How to access your gmail inbox. To add a contact. How to send an email with gmail

Today, email is an integral part of any communication. It is very convenient to use, because you can instantly send an interlocutor a file of almost any format or accept an incoming one. It is very important that you create an email address and that it is easy to use and reliable. Therefore, this article will help you learn about mail.

Using this mailbox is easy. In order to enter the server, you must register your own account with Google. In this article, we describe how to log in to your mailbox. In addition, we’ll show you how to configure and edit it in the future, as well as how to secure gmail.

In the event that you have not yet created your own account on the Google server, proceed to register it. Then return to this page to be aware of how to log in and set up your gmail email address.

Reasons for testing difficulties entering the mail

After creating your own account, the server will automatically authorize you. That is, you will immediately enter the saved gmail inbox. However, in order to use it successfully, each time you will have to enter and exit your own mailbox in order to secure your correspondence. It is especially important to log in and out of the "mail" if you did not log into it from your computer (from a working one, for example).

Since there are people who are faced with the problem of entering the Google mailbox, we are interested in what it is connected with. We tried a variety of computer equipment, and also worked with completely different software. But we did not have to find out any difficulties: we entered the mail from any device in the standard way. Given this experience, we concluded that perhaps some steps are not reproducing correctly.

Sometimes inbound users do not share and emails. The first is from Google, the second is from a completely different server. Therefore, you need to make sure that you are trying to enter it in the saved box from Google. In addition, the mailbox interface sometimes changes, which also causes some difficulties when trying to log in. But in fact, you need to abstract from the appearance of the service, since everything happens in a standard way, despite the updated interface.

Gmail inbox: how to log in and out?

If you want to use mail and log in to gmail, do the following:

If you need to exit gmail, look at the upper right corner of the page. You will see your own photo there. Click on it and click on the “Exit” menu that appears.

Google Email Settings

Today there are very convenient functions in the mail (interface, way of working), which you will definitely want to change at your discretion. For example, you have the opportunity to create a permanent signature, change the appearance of labels or choose a different topic for the appearance of mail.

In order to change gmail settings, you need to do the following: pay attention to the upper right corner of the page. There you will see the gear icon. Click on it and click on "Settings". It is here that you have the opportunity to transform and change the category you want.

Join contacts

Mail from the Google server contains a very convenient function. It makes it possible to create, save and enter the necessary contacts in the address book specially created for this. This feature gives you the opportunity not to clog your head with all the email addresses of your interlocutors. In addition, it is possible to come in and make contact with additional information. For example, mobile number, date of birth, address of residence.

If you decide to add a contact:

To log in and change contact information:

  1. On the line of the left settings menu, click "My Contacts".
  2. Select the contact you want to make changes.
  3. After that, you have the opportunity to create any changes to the contact information.

It is also worth noting that in the case when you send an e-mail to an unknown system, the server can automatically put the appropriate address in your contacts. By choosing the "Contacts" menu, you can easily add changes to the information about this contact.

Transfer email and contacts

Maybe in another email you have a ready-made contact list? But does the mechanical import of each individual contact take too much time? Then this setting is for you. Mail from the Google server contains a function that allows you to transfer the contact list from almost any other mailbox. In addition, it gives the opportunity to import all your correspondence.
  It is convenient to transfer letters and contacts from Yandex, services. But it is also possible to do this from other emails. For this:

  1. Click the gear icon located in the upper right corner of the gmail page. You need to go in and click "Settings".
  2. Select the Accounts category. Check mail from other accounts (using POP3). By following the instructional information that appears on the settings screen, you can easily transfer contacts or letters.

Gmail email security

If you think that you are an ordinary person, a simple user and no one wants to enter your mail, no one encroaches, then you are very mistaken. Today there are a huge number of cybercriminals hacking mail for personal gain. Undoubtedly, if your mail is used exclusively for household correspondence with friends, then there is nothing to worry about. But in the case when the mailbox is tied to other important accounts, especially financial ones (for example, WebMoney), you must secure your own mailbox and funds so that no one can enter it. Many servers make it possible to associate important personal pages with a mobile phone number. However, most of them continue to sync with their email address.

In the event that you value outgoing information that is synchronized with your "mail", and want to prevent hacking gmail, you must properly configure the mailbox. Enter the “Settings” (in the upper right corner after pressing the gear):

  • first make sure that Use Only http is selected in the General panel. If there is no outgoing checkmark, then you need to put it. This is necessary in order for the data to come in encrypted form. In the event that the checkbox is not checked, and you are using mail in a public place with free access to the Wi-Fi network, there is a risk that attackers will intercept information in an unencrypted form and can enter your email;
  • those who use email clients will be forced to change the connection type settings from simple to secure (TLS). On the connection settings panel, you need to click on the safe connection type, and also change the mail reception port (POP) from 110 to 995, the send port (SMTP) from 25 to 465. Usually, the ports change independently after clicking on the TLS connection;
  • for those who do not use email programs, you should disable this feature: go to the “Forwarding and POP / IMAP” panel to check the box “Disable POP” and “Disable IMAP”;
  • double authentication must be enabled. Its presence serves as the difference between mail from Google and mailboxes from other servers. After establishing double authorization, to enter the mailbox, you will need to enter the password sent in the form of an SMS message to your mobile phone number. This greatly enhances the security of your email.

How to enable 2-step email authentication?

For this:

  • you need to enter the “Accounts and Import” panel, click “Change password recovery settings”.
  • on the outgoing page, enter the personal mobile number. In addition, there is the opportunity to specify another email, through which you can restore a forgotten password (linking another e-mail is also not entirely safe, so I recommend not linking it);
  • click on “Other Google Account Settings”;
  • on the page that appears, in the "Security" branch, click "Change" two-step authentication. In the new window, select the “Proceed to setup” option;
  • in the initial field, personally indicate your current mobile number. It will receive SMS messages from Google with confirmation codes. If the phone number is already synchronized with the account, skip this field, since the number will already be there;
  • select the Trusted Computer option. It allows you to enter a verification code from a selected computer only once in 30 days.

Thus, you have enabled 2-step verification!

Application Passwords

Following the establishment of two-step authorization, any applications that use the username and password of your google page will stop working. An error will appear in the form of a message: "Invalid username or password." In order for them to work as before, you need to generate and change application passwords. To do this and to keep the passwords stored, do the following (after two-step authentication):

  • click "Create passwords" or click on the link:;
  • on the page enter the name you like for the password;
  • click Create Password. The creation wizard will issue a password. It must be saved by you, because it can no longer be found. It is issued only once. Naturally, it can later be changed to invented in person. His name has no meaning. It will work with any application;
  • then enter this password into the application, replacing it with the password name of your Google page.

Use with pleasure!

Hello. Today I will tell you what mail entry. In case of unsuccessful authorization on Google mail, an attempt to recover the password will not be superfluous. To get started, go to the site - (do this preferably from the device from which you last successfully logged in to your account). The authorization pages offer their users the opportunity to change the language, select the most comfortable for you and get started!

Then you need to find the link: “Can’t you access your own account?”, And after going through it, enter the email address that caused the authorization problems. Here you will also need to confirm that you are not a robot by entering a verification code.

Very often, a simple password recovery is the solution to the problem. How to do this, read the next article.

The resulting page offers a list of various options for restoring access. If you have one more e-mail address in the settings or a phone number, the recovery procedure is greatly simplified.

Check if cookies are enabled for this site.

Cookies are files that help the web browser remember the client’s settings on a specific resource, while maintaining its configuration and collecting statistics. Now virtually all sites require these files. For this reason, to check their availability for Google Mail, you need to open your browser settings and enable them. We suggest you consider the process of their inclusion in three popular browsers, such as: IE, Firefox, Google Chrome.

  • Enable cookies in Internet Explorer. First you need to go to the “Control Panel” and find “Internet Options” in the same place. Click on the tab "Confidentiality", after that - "Advanced". In the resulting window, you will need to check “Override cookie auto-processing” and set the “Accept” markers on both main and third-party files.
  • Enabling Cookie in Mozilla Firefox.  First of all, open a browser, go to settings. Find the "Privacy" tab there. Find the block with the history where you will need to click on the last item from the drop-down list "will apply the settings to save the history." On top of that, check the box next to "Accept cookies from sites." Close the settings window by clicking the “OK” button.
  • Enable cookies in Google Chrome.  Open a browser, then follow in "Settings" (in the upper right corner there is an icon with three stripes, after clicking on it a window appears in which you can find the same settings).

At the bottom of this window is the "Advanced Settings" subsection, go to them and click on "Personal Data", and after that - "Content Settings". In the resulting window, select the checkbox under "Allow saving local data." At the end, confirm the configuration by clicking on the “OK” button.

Once you have finished clearing the cookies, you can also clear your browsing history and cache. As a rule, the history of visits takes such proportions that productivity decreases significantly, and certain functions cease to work at all. We suggest you take a closer look at deleting history in popular browsers.

Clear browsing history in IE.

First you need to go to the "Service", then hold down the "Alt" button. As a result of this, a menu appears, in the list of proposed items, select "Delete browser history." In the resulting window, you will need to mark those items that you need to delete. It remains only to confirm your actions by clicking on the appropriate button. Done!

Clearing your browsing history in Mozilla Firefox.

With this browser it will be a little easier: you just need to hold down the key combination “Ctrl + Shift + Delete”, in the resulting window select the items that you need to delete. It is important to systematically clear the cache and browser history. By the way, at the end of the removal procedure, you will need to log back into your profiles on sites.

Clear your browsing history in Google Chrome.

The removal process is broadly similar to that of other browsers, but there is one nuance: upon completion of this procedure on one of the devices, the history is deleted on absolutely all devices from which authorization to the Chrome account was performed. So, open the web browser menu, go to the "Tools" tab. On the resulting page, select "Clear View Data." In the window that appears, select the items that you want to delete.

Along with this, it will not be superfluous to see what extensions are installed in the browser. If you find unfamiliar and unnecessary extensions, it is better to remove them, since they (to some extent) reduce browser performance.

Following our tips, you can easily solve the problem with authorization on any site. mail mail in

If you have not been registered in Gmail - you can fix this on the site - In the right part, click on the "Create Account" button.

You can create your own profile in this system in 3 actions.

The first stage involves filling out the questionnaire.

  1. Write the name and surname. An electronic mailbox is usually created for a long time. Moreover, with the help of it, mobile devices are activated under the Android operating system. If you need an additional email address, it is better to use the services of
  2. Choose a login name. This step is not the easiest, as choosing a name takes a lot of time from users. For example, names such as artem, andrey, etc. are already in the database. It’s good that the system is fully automated, so you only need to substitute your own version, and it will say whether it can be used or not.
  3.   . Its length must not be less than eight characters. Try to make it different from what you installed on other portals.
  4. Confirm the password. The site needs to make sure that you really remember the password you set. Important: the password must include latin characters. Because of the wrong keyboard layout, errors often occur, so be careful.
  5. Indicate the date of birth.
  6. Choose gender.
  7. You can write your phone number to protect your account. If an important confidential message history is stored on it, then two-step authorization can be set by entering an SMS message. Along with this, if you forget the password, you can easily recover it using your mobile phone.
  8. Reliability of the protection system will increase significantly if. Suppose your main mailbox is hacked and commit their wicked deeds, and appropriate notifications are sent to the auxiliary email address.
  9. You can check the box “Make Google my home page” if you want this search engine to be displayed on the home page when you open a browser.
  10. After that, you need to pass a test that distinguishes spam bots from real users. This is an absolutely simple task, and it goes quickly.
  11. Country item: select a place to stay.
  12. Checkmark the agreement with the rules of use of this system.
  13. If in the future you intend to actively use Google+, then it will not be superfluous to put a checkmark under the item "I want to see what they recommend ....". Thanks to this, you can watch what friends recommend you.

This is all that is needed for the questionnaire. Click on the “Next” button and follow to the next stage of registration.

At the second stage, if you wish, you can choose an avatar.

That's all for me!

Logging into your Gmail email service account is pretty easy. But first you need to create your account on this service. Now you will learn how to easily and correctly enter mail, and also learn the basic settings of this mail service, understand how to change mail settings, and also learn how to edit existing contacts.

If you have not previously registered with Gmail, then do it now, because the procedure is elementary, and does not require special skills or knowledge.

check in

Register an account, because It’s the same for all Google services. we go by.

Click the "Create Account" button. fill out the form.
In the process, you must specify your data - initials and the desired email address. You can specify any name and surname, since the resource allows you to create a different number of mailboxes. And we get ...

When registration is completed, the system will automatically redirect you to a personal account via a link, that is, you will find yourself in your personal account, where you can already begin to fully work and use the capabilities of the Gmail system. But keep in mind that each time you re-enter, you will need to enter the login information - this is the email address and password, so save the information in a safe place.

Some novice Gmail users experience some difficulties when logging in, but they can be avoided by entering the correct data and agreeing to the browser saving the password. Thus, in the future you will not need to enter your password and Gmail address on the keyboard, since they will be automatically entered when you enter your account.

How to log in to Gmail:

Fill in the data that we talked about above - login, password (the login address is your mailbox);
   After entering the data, click the "Login" button;

How do I sign out of my account?

To sign out of your current Gmail account to change your profile or in other circumstances, you need to select the "Sign out" option on your profile picture.

  Gmail Settings

Mail works without any settings, but an inquiring mind may want to fine-tune everything for itself. Basic settings are hidden under the gear icon.

After mastering the basic functions of Gmail, you will want to change the mail configuration or change the template. To do this, in the left menu, find the “Gears” tab and click. A drop-down column of functions will open, among which select the Themes function. Or click on “Settings” - a context menu will open in which you select everything you want.

Create contacts

In the Gmail service, you can create and delete contacts, as well as perform group actions with existing ones. It is possible to enter additional information about the contact: phone numbers, addresses, birthday.
  To add a new contact, select the "Contacts" section.
A window will appear where you need to enter data about the created contact. Changes will be saved automatically.
  To change Gmail contacts, you need to select the contact you want to edit, click on it, and now you can edit all of its data.
  In the process of using Gmail, you will gradually master all its functions, and will be able to do everything at your discretion in the future.

If you’re having trouble accessing Gmail mail (it doesn’t matter from your computer or mobile device) or you see the message “Add Gmail to your Google Account” and “The name is already taken. Try another one, ”this article should help you solve this problem.

The reasons that you can’t enter Google’s mail may be different, and therefore I will give several possible solutions, and I hope I will help all those who are reading this manual.

Logging in to - First Steps

After that, the very first thing to try is to clear the entire history (cookie) of your browser. From the reviews of several users on the Internet, this is exactly what helped them.

If it worked - great, if not, read on:

  1. We follow the following link: Sign in to Gmail
  2. A Gmail login form will appear, where one of your addresses will already be entered. And below will be a link "Sign in to another account"  or "Sing in with a different account"  (if you have English) - click on it.
  3. After that, all your addresses will be displayed, including the one you need. Select an address, enter your password and enter your inbox. If an empty login form appears instead of addresses, enter the required address, password and enter.

This option is also possible if, when you try to enter the mail, a window appears Add Gmail to your Google Account  and the message “This name is already taken. Try another one. ”

On the same page, where “Name is already taken” answers you, there is a circle with a little man in the upper right corner (or with your avatar). Click on it and select Add account.Next, enter your address, password and click Login.

Account Information

I think it will not be superfluous to make sure once again that you enter all the data necessary to enter the mail correctly. Passwords are very case sensitive, so make sure you don't have the Caps Lock key turned on. Also check for the correct username i.e. email address that is written down to @

Let me know in the comments how you did it.

Google is the largest search engine that processes over 40 billion requests per month. The main difference between the most easy to use and affordable system is the presence of numerous interconnected and constantly developing services.

One of the most popular is mail - entering Google mail opens up the widest possibilities of its functionality for users. It is not surprising that today Google mail has outstripped the popularity of many well-known mail services in the world.

Why gmail?

It would seem, how can a search engine mailbox differ from stationary services? But the capabilities of can surprise many "advanced" users. In addition to the usual functions of collecting correspondence, the ability to mark and distribute them into thematic folders, gmail mail offers a lot of other "usefulness":

  • An excellent filtering system allows you to sort letters by dozens of criteria in automatic mode.
  • Import contact list from other mailboxes.
  • Thanks to reliable protection against Google mail spam, many prefer to collect correspondence from other services in this box.
  • Access to mail is possible from any device connected to the Internet.
  • Unlimited use of all search engine products without separate registration.
  • Providing 15 GB of free storage for photos, letters, documents, etc.
  • The ability to create corporate addresses, receive round-the-clock support, and organize free video conferences.
  • It is intended to use a secure protocol, receive a warning from gmail mail, which is accessed from an unfamiliar IP address.

How to get access to all these charms, correctly configure the operation of your mailbox?

Creating a mailbox gmail - simple

Registration in the service is commonplace, but has some nuances. Firstly, do not confuse it with gmail ru, which has nothing to do with Google. In general, getting the mail address gmail com is a bonus for users who create an account in the system. If this is not available, just go to the page of the mail service mail - the entrance to Google mail will be accompanied by a proposal to fix this "defect":

  1. After clicking “Create an account” you will see a web form where you need to carefully fill in the fields.
  2. To begin with, identification data is entered: first and last name, information about the field and date of birth, phone number, alternative mail address, country. The main catch at this stage is to come up with a username, because that is what your future mailbox will be called with, and a strong password. Google mail is very popular, so you have to connect a maximum of imagination in order to come up with a simple unoccupied name. The same goes for the password. Although gmail mail is reliably protected, a simple combination may not protect your mailbox from hacking.
  3. Now you can attach your photo, choose the interface language.

It is recommended that you enter real information. The phone number and address of the additional mailbox will help in the future to easily restore access when you lose your password or hack mail. Upon completion of registration, an alternative code will be sent to the alternative mailbox to solve possible problems with entry.

If you have mail, you can easily log in to Google mail from all services of the system by pressing the button located in the upper menu next to the username. Also, when you enter gmail in your browser, access to your mail will be available.

Logging in to

If you have mail, you can easily log in to Google mail from all services of the system by pressing the button located in the upper menu next to the username. Also, when you enter gmail in your browser, access to your mail will be available. Using a mailbox is possible from any device.

Go to the mail from the computer

  • Go to the service page, enter the name and password that you specified when creating your account on Google. If you wish, you can go under a different login.
  • Click "Login" in the upper right part of the page, if upon entering you saw an enumeration of mail services.

Go into Google mail with Android

To use the mail, add your account and update the gmail application, if it is not relevant.

  • Enter the application and in the pop-up menu (three horizontal bars with an arrow) select “Add Account”.
  • Here you will need to enter the type of the new account and complete all the steps according to the instructions.

Sign in to Gmail with iOS

To access the mail you need to add one or more accounts.

  • After entering the application, select your account in the menu with the icon with three stripes. If you use an iPad, this step is skipped.
  • In the account management section, select the "Add account" item and enter the login credentials.

Familiarity with the interface and google mail settings

When you opened a mailbox on mail, entering Google mail will allow you to quickly configure the necessary functions. Let's start with the interface. He is familiar, as clear as possible and does not change long enough. Convenient tools include:

  • Separation of letters by purpose. You can distribute correspondence related to social networks, forums, notifications or leave in an unsorted folder.
  • The ability to organize skype-like videos and regular chats. If your browser does not support it, which is automatically checked, the standard Html version will load.
  • 15 GB of storage is provided by default, but for a small fee, its volume can be increased.

What is noteworthy, if you registered on mail, logging in to Google mail does not completely cancel the use of other mailboxes. It is very easy to configure the forwarding of correspondence to a new address in any other mail service. You can familiarize yourself with the main features that gmail com offers, such as transferring the list of contacts and correspondence from third-party mailboxes or about the social network of the search engine, in letters sent to your address immediately after registration.

Google Mail Sort Settings

To conveniently and quickly sort letters, gmail mail offers effective tools:

  • Shortcuts. They are functionally similar to folders familiar to all, but differ in wider possibilities. Initially, you will see a minimal set, located on the left side of the page, which is expanded and customized for your purposes.
  • To get started, go to the Settings tab, located in the drop-down menu in the form of a gear. In the "Labels" section, changing the yes / no activation, you can hide, activate or delete the necessary menu items. And by clicking the button at the bottom of the window or directly from the letter, it is easy to create a new shortcut folder.
  • If you don’t like specific icons in gmail com mail, change them to regular text labels in the general settings of button labels.
  • Mail innovation - organizing nesting of labels without installing add-ons. To configure a shortcut, just click on the arrow to the right of it. In this case, you will be prompted to choose a color and customize the label according to several criteria.
  • If you delete one of the shortcuts, for example, “Inbox”, the contents of the folder are not destroyed, but moved to the “Archive” and remain available also in the “All mail” folder.

Of course, no one canceled the manual “scattering” of letters into folders during their reading with the usual “Move” button. The google mail features allow you to avoid this routine and greatly simplify the work.

  • Filters This tool is indispensable when you need to automate the process of sorting correspondence. To use Google’s wonderful mail filters, you also need to enter the settings menu under the gear icon.
  • The window that opens shows the existing filters and a link that will allow you to create an ideal, logically organized mail.
  • You can filter letters, for example, by subject, by addressee (both recipients, and senders of your own and attached mailbox), by certain terms, etc.
  • Next, indicate what to do with filtered correspondence: send to one of the folders, archive, mark, apply a shortcut or forward, delete, etc.

If you have already used a similar service, there should not be any problems with creating a convenient sorting algorithm. Mailbox Security

An indisputable advantage of the service is the ability to track suspicious attempts to access the box, as well as setting up an alert in such cases. This can be done via the link “Additional Information” in the “Settings” section.

  • If the correspondence that you exchange or store is extremely important, you should sacrifice convenience and correctly configure the mailbox security. In the Security and Login section, it is recommended that you create two-step authentication. Upon entering, you will need to not only enter the password, but confirm the access with the code sent to the phone.
  • Carefully check the settings of the tabs for the presence of unnecessary links in the signature of letters, included without your knowledge of the answering machine.
  • Make sure there are no unknown names in the account access section and other addresses in the settings for sending letters.
  • Check your POP and MAP settings, filters, etc.

Of course, this is not all the features of the gmail mail service. You will always find more detailed information about the huge functionality, settings of various tools and security on the system website and in the extensive help section.

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