How to check the number of connected devices to wifi. How to find out who is connected to my WiFi and disconnect: step by step instructions. How to find out who is connected to the D-Link router

User question

Good day.

Tell me, how can I find out who is connected to my Wi-Fi network, can someone else be connected to it, except me? (neighbors, for example). It's just that the speed drops inexplicably every evening (you can't even watch YouTube without lags), I don't know what to do ...

PS called the provider - they say that everything is in order with the network.

Good day!

Everything, of course, can be, but most often the Internet brakes, lags, and are not connected with the fact that a neighbor connected to you and pumps your traffic, but with more ordinary things: the low quality of the provider's network (just in the evening everyone comes home from work and "hangs "channel - not enough resources), software errors and failures in your OS, etc.

Now about how to see what devices and computers are using your router ...

Option number 1: using the web interface of the router

The easiest and most informative way to find out which devices are connected to the Wi-Fi network is to look at the router settings (web interface). Almost every modern router (in 99% of cases) has a tab in the settings showing all active devices.

To help! How to enter the router settings (instruction) -

Most often, to enter the settings of the router, it is enough to enter IP (or, into the address bar of the browser. "Admin" is used as a password and login.

For example, my Tenda router has a "Status" tab that opens by default (as soon as you enter the settings). In it, you can find out the number of connected devices, the total download and upload speed (see screenshot below).

Note. Depending on the router model, firmware version - the menu and settings sections for you may differ slightly. As a rule, you will need to find the Status tab.

Connected devices (Tenda router) / Clickable

For detailed information about connected devices, you need to go to the "Bandwidth Control" tab: pay attention to the name of the devices, and the activity of their work.

Bandwidth Control (Tenda Router) / Clickable

If we refer to models of other routers, then, for example, in TP-Link routers, you can see a similar tab in the "Wireless mode / wireless statistics" section. Opposite each device is shown (you can immediately find out which device is "neighbor").

Another example below: in the English version of the firmware (D-Link router), you need to open the "Status / Wireless" tab (in Russian "Status / wireless connection") .

In general, it is almost impossible to give screenshots of all models of routers and firmware in one article. But fortunately - in almost all models the menu is identical (you can also use the technical manual for your device).


If you notice that you have more computers (devices) connected to your router than you connected to it yourself, be sure to change the security settings.

Set a new password, check that it is WPA2 with AES encryption, enable MAC address lock, and disable WPS. All this is quite simple to do in the router's web interface.

Instructions for configuring routers:,

Option number 2: with the help of special. programs

If you can't open the settings of the router (sometimes it happens), then you can see who is connected using programs. True, in this case, you can only find out about the "extra user" ... But in order to change the password or disconnect the "unnecessary" user from the network, you still have to go to the web interface of the Wi-Fi router and change the settings ...

Wireless Network Watcher [for Windows]

Note: Windows app

Wireless Network Watcher - main window after network scan / Clickable

Free and portable (no need to install) utility to quickly scan Wi-Fi network. After launching it will automatically "run" through the entire network and show all active devices (their MAC addresses, IP addresses, names, adapter name, etc. information).

By the way, the resulting list can be sent to a text file, HTML, XML, CSV and printed. It is very convenient to then go through all your devices and make a mini-inspection if its MAC address matches ...

Wi-Fi Monitor [for Android]

Note: Android App

A simple and convenient application for monitoring a Wi-Fi network from a smartphone, tablet. To view all currently active devices on the network - go to the "Scanning" tab and click the button of the same name at the bottom of the window. After 10-30 sec. the network will be scanned and you will see a list of devices. Easy and fast ?!

By the way, the Wi-Fi Monitor also has a handy feature: you can see the speed of reception, output, channels (which are occupied by you, which are your neighbors), find out the signal level, etc. the necessary information.

I hope the situation cleared up ?!

After the widespread proliferation of Wi-Fi routers, their owners have questions about Internet traffic leaks. Even if the user himself does not download anything from the network, he still has a large traffic consumption. This can happen for the following reasons:

  1. unauthorized connection of their devices by strangers to the owner's router;
  2. updates for the operating system programs of the router owner's computer are downloaded (and the amount of downloaded data should not exceed two gigabytes in one day).

How can you find out about possible connections by signs?

To find out, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  1. decreased internet speed;
  2. frequent blinking of lights on the Wi-Fi device even when the computers and mobile devices of the router owner are turned off.

How can I quickly see how many devices are connected?

Before looking at how many devices are connected, it is recommended to determine the number of your own devices using Wi-Fi and turn them off. Only the PC should be left on. With its help, you need to do the following:

Also, especially sophisticated users can check using a cable connection. Required in the device settings through the "DHCP" tab, enter DHCP Client List... The advantage of this method is that in addition to the MAC addresses, you can also see and find out the IP addresses here.

If you click on "Refrech" the page content is refreshed.

Blocking Rogue MAC Address

How to find out exactly and determine which are your own and which are third-party MAC addresses? To do this, you need to enter, for example, from a mobile device into the settings and then to the section information about the device and see your MAC address.

To block extraneous addresses, you must enter "Wireless MAC Filtering" and click "Enable". Then place the button on parameter number one. By doing this, enter an extraneous address and set the parameter "Disabled". Next, you need to save the corrections made.

How to check through the router settings panel?

You must enter or in your browser. Then enter the name and access code (by default they are both "admin").

In the window that opens, enter the “Wireless” tab and then “Wireless Statistics”.

You must switch from basic to advanced settings. For this purpose, you need to refer to the menu located in the lower right corner. Then enter the "Status" section and click on the double arrow to the right of the name. A list of connected devices with MAC addresses will be displayed. Then find out which ones are outsiders. Then they can be blocked.

But an even better option for securing your Wi-Fi network is to set a password. It is recommended that you come up with a complex password with a combination of different numbers, letters and symbols.

How do I see who is connected using a LAN scan?

It is required to enter the IP of the PC and select the closest range. When scanning is complete, the addresses of your computer and router are displayed. The emergence of additional addresses, i.e. the number is more than two, will indicate the connection of third-party devices.

Using a special program to check

There is a specially developed program "Wireless Network Watcher" for these purposes, which allows you to identify Wi-Fi "freeloaders" and, moreover, the program is free and does not need installation.

You need to work with the application from a computer connected to the router via a LAN cable connection. The "WNW" utility allows you to identify, in addition to the MAC and IP addresses, the names of device manufacturers. The list of devices can be converted to any text editor.

How to find out which of the left people is connected to your Wi-Fi router? The easiest way is to turn off the Internet at rush hour and listen to what is happening around in complete silence. The hysterical reaction of neighbors will prompt the answer to this question. But seriously speaking, you can find out this information in the settings of the router and using special programs. How all this is found out, and most importantly - what to do with this information later, we will consider in this article.

Signs that someone is stealing Wi-Fi

The fact that there are left connections to Wi-Fi may indicate a slow Internet. The network will start to slow down, the speed will drop to a critical minimum, while none of the household members will be caught actively downloading files. But no special action is needed to restrict each of the users of the local network, if this network is provided by a weak router. With this, and even with a slow connection at a tariff, each of the network devices will receive its own minimum resource. And this can even show up on the speed of opening sites. Ball lovers serve it right, but unfair to the one who pays for the Internet.

But much bigger problems than slow Internet or even impressive bills received under the conditions of limit tariffs can be thrown by intruders if they turn out to be scammers, porn distributors, wanted members of extremist groups or other seekers of problems with the law. And with the help of our access point they will carry out their affairs.

It is possible to identify the fact of a third-party connection to Wi-Fi by temporarily disconnecting all authorized devices from the network. The continuing blinking indicator of the router will indicate that someone is using the wireless Internet. The following will help to understand what kind of equipment without our knowledge is connected to the network at the moment, as well as to take measures against uninvited guests.

How to calculate the fact of Wi-Fi theft using a router

Specifically, you can make sure that there are third-party connections to the Wi-Fi network using the router's web interface. To do this, you need to enter the interface in a browser window, log in and proceed to the section where active wireless connections are displayed. Each brand of router has its own interface, moreover, different firmware versions may be for different model lines, therefore, there can be no talk of a universal instruction here by condition. But I, friends, will show the principle of action using the example of the TP-Link TL-WR720N model.

In the browser window, enter the IP address of the router, for TP-Link, as for many other models, it is Next, an authorization window will appear, in which you need to specify a username and password. Again, for many router models, the default is admin and admin, respectively. To view the devices connected to the Wi-Fi network, go to the "Wireless Mode" section and click "Wireless Mode Statistics". In my case, there is only one wireless connection - a smartphone. With the TP-Link firmware, we will only see the MAC address of the smartphone.

Not much more information, alas, is also displayed in the "Advanced Settings" section in the "DHCP Clients List", where all network equipment is listed. The router has detected the name of the computer connected via Ethernet. But the smartphone remained unknown to him.

Other router models can provide more information about the connected devices. For example, identify the manufacturer or the operating system. But even with such a minimum of information that TP-Link provides, the difference between the total number of wireless connections and the number of gadgets of their households will help to understand the very fact of Wi-Fi theft.

Change Wi-Fi password

In principle, at this stage, you can complete the proceedings: the fact of theft is established, then we proceed with the simplest method - change the password to Wi-Fi. Or we install it if the access point was initially unprotected. In the tested TP-Link model, this is done in the same section "Wireless mode", in the subsection "Wireless security", in the column "PSK password".

These measures will be sufficient for the average person. But this move will not stop more or less competent thieves, because the Internet is full of instructions for determining the password of other people's Wi-Fi access points. Devices of stubborn amateurs balls must be blocked by MAC-addresses. And if several devices are connected to Wi-Fi, you need to determine where whose MAC addresses are.

How to find out where whose MAC addresses are

How to find out where whose MAC addresses are if the router's firmware does not give at least some identifying feature on the network devices?

Option number 1: MAC addresses for each of the devices of your household can be found using the functionality of operating systems or third-party applications of the gadgets used. And thus find the thief of the Internet. But there is a much simpler method.

Option number 2: you can use the special Windows program SoftPerfect WiFi Guard. This is both a more convenient way to determine the MAC addresses of network devices, and also a tool for preventing unauthorized wireless connections.

We are not closing the router's web interface yet, we will return to it later.

SoftPerfect WiFi Guard Program

A simple, Russian-language support program SoftPerfect WiFi Guard provides a small but useful list of features:

Scans the network for connections, in particular wireless;

Reveals third-party devices and signals their connection;

Provides information about MAC addresses and manufacturers of equipment connected to the network;

Keeps a history of all devices ever connected to the network since the first scan.

The program is downloaded on the developer's website, there is a portable version:

You can use SoftPerfect WiFi Guard to track up to 5 network devices for free. This limitation is removed when purchasing a perpetual (!) License for 1,120 rubles.

How to use the program? Install it on the system or unpack the portable version. We launch. If the computer has several network adapters, including virtual ones, and those who work with hypervisors will definitely have them, SoftPerfect WiFi Guard will start with an active settings window and ask you to specify the required network adapter. In the list of adapters, select the physical one - the one that is not with the postscripts of the names of the hypervisor programs.

Start scanning directly in the SoftPerfect WiFi Guard window.

All detected smartphones, tablets, TVs and other equipment connected to Wi-Fi will be notified by the program with such a notification.

After that, the window will display the entire list of network devices. The router and the current computer in the "Info" column will be marked as "Internet gateway" and "This computer", respectively. The router and the current Windows computer will be displayed with a green indicator, which indicates that they are authorized by the default program. All devices connected via Wi-Fi will be marked with a red indicator. And this means that the program sees them as third-party. And it will continue to see it this way until we ourselves authorize them. In the "Manufacturer" column of each device, we will see the manufacturer. For desktops, the motherboard manufacturer will be displayed as such a company.

Here, in fact, in this way, according to the manufacturer of the device, you can determine which of them belongs to the MAC addresses displayed both in the interface of the router and in the program window. Of course, if it happens that an Internet thief has, for example, a smartphone of the same manufacturer as someone in the household, then you will have to look at the MAC address on the latter's smartphone and use the exclusion method.

So, where's whose gadget we sorted out, now, using the context menu of the program, we can copy MAC addresses - thieves for the blacklist or our households for the blocking whitelist using a router.

But we'll talk about blocking a little later, first let's look at some more features of SoftPerfect WiFi Guard. Double-clicking on an unauthorized device will open a properties window, where you can authorize it by checking the box next to "I know this computer or ...".

In this case, the gadget will receive a green indicator, and during the next scans the program will no longer display a message on it. By clicking the "All devices" button, we will receive a list of all computers, smartphones, tablets and other equipment that have ever been connected to the network during the program's operation.

In the settings section, we can change the length of time for scanning the network. If the preset half hour is too short a time period, move the slider of the "Rescan the network every ..." option to the left, to the desired value. Also in the settings, you can check the option for the program from the system tray. And, if necessary, select the program autostart.

Everyone loves freebies, but nobody loves freeloaders! If you have a suspicion that someone is stealing your wi-fi traffic, you cannot hesitate, you urgently need to find out who has connected to your wifi network. Fortunately, it is quite simple to see all the devices connected to your wi-fi router, having the necessary knowledge. Let's find left connections and punish free internet lovers!

Today, Internet routers are used everywhere in offices, apartments, public places, since they allow several devices to simultaneously get quick access to the network. The principle of operation of these devices is to use WI-FI technology using the server-client protocol. The router has a special connector for connecting an Internet cable, after which it distributes the received speed between clients.

However, not all users need unauthorized persons, for example, neighbors at the entrance or in the dorm room, to use their Internet. Sometimes there is a desire to distribute wireless access only within the apartment, if there are several units of such devices as:

  • Laptops;
  • Tablets;
  • Smartphones.

In addition, thanks to WI-FI, you can create local networks in an office environment, if the gadgets in use are equipped with an adapter. The main symptoms that someone is using your internet without permission are:

  • Significant drop in access speed;
  • Changing the configurations and settings of the router;
  • There are unknown devices in the list of connected clients;
  • Increased activity of the WAN indicator on the router when you are not using the Internet.

Usually the key indicator of an unauthorized connection to your access point is a significant decrease in speed, since any router distributes it among all clients.

We look at the connected devices in the admin panel of the router

On various forums, novice users quite often ask the question of how to find out who has connected to my WIFI, but in order to give an accurate answer, you need to determine the model of the router used. Since the most common routers are TP-LINK, it is most appropriate to consider this on his example. The most effective, fastest and most convenient method is to view the connected clients in the device admin panel, but first you need to enter it. So, you need:

  1. Connect to an access point via WI-FI or connect a twisted pair cable (crimped cable on both sides) from the LAN port of the router to a laptop / computer;
  2. Open a browser and enter in the address bar: or or;
  3. In the window that opens, specify the data for authorization (by default, Login - admin, Password - admin).

That's all, after these simple manipulations, the client has the ability to configure the router as he pleases. Regarding the second point, you need to clarify, since the entered address directly depends on the model of your device, but in most cases one of the above will definitely work. In addition, you can see the exact IP of the router on the sticker located at the bottom of the case.

In the future, it will not be difficult to view the connected clients, and for this you need to do the following:

  1. Enter the admin panel using the above method;
  2. Go to the Wireless tab;
  3. Select item Wireless Statistic.

This section contains all clients connected to the access point at the moment, but they can also be viewed in the menu item DHCP - DHCP Clients List. This method is beneficial in that it displays more detailed information about the connected gadget, including the MAC address of the network card and the assigned internal IP.

Programs for viewing the list of devices connected to WI-FI

The developers of software for controlling the network environment today are actively working for the benefit of users. At the moment, there are several high-quality programs that allow you to view the clients of your access point, but the most popular and functional is WiFi Guard. If other applications have a general focus on all kinds of interactions with network connections, then this one is intended for specific purposes. Thanks to it, any administrator can control the number of connected users and, if necessary, block their access. In addition, special green and red markers opposite each connected one give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhether the client is legally consuming traffic.

NETGEAR Genie - This is a very good analogue of the WiFi Guard program with a friendly interface and a wide arsenal of tools. Almost immediately after installing this software, you can get comprehensive information about the connected users through the network status map. Acrylic WiFi Professional is a program primarily intended for admins and developers, but at home it can also be very useful. Its functional set provides not only a list of clients, but also the ability to fine-tune your access point. A program with the unambiguous name Who's Is On My WiFi can help to get information about who is connected to my WIFI. Despite the fact that it is available only in English, it does its job perfectly well. The following Windows applications can be considered no less effective analogues of this software:

  1. Wireless Network Watcher;
  2. NCS Network Scanner;
  3. NetBScanner.

Disconnecting alien devices from Wi Fi

The best way to disconnect any user from your access point is to simply change the password and set the WPA2-PSK encryption protocol. To complete this procedure, you need:

  1. Go to the router admin panel;
  2. Go to the section Wireless - Wireless Security;
  3. Select the encryption type WPA2-PSK;
  4. Set a password of 8 or more characters, it is better to use different case and numbers;
  5. Click the Save button.

In addition, the maximum number of simultaneous clients is set in the same settings menu. This will help in the event that a strictly defined number of devices are always connected to your access point, for example, a laptop, computer and smartphone, so you can set the number 3 in this parameter.

You can protect your WI-FI network from hacking using different methods.
At first, it is recommended to change the password to a new one at least once a month, which is a generally accepted security measure for every Internet user.
Secondly, in no case should you use the same password on all sites, and besides, it must be unique. For example, it is very shortsighted to expose your date of birth, animal name or spouse's middle name. Better to specify a multi-valued code and write it down in a notepad. Among other things, you always need to resort only to the WPA2-PSK type of encryption, since other types of protection are easy to crack, but this one guarantees almost 100% security.

How to punish freebie lovers who connect to your WIFI

If you find a "left" client on your access point, then you must take all measures so that this does not happen again. A great way to punish a negligent neighbor is to permanently block access from his device to your network. To do this, you need:

  1. Log in to the router admin panel;
  2. Go to the Wireless Statistic or DHCP List section and write down the MAC address of the client's network card;
  3. Select the Wireless MAC Filtering item in the router settings;
  4. Activate it and enter the previously recorded MAC;
  5. Save settings.

Thus, the attacker will never be able to connect to the router again. However, you can not turn off the user, but set a speed limit for him in the same settings menu, for example, no more than 10 kilobytes per second. After all, what could be worse for modern people accustomed to broadband Internet than the Odnoklassniki home page, which takes a minute to load. Moreover, you will not lose anything from this. And always try to change the password on the router after someone else has used your laptop or computer, because getting access to one of the clients, pulling out the security key is a matter of several minutes.

Most users use a Wi-Fi router to distribute the Internet. Someone, for security purposes, puts a password on it, and some, not seeing the need for it, leave the router in the public domain. But in practice, it turns out that neither the first, nor, even more so, the second solution, does not ensure the safety of your mesh from unauthorized access.

So, for example, if the Internet suddenly started, as they say, "slow down", then how to find out with the help of Android who is connected to my Wi-Fi, and in general, is it possible? Yes, this is possible, and we will now tell you in detail how to do it.

If you use your Internet connection alone, then all the speed goes only to your device, and as other gadgets are connected to your grid, the channel is "clogged" and opening, for example, a web page quickly becomes problematic.

Usually, to protect wireless networks, fairly reliable protection is used - the WPA and WPA2 encryption protocols. And I must say that using strong passwords, you can be sure of the security of your wi-fi. This was the case until recently. But the use of modern technology and new equipment made it not very difficult to break such protection. Today there are services that can crack any password for a fairly modest amount.

And not only lovers of "freebies" can use your connection, but also those who wish to commit any illegal actions, shifting responsibility for them onto you. And, if the inviolability of your grid is already in question, then it makes sense to find out if it has been hacked and who is using it so shamelessly.

I must say right away that the status will display devices connected to your network and active at the moment. So, it is worth catching villains when, for example, the Internet speed begins to drop sharply. Well, if you just want to see the information, then you can proceed right after reading this article.

Using a computer

In this case, we will use a small free utility SoftPerfect WiFi Guard, which you can download on the official website:

The app will scan the WiFi network for all connected devices. In case of detection of an unfamiliar device, the user will be warned about the detection of an intruder. If you know the found device, then you can simply add it to the white list and after that the program will not pay attention to it.

Using an Android device

You can find out who connected to your Wi-Fi through your Android. This requires download Wifi Analyzer app- Home Wifi Alertwhich turns your smartphone into a WI-Fi analyzer.

Upon completion of the installation, launch the program and click on the "scan network" button. After a minute of waiting, the program will show all devices connected to your Wi-Fi network. Those that are connected without your knowledge will be marked in red. If you are sure that these are your devices, then you can add them to the verified ones:

With Wifi Analyzer, you can also find the least congested channels for your wireless router and even strengthen your network signal. The program will be of interest to specialists who often deal with setting up these networks, as well as to ordinary users.

Some features of the application:

  • View graphs by signal level ratio
  • Displaying the number of channels for each network, Ad Hoc properties, encryption
  • Sort channels by rank
  • Displays information about the connected network: IP, Local Mac, DNS, Link Speed, Gateway, ServerIP, Hidden SSID.

Checking third-party connections manually

Open the browser and enter or in the address bar. Enter the login and password requested by the system. This will open the router settings menu. Here I must say that all routers, depending on the manufacturer, will have different menus, but everywhere there will be a tab like Wireless (Wireless Settings or something similar). We go on it and see the line Wireless Statistics (or Station List, etc.). We click on it and see a display of a list of all devices that are connected to this network.

What to do if an unauthorized connection to my Wi-Fi is detected

  • First, we change the password by inventing a more secure one.
  • Second - if the outdated WEP encryption type is installed, then we replace it with WPA and WPA2.
  • Third, if there is a MAC address filter in the router settings, enable it. Here we set a list of those MAC addresses that can have access to your network, then everyone else will not be able to connect just like that.
  • Fourth - turn on the firewall (if this function is available in your router).
  • Fifth, we change the communication identifier (SSID) and make our Wi-Fi network invisible, which will complicate the possibility of unauthorized access. For the sake of greater security, the name of the identifier is better to come up with a more complex one.
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