Info-lesson retraining. How to create a personal account on the Infourok project portal? Login to your personal account

Plan - self-education work
Educator MADOU DSKV №1 "Fairy Tale" Shemyakova L. N.
for 2014 - 2015 academic year
Self-education theme: "Experimentation as a means of developing cognitive activity of preschoolers"
- help to reveal to children the wonderful world of experimentation, to develop cognitive abilities;
- study the methodological literature on the topic;
- help the child in mastering the appropriate vocabulary, in the ability to accurately and clearly express their judgments and assumptions;
- generalization of knowledge on this topic.

For 2014-2015 year Content of work Term Practical solutions
Study of regulatory documents
on issues of preschool education Law of the Russian Federation dated 01.09.2013. “On education in the Russian Federation”;
-Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 N 1155
"On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education"
-Decree of May 15, 2013 N 26 on the approval of SanPin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, maintenance and organization of the mode of operation of preschool educational organizations" September
during the year Organization
educational process
and the developing environment in the preschool educational institution in accordance with the regulatory documents
Study of educational and methodological literature 1. - Volchkova VN, Stepanova NV. Summaries of classes in the senior group of kindergarten
2. "Environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten: The world of plants"
3. - Dybina O. In "Children's experimentation"
4. - Martynova E. A. "Organization of experimental activities of children 2–7 years old: thematic planning, recommendations, class notes".
5. - Dybina O. V. "What are the objects made of: scenarios of games-activities for preschoolers";
6. - OV Dybina - "Unknown nearby: Entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers"
7. - N.E. Dybina, O.R. Galimov "Cognitive research activity of preschoolers" Throughout the year Compilation of a card index of books, a selection of articles from magazines.
Preparing a plan for working with children Developing a plan for classes with children on the topic of self-education. September Lesson notes, projects, photo exhibitions
Participation in methodological associations Development of a project for showing at a methodological association April Project
"I get to know the world"

Working with parents Organize collection of natural and waste material in the corner of experimentation Throughout the year Consultations, participation in projects, moving folders, photo exhibitions
Compilation of a series of experiments for preschoolers "Fly-tsokotukha"
- Clarify the knowledge of children about the air, about its importance for the life of insects. September Construction of "Beetles" (from natural material).
"Sailing Races" Show the possibilities of transforming objects, participate in collective transformation October Artistic creation: "Funny blot"
"This amazing air"
- To form a desire to take care of the purity of the air November Artistic creativity: manual labor "Smeshariki"
"Crystal Ice"
To give children the idea that snow is frozen water. December Application "Snowflake"
"What's in the package?" Introduce the properties of air January Game "Soap Bubbles"
Formation of ideas about the properties of a magnet. February Magnetic constructor and crafts from it
"Onion bed on the window"
Educate children about the importance of water for plant life and growth. March Reading the tale of Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino"
"Wonderful clay"
Consolidate knowledge about clay. Reveal properties. April Artistic creation: modeling clay products.
"Sun Bunny Transfer"
Show by example how you can repeatedly reflect light and an image of an object. May Games with the sun bunny
Working with parents Collecting material for the photo album "Country of Why Chek" May Photo Album
"Country of Why Checks"

The Infourok personal account is a frequently visited educational facility. It is important for educators and very useful for ordinary teenagers. This is a unique, well-thought-out commercial project that provides various coursework, modern teaching materials.

Payment is provided for taking part in testing. To fully use the functionality, you will need to create your own account. The registration operation takes place and the wallet is replenished if you need to use the provided paid offers.

The login form intended for entry is made in the form of a special window. It starts after activating a special offer, which is in the resource menu. The window is launched if you want to issue a paid training coursebook or other bases for the catalog. This is allowed through the personal section.

Registration on the resource is quick. When implementing it in the online form, the following data should be registered:

  • email;
  • country of Residence;
  • code that will be used for subsequent work with the section;
  • user category. Here you can choose a teacher, parent, student or other.

After selection, the personal section will fully meet the needs of the visitor. After performing such an operation, it remains to activate the mail. To do this, a link from the sent SMS from the service is activated. This mail will allow you to renew the code. Upon request, an active link will be sent to assign an updated code to effectively protect the account.

Login for registered users

After the registration event, it is allowed to enter the Infourok ru personal account from the main part. If a person has previously saved the code in the search engine used, in the process of clicking on the name, the person immediately enters the account.

A registered email is used as a login. The combination for access is issued when creating a profile. It is used for the initial use of the resource, and then, if necessary, it is changed to a self-invented one. This is required for ease of access, for a higher level of security and for easier memorization.

Password recovery from personal account

If, despite the lightweight version of memorizing the cipher, a person still loses it or forgets it, it can be restored without problems. For this purpose, the following manipulations are performed:

  1. In the login form, you need to activate the recovery.
  2. E-mail is affixed in the window.
  3. An email will be sent to her with instructions.
  4. It is important to follow the prompts and thereby restore access to the personal section.

The mail address is the one that was specified when creating the account. If the rule is ignored, the service will consider the actions as illegal.

In order not to waste time on password recovery, it is worth activating memorization when you first enter your Infourok personal account. The browser will remember it and you will not have to constantly enter it every time you visit.

Portal users

Accounts are not much different. The difference lies in the closure of certain instruments for children. It is not possible for them to become tutors or replenish the account. Teachers use full functionality. Author's video tutorials are available. With their help, you can organize a public lesson for students all over the country.

If you study the registration form, you can understand that among the visitors there are the following categories of profiles:

  • parent;
  • teacher;
  • pupil.

It is required to indicate the full name, mail and enter the password twice. In the special list, you need to find a tick and put down the state of residence. Before studying the resource, you need to carefully study the rules of each profile.

When registering an account, a person must tick off the consent box for processing or receiving a regular newsletter of the project. Messages will be automatically sent to the mail. You can disable mailing by following the link attached to the message.

Functionality of the personal account InfoUrek

The functionality of the Personal Info lesson is very extensive. Here you can perform the following operations:

  1. Show knowledge in ongoing competitions.
  2. Studying video tutorials.
  3. Obtaining certificates of qualification improvement or retraining.
  4. Passing tests.
  5. It is allowed to become a real tutor on the resource.
  6. Correspond with other participants.
  7. Using the free library fund, which contains about 3 million books.
  8. Adding works.
  9. Hosting webinars.
  10. Blog.

In the personal section, you can see two types of menus for clients. In the one located at the top, it is allowed to go to public tabs with information on various competitions, tests. From the list presented, it is possible to choose a basis for a lesson and develop an optimal plan.

Lateral gives reports on educational achievements. This is an ideal opportunity to obtain documents for full completion of continuous professional development courses and full-fledged certificates. Through this menu it is allowed to go to the tabs for holding contests, testing and olympiads. Both options are worth examining carefully.

Top menu of personal account

A report is given on all informational parts. The option to allow entry into the software opens. It is allowed to receive new information in the field of science. Here are some of the main sections at the top of the menu:

  1. Attending Course Lessons allows you to select a lesson from the list, paper of the desired sample.
  2. The held conference is an ideal option to significantly improve skills in the main areas of human life and activities. The section will be useful for experienced and novice teachers. Here you can set the topic of the planned seminar, the schedule and its time. Participation is free. After that a special certificate is issued.
  3. Video lectures - viewing lectures in video format, on a previously developed topic. No certificates are issued here.
  4. Video Tutorials is a diverse library of video materials. They were composed of scientists on narrow topics and educational subjects. Teachers diversify the classes, adolescents supplement knowledge.
  5. Visualization is a variant of cognitive education. It is allowed to understand the topic, prepare for a competition or testing. Everything is free, videos are downloaded. Attention is presented to 3 thousand materials on all the main subjects of modern education.
  6. Library - documents in electronic format for organizing a lesson, for developing a curriculum for a year, for finding abstracts. At the moment, there are about 3 million books here, and they are all free.

There is a special section with news. In it, students introduce visitors to various replacements, with numerous updates in the field of skills acquisition.

Personal account side menu

Information on various personal achievements, on visitors is in the menu from the side. A similar menu is distributed into three large blocks:

  • internet object for the teacher;
  • information tools for PC;
  • my requests.

The messages contain standard correspondence and letters are stored. In the wallet, if there is money in the account, you can pay for tuition, pay online tutors. It is possible to monitor the account balance.

At the bottom is the part for crediting funds to the balance. The amount of the transfer is indicated here and the optimal transfer option is selected. Work progress is shown in the progress bar. In the proposed settings, the person's infa is reflected, which allows you to correct it if necessary and supplement it with the necessary data.

My applications

The section displays participation in ongoing contests, Olympiads and tests. After entering, the achieved results are visible. In the inner part of the page, users are offered the opportunity to become an official member of the program.

This is a serious offer, available only to those people who have a personal section on the portal. This section has separate tabs:

  1. Courses - obtaining an official diploma and certificate, which is issued after graduation. If you choose the Russian mail, you will not have to pay anything.
  2. To find out more information - a page with current areas of training to improve the general level of qualifications or retraining. An option is selected from the list presented and the training is completed.

In the inner part of the course, infa is spelled out concerning the director of the educational project, the amount of time allotted, the name of the studied lesson, periods, conditions for participants, cost and program. The details of the distance learning courses in the Infourok personal account are noted.

Video lectures

A full-fledged free training is open. It can be passed through webinars. After complete completion, the user is issued a special certificate.


For those who have passed the registration operation in their own section of teachers there is an online test. Then the testimony is given. To get the test, you need to follow the steps:

  1. A category is selected from the list.
  2. Tasks are completed.
  3. A department with achievements and the number of completed tasks is opened.

Testing is free of charge, but to obtain a document you will need to fill out a special teacher's department and pay immediately.


Here one of two functions is selected - to become a qualified tutor or to find an additional teacher in the database. The following manipulations are performed:

  • personal information is entered into the database. It is required to fill out a detailed questionnaire, indicating reliable information;
  • search for the desired teacher;
  • the search is carried out on the embedded map, for which the name of the city is entered.

Filter creation is provided to facilitate searching.

My tools

The tab allows you to increase productivity. For this, several tools are offered for work:

  1. My classes. The teacher has the right to become the founder of the online class. Users receive home tasks, create their own section and take part in the Olympiads;
  2. The ability to track activity, its results in your own profile. Separate information is entered on the student. The information is registered - the name of the new student and the class code.

If necessary, remove the tab completely. To add a class, activate the plus sign.

Tutor profile

Allowed to change and delete teacher information displayed in the database of numerous additional teachers and students. It is not worth prescribing individual information in order to avoid unnecessary troubles.

Test constructor

This is an interesting part of the resource. It is allowed to download for your own use tests in selected disciplines and send them to students. Each teacher creates a test on the resource and shares information with other participants. If you need to download a new test, the following actions are performed:

  1. Go to filters.
  2. The class and the subject being studied are exposed.
  3. The textbook and educational theme are noted.
  4. From the list, the desired option.

If the work presented is satisfactory, it is downloaded on the corresponding e-page. If you wish, you can correct already received tasks. For this purpose, the lessons of the teachers are indicated, the transition to the test page is made and the button with editing is activated. Further, the work is changed at its own discretion and saved.

Work programs

After registration, the teacher works according to well-designed programs. They are selected and downloaded if necessary. Here, the link is for software for general use. It is important to have a parent account available for this.

Training for InfoLesson

The portal gives educators and teachers the opportunity to go through special remote disciplines for advanced training, additional education and retraining. There must be a registered profile on the resource. Going to the page, you should study the information on the lesson being studied, find out the cost, search for the specialties of the project and choose the optimal direction of study.

Issued documents

Honored diplomas, certificates and certificates for improving the working level are issued, drawn up according to the established model. Issuance is made after passing educational conferences and after advanced training on the site. It is also allowed here to pay for the lessons, but after the passed registration on the portal. Students are allowed to receive supporting documents by mail without paying anything.

How to create a teacher's website on the InfoUrok portal?

To create, you need to go to the personal section with a password and study the menu on the side. Here you can find the option My Account, you are allowed to add photos, jobs and friends. When designing, you must remember that the more information is added to the site, the more useful it will be. Creation takes place in stages:

If you create a website and constantly add interesting materials and Olympiads to it, the service will issue free official testimonies, letters of thanks and certificates.


In the account, which is reliably password protected, it is allowed to register and carry out many different operations:

  • use video tutorials for professional development;
  • take lessons and receive relevant diplomas;
  • verification and receipt of electronic certificates;
  • registration for participation in international distance competitions;
  • adding tutors to the directory and choosing an additional teacher for the child;
  • studying free teaching aids and adding new courses;
  • payment for materials by bank card or electronic means;
  • blogging, adding photos to the gallery;
  • study of incoming applications for access;
  • exchange of messages with other users;
  • deletion of pages if there is no need for services.

If you have any questions or problems when performing remote work and using the functions in the info lesson, you can contact the employees of the organization by calling the main hotline numbers. One of the main numbers is 8-800-100-42-49. If the issue does not require an urgent solution, you can enter it by mail [email protected]

Summing up

The official portal "My Infourok" is a fairly large project. It was created specifically for the effective unification of teachers from all over the state. This is the best opportunity to log in and teach students at the same address. On the personal portal infourok, everything is well thought out, the site is similar to an educational modern social network. Registered users can use the opportunities to the fullest, solving numerous issues.

  • Official site:
  • Personal Area:
  • Hotline phone: 8-800-100-42-49

Info-lesson is a highly visited Russian educational portal, intended primarily for teachers, but also useful for pupils and parents of preschoolers and students. The project is commercial - educational materials, courses, passing tests with obtaining certificates and participation in olympiads are provided for a fee. To start using the portal's capabilities, it is enough to create an Infourok personal account, after completing the online registration, and replenish the electronic account "My Wallet", by bank transfer or by making a payment at the bank using the receipt attached on the website.

Personal account features

Service personal account Infourok, password-protected personal section of the portal, allows registered participants to:

  • Take advantage of professionally composed video tutorials. This option is recommended for all types of users.
  • Take courses and get a diploma. For teachers, these are continuing education and professional retraining courses and webinars; you can also choose courses from the "For all" category that are not related to the teaching field.
  • Pass tests for teachers and educators by receiving an electronic certificate or diploma.
  • Sign up for participation in the international distance Olympiad, which provides bonus incentives for both students and teachers.
  • For teachers - add to the catalog of tutors, for parents - apply for the selection of a tutor for a child.
  • View free teaching aids for teachers from the electronic library and add your work to it.
  • Pay for materials and offers of the portal by credit card, electronic money or from a mobile personal account.
  • Blog on your personal page, add photos to the gallery, share your achievements.
  • View a list of all your applications.
  • Exchange messages with other portal users.
  • Delete the page if the portal services are no longer needed.

Registration and login to your personal account

The authorization form through which the user is logged in is made in the form of a pop-up window, which is invoked by clicking on the corresponding button located on the right side of the site menu. The window also appears when you try to order a course or other catalog materials without authorization, since this can only be done through the Infourok personal account.

The portal provides quick registration, during which the user indicates information about himself:

  • Surname, name, patronymic.
  • Email.
  • Country of residence.
  • The password that will be used to work with your personal account through the official website of Infourok.
  • User type (you need to choose one of three options: teacher, student, parent / other, so that the interface with which the Info lesson personal account is equipped meets the needs of the user).

After that, it remains to confirm the e-mail address by activating the link from the message sent to it from "Infourok". This email address will also help you recover your password - upon request, a link will be sent to it to assign a new set of characters to protect your account.

Electronic service Infourok is an educational resource that provides clients with the opportunity to have reliable information about promotional offers, competitions and innovations in schools in Russia. In order for customers to use advanced functions, a personal account has been developed on the Infourok website, which requires registration.

Registered users can also keep abreast of the development of educational materials, educational programs and other news of the educational system. To register, you need to go to the website


Registration procedure

On the Infourok service, the personal account is divided into a profile for students and teachers. There are no big differences in the profiles, only for teachers such functions as tutoring and account funding are available.

The organization's service is designed for students, teachers and parents. Owners of a personal account at Infourok can easily use information data on all subjects, features of the educational process.

In addition, to get on the site and pay fines online, you will also need to go through a simple procedure, but it's worth it.

Registration instructions

In order to start registration on the Info-lesson portal, the client needs to go to the main page of the service and enter the menu to log into the account, then click on the registration action and fill out the form:

  • surname;
  • patronymic;
  • e-mail address;
  • country - Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, other;
  • secret password;
  • password repeat;
  • choose the type of user - teacher, student, other.


When the user clicks the registration button, they will be taken to a page for an email confirmation. The client needs to open the letter and follow the activation link. If the notification did not come within 10 minutes, then the user should send a second appeal. When the client goes to the address provided in the letter, he will be in his own office.

Authorization process


At the first entrance to the Infourok personal account, the user goes through the authorization process by clicking on the login button, where in the window that appears, he will need to enter the following data:

  • customer login;
  • secret password.

Login to your account

Using your account for the first time will seem a little difficult. But it is possible to figure it out. On the main page on the right is the main menu, where you can apply for tutoring services, make payments and top up your account balance.

Payment for services

On the Infourok website, a personal account makes it possible to control personal funds and the execution of orders, the client can also view the history of payments, costs for the time period of interest. The client can pay tutoring to teachers by the following methods:

  • in cash;
  • by bank transfer;
  • electronic payment.

Also, in the personal account of Infourok, payment is made for video lessons, Olympiads. Payment can be made by bank transfer using the details.


Other features of the personal account for teachers

After registration, the personal account will open the following options for teachers:

  • passing courses to improve the level of qualifications;
  • complete regular retraining courses;
  • use a huge database of collected methodological developments and materials;
  • share author's work with other users, put forward personal ideas;
  • find a new interesting social circle on the portal;
  • have access to video materials for all school subjects;
  • take training on the Internet using the provided webinars;
  • be tested through a professional system.

Functionality for parents and students

Parents, students, and other students can:

  • receive secondary education;
  • prepare for state exams;
  • to hire teachers-tutors in the necessary subjects;
  • pay for the services provided.

Benefits of studying on the Info lesson website

The Infourok website contains the following sections:

  1. online training - preparation, retraining, tests, seminars, webinars, olympiads for a fee;
  2. section of competitions - information about competitions, terms of performance and other information for teachers and students;
  3. video lessons - 14 sections of video lessons, media files are provided for use, which allow you to prepare for tests, lessons, exams, do your homework or improve your progress after a break in studies;
  4. catalog with tutors - a database of teachers in various subjects;
  5. library - a database of presentations, notes, abstracts, programs and manuals in different formats;
  6. preparation for exams - tutors are provided to carry out the preparatory stage before state exams.

Deleting a Profile

If a personal account is no longer needed on the Infourok website, then the user can delete his own profile with all personal information. To do this, the client needs to go to the settings section, find the page deletion item, fill in the reason for the deletion and send a notification to the project administration. After the request has been reviewed, the user profile will be deleted.

Info lesson - a site for teachers, schoolchildren, students, their parents. This educational portal allows teachers, students to take appropriate courses, training, prepare for exams, familiarize themselves with the curriculum and much more related to the educational process.

To improve your qualifications, you need to go to the teacher's site Infourok, where all the necessary tests are posted.

You can enter your personal account by pressing the corresponding button, which is located near the registration button.

To enter, you must fill in the email and password fields that were used during registration.

If the user of the system has forgotten the password, he can go to the link that was sent to him by mail during the authorization of the email address. In case of loss of the letter, the client of the system can use the "Forgot your password?" Function located at the bottom of the screen near the login window.

The mobile application of this site does not exist now. This program has been temporarily closed by the site creators. But you can use programs, educational materials, downloaded in advance on a mobile phone, tablet.

Opportunities, advantages of the Infourok portal

The info lesson provides many opportunities for teachers of students, schoolchildren, parents of students:

  • teachers can improve their qualifications online by passing the necessary tests in the "Online Learning" section;
  • teachers will also be able to go through webinars, various Olympiads, and other types of tests;
  • video lessons allow teachers, students to prepare for a lesson, an exam;
  • pupils, students will be able to hire a personal teacher in the section of tutors to spur the necessary discipline;
  • in the section "Library" you can find a lot of interesting literature, including scientific, methodological materials;
  • preparation for exams provides an opportunity to hire a qualified tutor, find the necessary literature for preparation.

To be able to all the services offered by the site, you need to go to the official site, register.

There are many advantages to using the site:

  • it allows you to quickly prepare for a lesson, find methodological lessons for classes with students;
  • the portal has a large database of qualified teachers who can be hired to prepare for exams;
  • the site has many necessary materials for teachers, students, which allow you to create a curriculum, prepare for a lesson;
  • teachers have the opportunity to take advanced training tests, get the necessary diploma.

To have access to educational materials, manuals, you need to create a personal account of a teacher, student, parent. Parents usually use the site if their child is homeschooled.

Each registered user of the portal is given access to a personal account. The page contains a user card, and on the side there are portals sections:

  • My office
  • Messages (communication between portal users)
  • My Olympiads
  • My contests
  • Tutors (search for a tutor in the desired subject and apply for a lesson with him)
  • Achievements (in this section you can download an electronic certificate of completion of the courses - it will appear there in 2-3 working days after the completion of the course)
  • Settings (here you can change your initials, change educational institution, and also delete your page)

When you delete a page from the portal, you will not be able to log in using the old access details, your account balance will also be reset and your blog entries and all achievements will be deleted.

On the right side of the page, there is an ad with a proposal to start an assignment or course. To complete the course, you must enter a special access code that is issued to the buyer of the course.

Before you get access to the database of teachers, educational materials, you need to create a personal account. First you need to go to the site, the main page. In the corner on the right is a small login window, registration. Press the register button.

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