffic, minutes and SMS from the main number. This allows you not only to control family communication costs, but also provides excellent opportunities for significant savings.

Each family can choose the most suitable general tariff for themselves, depending on the cost and volume of service packages included in the subscription fee. In different regions of Russia, different tariff plans participate in the program "For you, family and home", in Moscow and the region these are:

Detailed description of the tariff Beeline "All for the family"

The additional family tariff from Beeline "All for the Family" refers to prepaid and does not have a monthly fee. Communication services on it are provided both in their region and when traveling around the country on the same, favorable terms.

Subscribers make calls, send SMS and use the Internet at the expense of the main number from the monthly package services provided. If the free packages have been used up, the money for the services is debited from the account of the main number.

Payment for communication from an additional number is charged only if there is not enough money on the main number, if the main subscriber is blocked, or if the number used is not connected to the service packages common for the tariff.

The cost of services on the "All for the Family" tariff depends on the region of registration of the sim card. For subscribers of Moscow and the Moscow region, tariffing is carried out on the following conditions:

If the number is NOT connected to the service packages of the basic tariff If the number is CONNECTED to the service packages of the basic tariff If the number is CONNECTED to the service packages of the main tariff, but the main number is blocked
Outgoing calls to Beeline subscribers in the home network RUB 1.6 / min 0 rub / min 0.25 RUB / min
Outgoing calls to any home network numbers RUB 1.6 / min
Outgoing calls to Beeline subscribers in Russia RUB 3 / min 0 rub / min 0.25 RUB / min
Outgoing calls to numbers of other operators in Russia RUB 3 / min
Sending SMS within home network RUB 2
Sending SMS within Russia 3.95 RUB

In addition, additional costs may arise when using international communications, roaming services and standard services in excess of the established limits.

If free calls, SMS or Internet traffic on the main number have not been used up within a month, then they are automatically reset and their new volume is provided the next month.

How to activate and deactivate the tariff plan "All for the Family"

It is impossible to connect the tariff as an independent one, the subscriber can switch to it only by invitation. The user of the main Beeline family tariff must either send a request to add a subscriber to use the services of the main Family number.

After sending the request, the user of the additional number must accept the offer and connect to the “All for Family” tariff. In turn, the main subscriber can allow or prohibit the use of service packages included in his tariff for an additional number at any time.

To disable the tariff, the subscriber just needs to change it to any other and his number will automatically leave the Family group. For example, here you can.

Among the offers from the provider, each user will find a solution for personal tasks. Of particular interest are the contracts where you can share all the packages with family members. This simplifies monthly service fees and direct telephone service. Wondering how to do this? Consider the "Family tariff" from Beeline, the features of its provision and functionality.

Description of the tariff line

Beeline has created conditions for family people. Today it is possible to connect all children and spouse, wife to the main telephone number. At the same time, funds will be debited from the main balance for communication services. This greatly improves convenience and money savings. You no longer have to follow and control the SIM cards of your household, now they will always be in touch.

To activate the service, you need to have a tariff plan from the "All" or "All in one" line installed on the phone number, because these contracts support the "Shared package" option. But you should be aware that not all offers from this family can support additional contacts. Consider the features of providing TP:

Tariff plan name All mine 3 All mine 4 All my everything All in one 3 All in one 4 All in one 5
Monthly fee, rubles per day 30 50 83.33 900 per month 1500 per month 2500 per month
Free minutes package 1200 2000 5000 1200 2000 5000
Set for SMS correspondence 300 300 300 300 300 300
Set size gigabytes 22 30 30 22 30 30
Number of additional telephone numbers 1 3 5 1 3 5
Code to switch or activate contracts 0674000333 0674000444 0674000555 In the service provider's salon or fill out an application by calling the hotline.

Attention! You can split packages when using only these tariffs.

The table shows how many additional numbers each contract supports. Therefore, the head of the family needs to select an offer based on his preferences and monthly communication costs. Calculate offhand how much a family spends in minutes, SMS and traffic per month, based on the data obtained, you will find the best solution.

As soon as the owner of the main number adds additional contacts, the “Everything for the family” contract is automatically activated on their SIM cards. Before connecting, it is advisable to know a number of restrictions and nuances of providing:

  1. Activation of an auxiliary number is possible only on offers from the line "All" and "All in one" with a prepaid payment system.
  2. All members of the family must be subscribers of the Beeline company and are located in the territory of one home region.
  3. The subscriber does not have to pay for communication services for each contact separately, all costs are transferred to one personal account.
  4. Detailed decryption and analysis of calls can only be received on the SIM card of the group initiator.
  5. You can share package resources not only with mobile devices, but also with other gadgets that work with a SIM card - tablets, modems, smart equipment.
  6. Payment for services in international roaming, as well as entertainment and informational subscriptions, comes from the balance of the additional number. All other costs are borne by the initiator. After the end of the packages, per-minute billing begins, and the head of the family again pays for everyone.
  7. In the absence of funds on the SIM card of the main contact, all additional numbers pay for mobile communications for themselves at the rates of the previously established tariff plan.

Service cost

The “All for Family” tariff plan is provided free of charge. Only the creator of the group pays for the distribution of packet data - traffic, minutes and SMS - 5 rubles per day for an unlimited number of numbers. If the recipient has not used the SIM card for more than 91 days - has not shown any financial activity (sending SMS, making calls or going online), then the provider will charge 5 rubles per day until the user resumes the previous mode of operation.

All incoming calls from any direction of communication are not subject to tariffication. Outgoing calls on the internal Beeline network have different rates depending on the conditions and capabilities of the main telephone number:

  1. If a family member is not connected to the general data package, the call will cost 1.6 rubles. in the home region and 3 rubles. countrywide.
  2. The subscriber is a consumer of common resources under the All Mine contracts. A minute of communication in the field of registration and in Russia - 0 rubles.
  3. In a situation when the main SIM card is blocked or there is not enough money on it. The call costs 0.25 rubles at home and within the Russian Federation.

Outgoing calls to numbers of subscribers of other cellular companies 1.6 rubles. within the native region and 3 rubles. by country, but these rates are valid when the basic quota of minutes is consumed. International calls at standard rates - to Europe - 50 rubles, within the CIS - 30 rubles, to other countries - 80 rubles.

If you exceed the established monthly SMS rate from the total package, then one shipment will cost 2 rubles for the home area 3.95 rubles. long distance and 5.5 rubles. abroad.

Attention! At the current time, there is a promotion in which a subscriber who connects a general package receives 5 gigabytes of Internet traffic as a gift for any Internet resources for each billing period, so that everyone will have enough.

Mobile Internet on additional numbers is provided from the main package of the head of the family, if it is completely used up, then access to the network space will be blocked for all members of the group.

How to add and disable a number

To get started, activate any previously described contract from the "All" or "All in one" line, only after that you can split packages and other services with several users. This can be done in a personal account environment or in a mobile application.

To connect an additional contact for which you want to pay for cellular communication, you can choose one of the following methods:

  1. Log in to your personal account. If you haven't started it yet, then go through the procedure of registering a new account. The main window displays information about the state of the balance at the current moment, the balances of the sets in the billing period. In the settings of the personal account, you will find a button for adding additional numbers. In the window that appears, write down the recipient's contact information - his phone number. The specified subscriber will receive a notification from the provider in the form of an SMS with an invitation to join the group. If he confirms the connection, then the tariff plan "All for the Family" will be automatically installed on his SIM card. Confirmation can also be performed in your personal account.
  2. Call the toll free number "0611" for service support and ask for assistance in establishing communication between all members of the family.
  3. Visit any operator's service center in person. At the same time, the whole family, which you are going to connect, must be present.

Disconnection of auxiliary contacts occurs in the personal account environment, in the personal account management tab. Click on the button to deactivate a specific number. The procedure can be performed by any user from the group, namely, to leave it independently. If you cannot perform such actions, use the advice and help of the provider's specialists.

"All for 800"

If you connect to this tariff plan, you can link up to 2 numbers to it, for which Beeline offers 7 GB for using the mobile Internet, 1000 free minutes for communication on the network, as well as 500 SMS-messages. The cost of using the tariff for the whole family is 800 rubles per month.

"All for 1200"

If you want to choose the tariff "Everything for 1200" for a family, then the operator will provide you with 10 GB for accessing the network, 2000 minutes for talking on the phone, as well as an SMS package of 1000 messages. You can connect up to 4 numbers, and its cost will be 1200 rubles.

"Everything for 1800"

Connect your loved ones to this tariff, and you will get 3000 minutes, 15 GB for communication on the Internet, 3000 SMS-messages provided by the package. Up to 6 people will be able to communicate by phone within the framework of this tariff, and the subscription fee for the whole family will be 1,800 rubles per month.

How to connect "Everything!" for family?

To do this, you should buy a starter pack with the "Everything!" and bind to him the number of relatives that his conditions allow. You can add numbers yourself, just go to your "Personal Account" on the Beeline website. After you do this, the connected subscribers will receive a notification from the operator in the form of an SMS message. To complete the connection, you must reply to the message from the service number.

Bonuses for connecting those close to the package

The promotion is valid until September 27, 2016. You can transfer your loved ones to the "All!" Tariff, after which they will be able to use mobile services for free. For you, if your relatives are connected, there is also a valid promotional offer - 500 rubles of bonuses, which you can spend according to the program.

Is it possible to connect to the tariff without changing the number?

If your family uses the services of other domestic mobile operators, and it is too troublesome for them, then Beeline provides them with the opportunity to connect without changing their previous phone number:

  • In order to receive bonus funds and connect your loved ones to Beeline, you need to contact the company's customer service center together with the subscriber you want to add to the "Everything!" for family. You must have your identity documents with you. Together with your relative, you are required to write a statement about your intentions to switch to Beeline.
  • The subscriber connected to the operator's services receives a temporary number on the new Beeline SIM card with the "Everything!" After that, your loved ones will immediately be able to use the tariff.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to contact the office together with the connected subscriber, then there is a way out of this problem. A new client will be able to switch to Beeline on his own, subject to the purchase of a SIM card with a temporary number. , the subscriber will be able to add it to the list of numbers according to your tariff and use it for free.
  • After eight days, the old number will be transferred to the new card. Thus, the temporary number will be replaced with the old one. The client will be additionally notified about the activation of the service in the form of an SMS message from the operator, which will be sent to two SIM cards at the same time. Before the old data is transferred to the new card, you can use it as before.
  • The transition to Beeline is paid additionally: for returning the number, a payment of 100 rubles will be charged from your previous account.

In addition to a mobile phone, you can also connect other devices to the family package (for example, tablet, modem, etc.).

Beeline presents to its customers a special tariff that is not independent. After all, it is standardly installed for such numbers that are connected to some main number related to a certain tariff for the family of the "Everything!" Line. This is a very interesting system. It is worth trying it, because Beeline is trying to create unique and interesting offers for its customers.

Description of the tariff Beeline "All for the family"

At this additional fare for the family group no subscription fee, and it is counted among the tariffs with a prepaid system. Here, regardless of location in the country, the same conditions apply as in the home region.

Users of this tariff use the opportunities provided to them from the main number: a service package that includes a certain number of SMS, minutes and traffic. When packages are used up, funds start to be charged from the main account. If there is not enough money on the main account or the number is blocked, the fee is charged from the owner of the additional number. The fee is also charged when your account is not connected to the main one as an additional one. Here he seems to become more independent.

If you look at the regions and compare the tariff conditions in each of them, the prices for services at this tariff fluctuate. As for Moscow and Moscow Region, prices for basic services are as follows:

Also, their conditions arise when using all kinds of services for, international communication and other things.

Note also that when the packages have not been used up for the month, they are reset to zero, and the updated package is already in effect next month.

Connecting and disconnecting the Beeline tariff "All for the Family"

It is impossible to connect the Beeline "All for the Family" tariff as a separate one. This is not the usual connection system. The transition to it is carried out only after an invitation from the future potential main number. A request from such a user is sent via the Internet or a special application for network clients called "My Beeline".

After receiving the request, you will need to accept the offer and connect to the tariff. In this case, the owner of the main number has the right to prohibit you from using his packages.

Have you decided to disconnect from the tariff? Then change it in the usual ways to some other one that you like better, and your number will be excluded from the family list.

The Beeline family tariff "Everything for the Family" appeared three years ago, and during this time it managed to become quite popular in 2018 (possibly in 2018), despite the fact that it is not an independent tariff. The fact is that this tariff is usually intended for numbers that connect to the main one (we are talking about the Beeline tariff "Everything!").

Family Tariffs "Everything!"

Many tariffs included in the "All" line and having a huge number of additional free minutes, as well as traffic and SMS-messages, are equipped with the ability to connect 5 additional numbers, which will delight everyone who wants to keep in touch with relatives. It is worth noting that this function provides the ability to use any additional number to spend traffic, minutes and SMS messages from the main number. Thus, it is possible to control the expenses of a certain family going to pay for communications. Tariff Beeline All for the family Description and Prices which will be discussed later, will also help you save a lot.

The Beeline company has provided that each family is ready to spend various amounts of money on communication, therefore, various types of tariffs have seen the light, differing in the attached services, which are included in the amount of the subscription fee. It should be noted that the list of tariffs may differ depending on the regions of Russia, but in most situations you will choose from the following list:

  • "Everything for 500";
  • "Everything for 800";
  • "Everything for 1200";
  • "Everything for 1800".

As you might have guessed, the number in the title corresponds to the monthly subscription fee. You can familiarize yourself with the conditions of each tariff plan for 2018 in detail on the official website of the Beeline company.

Description of the tariff from Beeline "All for the family"

An additional tariff from the Beeline company, which has the name "Everything for the Family", must be classified as prepaid, because it does not have a constant subscription fee. It is also worth mentioning that together with it, opportunities for travel within the country are provided, since favorable conditions are not tied to a specific region.

Let's clarify that all calls, SMS messages and Internet traffic are linked to the account of the main number. Do not forget that after the service packages that are provided regularly (once a month) are spent, the money for using additional services will also be debited from the main number. But there are also exceptions, because the payment for communication can be debited from one of the additional numbers. This happens when there is not enough money on the main one or it has been blocked at all.

In order to find out information about the current prices in your region, you should contact your local Beeline post office.

We will provide you with information on the Moscow region:

Situation 1. The number was not connected to all packages of the tariff plan Situation 2. The number was connected to all packages of the tariff plan Situation 3. The number was connected to all packages of the tariff plan, but the main number of this tariff was blocked
House calls. Beeline networks 1.6 r / min 0 r / min 0.25 r / min
Calls to house numbers. networks 1.6 r / min
Calls all over Russia within Beeline 3 r / min 0 r / min 0.25 r / min
Calls to other operators in Russia 3 r / min
SMS to the house. networks 2 p
SMS throughout Russia 3.95 rub
SMS around the world 5.5 r

It is worth mentioning that in 2018 a family tariff may imply additional costs related to international calls, as well as various services related to roaming and limits. Do not forget that all unspent service packages are reset monthly.

Instructions for transactions performed with the "All for the family" tariff

This family tariff, as already mentioned earlier, is not connected as an independent one, but you can switch to it as a result of receiving an invitation (the person who owns the main number must send them out). Such a request can be sent by a Beeline client connected to the "All" tariff directly through his personal account.

There is also a service control function: the main number has a function related to prohibiting the use of, for example, Internet traffic. We connect the Beeline Family tariff - we get a huge number of functions.

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