How to remove an account from the network. Delete your social media accounts. Bypass FRP Lock with SP Flash Tool

A Google Account gives you access to all Google services, including Gmail, YouTube, Google+, Drive, and more. But what if you don't want to use Google services anymore? How to permanently delete a Google account? Yes, it is possible to permanently and completely delete your Google account.

Before proceeding with deleting your Google account, please note that all data stored there will also be deleted. I don't know your reason for ending Google, maybe it's just a second account that hasn't been used for a long time or another reason. In any case, deleting an unnecessary Google account is not at all difficult, below you will find step by step instructions.

Deleting a Google Account - What You Need to Know Before You Start

After deleting your Google account, you will lose access to a lot of data, including:

  • All Google services like Gmail, Drive, Calendar, etc. As well as any data associated with these services, such as emails, photos, notes, and more.
  • Any subscriptions or content purchased from YouTube or Google Play, Movies, Books or Music.
  • Information stored in Chrome, access to any free or paid Chrome apps and extensions.
  • If you do, you will also lose access to the contacts stored in this account, as well as the data that was backed up using Android Backup.
  • Finally, you will lose your username forever. After you delete your account, you will not be able to register using the same username.

What to do before deleting

If you've been using your Google account for a long time, you will likely have important data that needs to be saved, such as notes, photos, emails, and more. If there are not many of them, you can download them individually, but Google has an easy way to back up all of your account data.

  1. Open your Google account settings by going to
  2. In the block “ Confidentiality" Press on " Content management”.
  3. Here you need to click on “ Create Archive”. The only thing left is to choose which data of Google services you want to save.
  4. Click “ Further”And choose the format in which the data will be packed, the maximum archive size and the method of receiving.
  5. The archiving time will depend on the amount of information data being archived. After finishing, you can download the archive (s) in one of the ways that you chose in the step above.

Also, remember that your Google mailbox can be used as a communication method on websites, portals and even banks, so be sure to replace your communication mailbox with a new one before deleting your account.

Deleting your Google Account is easy

  1. Go to your Google account settings and in the “Account settings” section select “Disable services and delete your account”. Then click “ Delete account and data”.
  2. Here you will see a recommendation to download important data and all content that will be deleted at the end of the operation.
  3. At the bottom of the page, you must put two checkboxes to confirm the deletion of the account, after which you can click on the "Delete account" button.

Removing only certain services

Instead of deleting your entire Google Account, you also have the option to delete certain services.

  1. Go to your Google account settings and in the “ account settings”Select“ Disable services and delete account ”. Then click “Remove Services”.
  2. Here you will see a list of services available for deletion, as well as the ability to download data from them.
  3. If you want to remove the Gmail service, you will have to add another mailbox that will be linked to other Google services you still use.

How to recover a recently deleted account

If after deleting your Google account, you regretted it. Do not worry, you have a little time during which it can be restored.

  1. Go to the Google Account Recovery page.
  2. Select “ I'm having other problems signing in”.
  3. Then follow the instructions on the page to see if you can restore your account. Please be aware that this may not be possible. In addition, if you removed Gmail and added another inbox to access Google services, you will not be able to recover the name of your Gmail inbox.


I hope you now know exactly how to delete your Google account. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, and my readers and I will try to help you.

Not every user is able to use the Internet correctly. Moreover, a huge number of people around the world very often get into trouble organized by scammers or hackers. Hence, there is a distrust of the Internet and a desire to remove all your accounts from it. The Swedish developers Wille Dahlbo and Linus Unnebäck created the service just for such people. He clearly answers the question: "How to delete an account on any site on the Internet?" deletes data in a few clicks

To start removing yourself from the Internet, you need to log in to the service website using your Google account. Next, the service finds all profiles on social networks, other services and applications, on various sites that are associated with your email address and offers to choose which profile or account to add to the queue for deletion and which one to leave for further use. After making the sorting and making the final decision to delete, the service will redirect the user to the account deletion page of the selected site. All that remains is to log in to it and permanently delete your account.

Depending on how deeply the roots are embedded in the Internet, it can take about an hour to clear it of its own presence. The service is suitable not only for people frustrated on the Internet. It is also a useful tool for deleting accounts in those wilds of the Internet that a person is already visiting. However, the service is tied only to Google accounts. If you register anywhere using, and other mail services, then will be useless for you. You can use the service for free at this

By signing up for a Google account on your Android phone or tablet, you agree to one implicit condition: you will be allowed in, but not released. No, someone will not take your account prisoner and "nail" it forever to the device, just registering a Gmail mail and making it your account is a much more understandable and obvious operation than deleting it. However, there are plenty of ways to delete your Google Account from your Android device. They are just not striking.

This way is in the Android function. It will suit you in the following cases:

  • You have decided to transfer your gadget to the possession of a loved one and you are not embarrassed that he will get access to your data, contacts and applications, since you trust him.
  • You need to delete your account to fix some glitch on your device.
  • You want to log in under a different account.

You don't have to worry about the data on your tablet or smartphone. After the demolition of the account, all information belonging to it - applications, files, contacts, personal settings, etc., will remain in place. If that suits you, let's go:

  • Launch the Settings app (Settings).
  • Go to "Personal" -\u003e "Accounts and sync".
  • In the column on the right, select the desired Google account (Gmail address).
  • Tap the menu button in the upper right corner of the screen and select the "Delete Account" option.

  • Confirm consent to the deletion, enter a password, if necessary, and after the operation is completed, restart the device.

Something went wrong and the account is not deleted

Several times I had to deal with such an error - when trying to delete the only Google account on Android (the owner of the gadget), the operation freezes and does not end until you stop it manually. The account remained in place.

One of the solutions turned out to be extremely simple. It is for the case when you want to log in to the device under a different account, make it the owner, and delete the old one.

  • Launch the Gmail app by tapping this icon.

  • Open the menu hidden behind the "hamburger" button in the upper left corner of the screen and click "Add account".

  • Select Google.

  • If you already have another Gmail account, click Existing. If not, “New”. If you choose the second option, follow the instructions for registering a mailbox that you will receive next.

  • Next, go to the settings of the "Mail Gmail" application again. Now there are 2 users - old and new. One (usually the old one) is loaded as the main one, the second is simply present in the list. Switch to the user you just added by tapping their icon.

  • After that, click "Account Management" and repeat the operation of deleting the old one. Most likely, this time there will be no problems. The second account will remain the only one and will become the owner of the device. All files, contacts, settings and applications of the old account will be in place.

On different gadgets and in different versions of Android, individual points of this instruction may not be performed as described. But the principle is the same everywhere.

Deleting Google Accounts data

On some devices, you can delete your account in another simple way. Run the system utility "Options", go to the "Applications" section on the "All" tab. Find "Google Accounts" in the list and click the "Erase Data" button.

On some firmwares it is necessary to erase the data not of this application, but of "Google Services".

Deleting Google account and all user data (returning the device to its original state)

This option is applicable in the following cases:

  • If the owner does not remember his account password and cannot recover it.
  • If the above methods of deleting an account do not work correctly or the function is blocked by a malicious program.
  • Before selling a gadget and in other similar cases.

You can remove all accounts and all user information from your phone in different ways. The easiest way to do this is through the menu of the same application "Settings". In my example, the reset button is in the "Personal Data" - "Backup" section.

On other firmwares, both the subsection and the button may have a different name and be located in a different place. In particular, on Samsung it is located in the "General" menu and is called "Backup and reset", on some Lenovo - in the "Restore and reset" section (button "Factory data reset"). On other devices - anywhere else. Check the user manual for this.

After pressing the reset button, Android will warn you that all apps, settings and accounts will be completely removed from your tablet or phone. If you agree, click "Reset settings" again and wait about 5 minutes. After restarting, you will get a pristine device.

If the device is protected by a password that you do not remember, you can perform a reset in a couple of other ways:

  • Through the Recovery menu (Wipe Data / Factory Reset option). How to get to this menu, read the instructions for the device.
  • By long pressing the recessed Reset button located on the phone or tablet. On some models, it is hidden under the back cover.

An even tougher method of deleting an account, when absolutely nothing helps, is flashing the device through a computer, which is similar to reinstalling Windows on a PC. After that, of course, there will be no user data and applications either.

Warning: some tablets and phones are so tightly tied to the owner's account that they require authorization under it even after a reset and flashing. And it is very, very difficult to bypass this request (there is no single solution, for each brand of device it is different). Therefore, while you have access to your Google account information, write down your login and password in a notebook or file on another device and store it in a safe place.

For those who have root rights

Those who managed to obtain superuser rights on their device have one more opportunity to demolish their Google account than others. You can simply delete the accounts.db file where Android stores account information. To do this, you need a file manager with access to protected service data, such as Root Explorer, and… nothing else.

So, start Root Explorer, go to the / data / system folder (on separate firmwares - to / data / system / users / 0 /), open the accounts.db context menu with a long touch and select “Delete”.

How to sign out of your Google Play account, mail and other applications without deleting your account on Android

Some users are wondering if it is possible to remove your account only from the Goolle Play store, Gmail and other applications that use authorization, but keep all files, programs and settings on Android. I answer: you can. If the method of adding a second account through the mail program did not help, you can do it by changing the password for your current Google account.

For this:

  • Go to the "My Account" section of through any web browser. Go to the subsection "Security and Login".

  • On the next page, click the "Password" button.

  • Enter your current password to verify that it is you. Then you will have the opportunity to change it to a new one.

If the gadget is connected to the Internet, the next time you log into Google Play and the mail program, the system will ask you to log in. You will only have to enter the details of the new account

We all like to "hang out" on the World Wide Web in search of the necessary information or communicate in social networks with people living in different parts of the globe.

However, we sometimes do not even think that every day we leave more and more information about ourselves in these endless spaces.

From that moment on, the question is - how to disappear from the internet - becomes paramount and all forces are directed towards its implementation.

What should be done first of all so that they will forget about you as soon as possible, and later you could completely control your presence there?

Before proceeding with a total cleaning, you should understand the difference between deactivation and removal, since some mistakenly believe that by deactivating their account, they will completely disappear from a particular network.

However, it is not.

Deactivation is not deletion, and the suspension of the account, after which certain information will remain available, although it will not be possible to see your chronicle.

You can make a deactivated account operational at any time by activation.

Complete deletion involves the destruction of all information that you left during registration, as well as the entire chronicle of messages written in the process of communication.

Remove ourselves from Facebook

Read also: How to permanently delete a page on Facebook (Facebook): from a computer or mobile phone: all methods

First, make sure that you don't need all the materials on your page (correspondence, photos). Otherwise, copy and save them on your computer.

You can even download yourself a copy of all the data you have, saving it to your hard drive as an archive.

For these purposes, go to your account and select the settings item.

In the window that opens, click on the line with the general settings and in its lower part select “ download a copy of your Facebook info».

After that, a new window will open, in which an archive with your information will be created.

Save it where it will be inaccessible to strangers.

Find and remove apps

The next step, prior to removal, is to identify the applications to which you have connected using your Facebook account.

To do this, in the same menu, select the line “ Applications"And click on it. In the central part of the window, those applications will be displayed, which were entered through.

After that, you will need to visit each of them to change the authorization option, and only after that you should delete them from Facebook by clicking on the cross next to one or another application.

And only after that you can start deleting the account itself.

Select from the menu " Are common"Item" Account management”And request its removal.

After activating this process, expect a letter to your email address.

Be aware that the deletion process will take about one month, and the special recovery copy will be destroyed no earlier than three months later.

Deleting a VK account

Read also:How to delete all entries on the Vkontakte wall at once - Five ways

For this purpose, you need to enter the VKontakte page under your account and in the menu located on the left side of the page, select the item " My settings».

In the general settings window that opens - at the very bottom - there is an item " You can delete your page».

By clicking on this item, you will be taken to the next window, in which this procedure takes place.

The last step is to indicate the reason for deleting the page, which you can choose from the list (if it suits you) or indicate your own.

The window for deleting a page in VKontakte

After the reason is selected and the button " Delete»Is pressed - the long-awaited process will begin, the completion of which will take place only after seven months.

During this period, you can easily restore your account and, if you wish, use your account again.

If you do not want to have an account anymore, do not log in after deleting to your page within the above period, otherwise the account will be restored, and you will have to start all over again.

Deleting a page in Odnoklassniki

Read also: How to delete a page on Odnoklassniki

Log in with your username and password and go down to the very bottom of the main page. There, from the list present, select the item " Regulations».

This will open a new page where you will see the license agreement.

In the window that appears, indicate the reason that prompted the deletion of the profile, and click on the " Delete».

Remember that when you delete your personal profile, in addition to destroying confidential information, all other components will also be deleted - photos, ratings and comments, correspondence with friends and acquaintances, and much more.

If you are ready for this, feel free to start the uninstallation process by first entering your password in the specially designated field.

Try not to enter your page within 90 days, otherwise it will be reactivated and you will have to go through this procedure again.

Menu window "My Account"

On this page, in the column with account settings, you should select the last item, which is exactly responsible for deleting.

In the appeared window for deleting accounts and services, select the option that suits you.

The item for deleting services allows you to delete individual services - Google+ and - without touching the account itself.

If you choose the option to delete the account itself and all existing data, you can delete everything completely in one fell swoop.

Before deleting, the service will require you to log in to your account again using your password and email.

After that, you will be taken to the account deletion page, where you will be asked to familiarize yourself with very important information first.

It says that after deletion, all your data will be erased and access to all kinds of services will be closed.

In addition, you will also lose the ability to use third-party services that were linked to your gmail mailbox.

All existing message threads will be deleted in the mail, and the video you downloaded will be deleted.

If this account contains important data that you would like to keep, download it before starting the deletion process.

To do this, in the account deletion window, select the appropriate item and specify the location where the save will be made.

After all the necessary data has been saved - check the two lower boxes - taking responsibility for the costs of unfinished transactions and agreeing that the account itself and the data contained in it will be permanently deleted.

And only then press the button " Delete account».

Then you will receive a notification from the service that after 14 days your account will be permanently deleted, but you have the opportunity to log in under your account and cancel the request within the specified period.

Do not rush to delete your Google account if most of the secondary services you register with are linked to it. Remove all these services first - by visiting each one. They all have a similar deletion scheme, so you are unlikely to get confused. Otherwise, you will not be able to enter them and the maximum disappearance from the Internet will not work.

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