Usb cable pinout. Pinout cable yusb

Micro USB connectors are built into many modern devices, but there are also other types of connectors - Mini USB, which require a separate special cable. Many people have a logical question: why not replace the Mini USB socket with Micro USB.
Is it easy to re-solder a USB socket on your own without a soldering station, and what difficulties can a person without experience in electronics repair have when replacing a USB connector.
Let's consider the process of replacing Mini USB connector with Micro USB in detail!
First of all, you should know that these connectors most often do not have the same contact pads for soldering to the board, or the step between the pins of the contacts!
If these difficulties do not scare you, and you still decide to replace the Mini USB connector with Micro USB, be sure to take care of isolating all the connector pins!

As for the tools, you will need to replace the USB connector yourself:
1. High quality low-melting solder and acid-free flux.
2. Desoldering pump, even the simplest one, is not required, but desirable! It will be much faster to solder parts with it!
3. Braid for removing solder.
4. PCB cleaner or regular alcohol. Even if you are using a professional no-clean flux, wiping the board after soldering will not hurt!
5. Heat-resistant Kapton tape.
6. It is very desirable to have a PCB holder of at least the simplest type!
7. Soldering station or soldering iron with thermo-stabilization! Without them, the probability is high:
- part overheating! Overheated PCB tracks usually just flake off!
- its underheating! If the solder is not flexible enough and hardens quickly, you run the risk of tearing off the part along with the PCB contact pads! This is especially true when replacing Micro USB, Mini USB and other similar connectors!

The process of replacing a USB connector consists of several stages:
1. First of all, the device is completely de-energized by disconnecting it from the mains and autonomous power supply (the batteries must be disconnected)!
2. All low-melting parts near the connector are usually protected from melting by gluing with Kapton tape.
3. Acid-free flux is applied to the place where the USB connector is removed.
4. The refractory solder is removed and the fusible alloy is applied.

The more solder you can apply, the easier it will be to remove the USB connector with a soldering iron.

5. Evenly moving the soldering iron, try to simultaneously warm up all the contact pads of the connector and its conclusions.
6. Carefully remove the connector from the board, after making sure that the solder is sufficiently hot. It is better to remove the connector with ceramic tweezers, rather than ordinary metal ones!

7. All contact pads are cleaned of solder so that their surface becomes level!
8. If the Mini USB connector is replaced with Micro USB, and the contact pads do not match, Kapton tape is glued to the board. It is needed to prevent short circuits!

9. It is very important to accurately align the Micro USB socket on the board! Please note that the protruding metal part of Micro USB plugs comes in different lengths!

A socket located too "deeply" in the Micro USB case will not provide reliable contact with the plug contacts because its plastic will simply rest against the case! Conversely, a too close soldered connector can easily break from lateral distortion when pulling out the cable!

All connector pins must be carefully tinned and make sure that the solder really penetrates the metal! If this is not done, the connector may simply fall off or shift when inserting / removing the connector!

Having precisely positioned the USB connector, solder its mounting pins.
10. Then solder the power leads and (if necessary) the signal leads.
If the pitch between them does not match, wires are usually used for connection ("hairs" from a thin wire). Note, however, that the supply conductors ("+" and "-") must have a sufficient cross-section!
11. The attachment of the Micro USB connector to the board can be strengthened by soldering an additional bracket made of tinned wire (always hard).

Of course, you need to solder it carefully, so as not to melt the connector and not to seal up the holes with solder to fix the Micro USB plug!
12. After replacing the USB connector, thoroughly rinse the board from the flux and make sure that there are no "snot" (solder particles) on it, which can cause a short circuit! Of course, it is better to "ring" all soldered contacts with a multimeter before assembling the device!

Universal Serial Bus (USB) wiring diagram

Wiring diagram for USB connectors

Wiring diagram for USB connectors (cable and device)

Wiring diagram for USB connectors (cable and device)

USB signals are transmitted over two wires (twisted pair) of a shielded four-wire cable.

VBUS - voltage +5 Volt of the power supply circuit, GND - contact for connecting the "body" of the power circuit. The maximum current drawn by the device through the USB bus power lines must not exceed 500 mA. Data is transferred via pins D- and D + of the USB connector. Differential data transfer is basic for USB.

USB cable connectors

Special USB connectors are used for the USB cable. The USB cable is directional, therefore, for correct connection, USB connectors have different configurations. There are two types of USB connectors: Type A (see Fig. 7. and Fig. 8.) and Type B (see Fig. 9. Fig. 10 and Fig. 11).

Fig. 7. Common USB cable connector Type A

In accordance with the 1.0 specification USB Type A connectors are used for connection "to the host" ie. installed on the side of the controller or USB hub.

Fig. 8. "Branded" USB cable connector Type A

In accordance with the 1.0 specification USB Type B connectors are used for connecting "to a device" ie. for connecting peripheral devices.

Fig. 9. A normal USB cable connector Type B. This connector is suitable, for example,
to connect the printer

Fig. 10. Common USB mini cable Type B

Fig.11. Connector micro USB cable Type B. In the figure below the USB symbol you can clearly see the designation Type B

Figure 12. and Fig. 13. shows USB cables. These USB cables are equipped with a regular USB Type A cable connector and a USB mini Type B cable connector.

Fig. 12. USB cables are equipped with a regular Type A USB cable connector (left figure) and a Type B USB mini cable connector (right figure). Type B is designated as B

Fig.13. USB cables are equipped with a regular Type A USB cable connector (left figure) and a Type B USB mini cable connector (right figure). Type B is designated as b

Fig. 14. USB cable equipped with a miniature connector called micro USB

USB supports hot (power on) plugging and unplugging. This is achieved by the increased length of the grounding contact of the connector in relation to the signal contacts, see Fig. 15. When the USB connector is connected, the grounding contacts are closed first, the potentials of the two devices' cases are equalized and further connection of the signal conductors does not lead to overvoltages, even if the devices are powered from different phases of the three-phase power network.

Fig. 15. The length of the grounding contact (in the figure, pin 4 GND at the top) of the connector is increased in relation to the signal (pin 3 D + in the figure, below) contacts. The top contact is longer than the bottom one. This allows you to connect and disconnect devices without turning off the power (the so-called "hot" plugging and unplugging)

Fig. 15.a. The length of the power contacts of the USB flash card connector (in the figure, the extreme contacts) is increased in relation to the signal (in the figure, the middle contacts) contacts. This allows you to connect and disconnect devices without turning off the power (the so-called "hot" plugging and unplugging)

Mating parts of USB connectors are located on peripheral devices connected via USB, see Fig. 16. and Fig. 17.

Fig. 16. Connector for connecting the USB cable connector. The USB symbol is clearly visible

Fig. 17. Connector for USB mini cable connector Type B

Fig. 18. Comparison of sizes of USB connectors. A regular USB cable connector Type A (in the figure on the left), a USB mini cable connector Type B (in the figure in the center) and a USB micro connector for a Type B cable (in the figure on the right). Type B is designated as B

The USB interface is a popular form of technological communication on mobile and other digital devices. Connectors of this kind are often found on personal computers of various configurations, peripheral computer systems, on cell phones, etc.

A feature of the traditional interface is a small area USB pinout. For work, only 4 pins (contacts) + 1 grounding shielding line are used. True, the latest more advanced modifications (USB 3.0 Powered-B or Type-C) are characterized by an increase in the number of working contacts.

The abbreviation "USB" carries an abbreviation, which in its entirety reads as "Universal Series Bus" - a universal serial bus, thanks to the use of which high-speed digital data exchange is carried out.

The universality of the USB interface is noted:

  • low power consumption;
  • unification of cables and connectors;
  • simple logging of data exchange;
  • high level of functionality;
  • wide support for drivers of different devices.

What is the structure of the USB interface, and what types of YUSB technological connectors exist in the modern world of electronics? Let's try to figure it out.

Technological structure of the USB 2.0 interface

Connectors related to products belonging to the group of specifications 1.x - 2.0 (created before 2001) are connected to a four-core electrical cable, where two conductors are supplying and two more are transmitting data.

Also in the 1.x - 2.0 specifications, the wiring of the service USB connectors involves the connection of a shielding braid - in fact, the fifth conductor.

This is how the physical execution of normal USB connectors related to the second specification looks like. On the left are the versions of the "male" type, on the right are the versions of the "female" type and the corresponding pinout

The existing versions of the universal serial bus connectors of the marked specifications are presented in three options:

  1. Normal - type "A" and "B".
  2. Mini - type "A" and "B".
  3. Micro- type "A" and "B".

The difference between all three types of products lies in the design approach. While the normal connectors are designed for stationary use, the mini and micro connectors are made for mobile applications.

This is how the physical version of the connectors of the second specification from the "mini" series looks like and, accordingly, the labels for the Mini USB connectors - the so-called pinout, based on which the user makes a cable connection

Therefore, the last two types are characterized by a miniature design and a slightly modified form of the connector.

Pinout table of standard connectors "A" and "B"

Along with the execution of connectors of the "mini-A" and "mini-B" type, as well as connectors of the "micro-A" and "micro-B" type, there are modifications of the connectors of the "mini-AB" and "micro-AB" type.

A distinctive feature of such structures is the execution of the desoldering of the YUSB conductors on a 10-pin contact pad. However, in practice, such connectors are rarely used.

Pinout table of the Micro USB and Mini USB type connectors "A" and "B"

Technological structure of USB 3.x interfaces

Meanwhile, the improvement of digital equipment by the time of 2008 led to the obsolescence of the 1.x - 2.0 specifications.

These types of interface did not allow the connection of new equipment, for example, external hard drives, in such a way as to provide a higher (more than 480 Mbit / s) data transfer rate.

Accordingly, a completely different interface was born, marked with the 3.0 specification. The development of the new specification is characterized not only by increased speed, but also by increased current strength - 900 mA versus 500 mA for USB 2/0.

It is clear that the appearance of such connectors has provided service to a larger number of devices, some of which can be powered directly from the universal serial bus interface.

Modification of USB 3.0 connectors of different types: 1 - “mini” version of “B” type; 2 - standard product of type "A"; 3 - development of the "micro" series of "B" type; 4 - Standard type "C"

As you can see in the picture above, the interfaces of the third specification have more working contacts (pins) than the previous - second version. However, the third version is fully compatible with the "two".

In order to be able to transmit signals at a higher rate, the designers of the third version equipped an additional four data lines and one neutral contact line. The padded pin pins are located in a separate row.

Table of designation of pins of connectors of the third version for soldering the YUSB cable

Contact Execution "A" Execution "B" Micro-B
1 Food +Food +Food +
2 Data -Data -Data -
3 Data +Data +Data +
4 EarthEarthIdentifier
5 StdA_SSTX -StdA_SSTX -Earth
10 StdA_SSRX +
11 ShieldingShieldingShielding

Meanwhile, the use of the USB 3.0 interface, in particular the “A” series, showed itself as a serious design flaw. The connector has an asymmetric shape, but the connection position is not specified.

The developers had to deal with the modernization of the design, as a result of which in 2013 the USB-C option appeared at the disposal of users.

Upgraded USB 3.1 connector

The design of this type of connector assumes duplication of working conductors on both sides of the plug. There are also several backup lines on the interface.

This type of connector is widely used in modern mobile digital technology.

The arrangement of contacts (pins) for an interface type USB-C belonging to a series of the third specification of connectors intended for communication of various digital equipment

It is worth noting the characteristics of USB Type-C. For example, the speed parameters for this interface show the level - 10 Gbps.

The connector design is compact and ensures symmetrical connection, allowing the connector to be inserted in any position.

Pinout table according to specification 3.1 (USB-C)

Contact Designation Function Contact Designation Function
A4Bus +Food +B4Bus +Food +
A6Dp1USB 2.0B6Dn2USB 2.0
A7Dn1USB 2.0B7Dp2USB 2.0

The next level of USB 3.2 specification

Meanwhile, the process of improving the universal serial bus is actively continuing. At the non-commercial level, the next level of specification has already been developed - 3.2.

According to the available information, the speed characteristics of the USB 3.2 type interface promise twice the parameters than the previous design is capable of.

The developers managed to achieve such parameters by introducing multiband channels through which transmission is carried out at speeds of 5 and 10 Gbit / s, respectively.

Like Thunderbolt, USB 3.2 uses multiple lanes to achieve total bandwidth, instead of trying to sync and run the same channel twice

By the way, it should be noted that the compatibility of the promising interface with the already existing USB-C is fully supported, since the "Type-C" connector (as already noted) is endowed with backup contacts (pins) that provide multi-lane signal transmission.

Features of desoldering the cable on the connector pins

Soldering of cable conductors on the contact pads of the connectors is not noted by any special technological nuances. The main thing in this process is to ensure that the color of the cable conductors matches a specific contact (pin).

Color coding of conductors inside the cable assembly used for USB interfaces. From top to bottom is shown, respectively, the color scheme of cable conductors under specifications 2.0, 3.0 and 3.1

Also, if you are unsoldering outdated versions of modifications, you should take into account the configuration of the connectors, the so-called “male” and “female”.

The conductor soldered on the male contact must match the soldering on the mother contact. Take, for example, the option of wiring the cable to USB 2.0 pins.

The four working conductors used in this embodiment are usually indicated by four different colors:

  • red;
  • white;
  • green;
  • black.

Accordingly, each conductor is soldered to a contact pad marked with a connector specification of the same color. This approach greatly facilitates the work of the electronics engineer, eliminates possible errors in the desoldering process.

The same soldering technology is applied to other series connectors. The only difference in such cases is the greater number of conductors that have to be soldered.

Regardless of the configuration of the connectors, soldering of the shield conductor is always used. This conductor is soldered to the corresponding pin on the connector, Shield - protective shield.

There are frequent cases of ignoring the protective screen, when "specialists" do not see the point in this conductor. However, the lack of a shield dramatically reduces the performance of the USB cable.

Therefore, it is not surprising when, with a considerable length of cable without a shield, the user receives problems in the form of interference.

Wiring the connector with two conductors for organizing the power line for the donor device. In practice, different wiring options are used, based on technical needs.

Unsoldering the USB cable is allowed in different ways, depending on the configuration of the port lines on a particular device.

For example, to connect one device to another in order to obtain only the supply voltage (5V), it is enough to solder only two lines on the corresponding pins (contacts).

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video below explains the main points of pinout of connectors of the 2.0 series and others, visually explains individual details of the production of soldering procedures.

Having complete information on pinout of universal serial bus connectors, you can always cope with a technical problem associated with wire defects. Also, this information will definitely come in handy if you need to connect some digital devices outside the box.

Due to the negligent attitude towards electronic devices (laptops, tablets, smartphones), they often loosen or even break USB sockets (connectors). It is not always advisable to buy new equipment, especially if you can fix it yourself. This also applies to cords with a micro USB connector. Fixing them is as easy as soldering the charging socket on the tablet.

Micro USB repair begins with parsing the tablet (or other gadget).

This requires a small set of tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • tweezers;
  • scalpel (knife);
  • low-voltage soldering iron or hot air gun.

First, unscrew all the screws holding the case (if any). Release the body locks from the grooves - for this you need to pry off the cover with a scalpel and carefully tilt the blade towards the screen.

Be sure to take care of the safety of your smartphone. To do this, wear an antistatic wrist strap with grounding. Only a low-voltage soldering iron is used, which must also be grounded (for this, one end of the wire can be soldered to the minus (common body), to the other to the soldering iron itself). It is even better to use a soldering station - a hot air gun.
Disconnect the wires from the battery, otherwise components may be damaged if the circuit is accidentally shorted. Unscrew the screws securing the board, turn it over and inspect.

Damage types

There are various types of damage, so further actions depend on the type of malfunction. If the connector is faulty, then you will have to buy a new micro USB or look for a broken device with a working socket and replace it. When a working USB just came off, it is enough to restore the connections with a soldering iron. In case of a malfunction of the plug on the cable, you need to buy and solder a new one.

The connector is defective

In this case, you need to find a known working connector, for example, on an inoperative cell phone.

The micro USB will have to be soldered; for this, a scalpel is inserted between the board and the connector. It is necessary to unsolder the mounting tabs from the board, and then unsolder the micro USB output, heating them at the same time.

In this case, it is necessary to monitor the temperature so as not to deform the plastic parts. The thinner the soldering iron tip, the less chance of spoiling the connector.

You should pay attention to the location of smd parts during installation, since the reverse installation is somewhat more complicated. Soldering USB is done upside-down.

A good connector came off

It is necessary to check the integrity of the tracks on the board by examining them with a magnifying glass. All damage will have to be repaired. To do this, first remove the varnish with a scalpel, and then tin the tracks with a soldering iron. Soldering the micro USB connector begins by attaching the mounting tabs. Before that, you can glue the connector to the board to make it less likely to break.

If other damage remains, then they take thin copper wires and fix them between the pins of the tracks and USB. If they are not completely restored, only the charging function will remain (without the possibility of data transfer). Also, the connected mouse will not work. If you are sure that everything has been restored correctly, then this indicates a malfunction of the USB itself.

Flash memory problems

If the connected flash drive does not work, then you should first check it for operability by connecting to other known working devices. If a working drive does not work only with a repaired device, then errors were made during the repair.

Most likely, some damage to the bridges was not noticed - it is necessary to re-disassemble the hull and conduct an inspection. If everything is visually in order, it means that the malfunction is hidden, and further disassembly is performed only if it is not a pity to completely lose the device and waste time in vain.

Replacing the plug on the charger

If the charger is working properly, then for repair it is enough just to find or buy a micro usb plug for soldering.

The renovation will consist of the following:

  • cut the wire of the charger and the donor cord so that the first has a 10 cm tail, and the second 15 cm;
  • peel off the outer insulation 3 cm from the edge. Be careful not to damage the coating of the inner cores. To do this, first make a circular (across) and then a longitudinal (lengthwise) cut. Peel off the rubber with your fingers and release two veins;
  • do the same with the tail of the new plug. You will see 4 wires, an aluminum shield and a copper braid. You only need a red and black vein, everything else can be cut off;
  • to prevent shorting, shorten the red wire on one side and the black wire on the other. This will also avoid the bump;
  • connect the exposed parts and insulate.

You can use electrical tape, heat shrink or tape. The wires can be simply twisted or soldered, soldering, of course, is more reliable.

If using heat shrink tubing, fold the connections along the wire and close them. A hairdryer is brought to the material and gently heated. It is allowed to use a lighter, but bring it up gradually. After that, the wide tube is seated on the main cable. At this, the repair can be considered completed.

USB cable pinout refers to the description of the internal device of the Universal Serial Bus. This device is used to transfer data and charge batteries for any electronic devices: mobile phones, players, laptops, tablet computers, tape recorders and other gadgets.

Carrying out high-quality pinout requires knowledge and ability to read diagrams, orientation in the types and types of connections, you need to know the classification of wires, their colors and purpose. Long and trouble-free operation of the cable is ensured by correct wiring of the 2 USB and mini-USB connectors.

Types of USB connectors, main differences and features

Universal Serial Bus is available in 3 versions - USB 1.1, USB 2.0, and USB 3.0. The first two specifications are fully compatible with each other, the 3.0 bus has a partial alignment.

USB 1.1 is the first version of a device used for data transfer. The specification is used only for compatibility, since 2 operating modes for data transmission (Low-speed and Full-speed) have a low data exchange rate. Low-speed mode with a baud rate of 10-1500 Kbps is used for joysticks, mice, keyboards. Full-speed is used in audio and video devices.

USB 2.0 has added a third mode of operation - High-speed for connecting storage devices and video devices of a higher organization. The connector is marked with HI-SPEED in the logo. The information exchange rate in this mode is 480 Mbit / s, which is equal to the copying speed of 48 Mbyte / s.

In practice, due to the specifics of the design and implementation of the protocol, the throughput of the second version turned out to be less than the declared one and amounts to 30-35 MB / s. Universal bus specification 1.1 and second generation cables and connectors have identical configurations.

The third-generation universal bus supports 5Gbps, equivalent to 500MB / s copy speed. It is available in blue to make it easy to identify which plugs and jacks belong to the upgraded model. Bus current 3.0 increased from 500 mA to 900 mA. This feature allows not to use separate power supplies for peripheral devices, but to use the 3.0 bus to power them.

Compatibility of specifications 2.0 and 3.0 is partially fulfilled.

Classification and pinout

In the descriptions and designations in the YUSB connector tables, it is assumed by default that the view is shown from the outside, working side. If a view from the mounting side is submitted, then this is specified in the description. In the diagram, the insulating elements of the connector are marked in light gray, metal parts are in dark gray, cavities are indicated in white.

Despite the fact that the serial bus is called universal, it is presented in 2 types. They perform different functions and provide compatibility with advanced devices.

Type A includes active, power-supplying devices (computer, host), type B - passive, connected equipment (printer, scanner). All sockets and plugs on the second generation bus and version 3.0 type A are designed to work together. The third generation Type B bus connector is larger than the Type B 2.0 connector, so a device with a Type B 2.0 Universal Bus connector is connected using only a USB 2.0 cable. Connection of external equipment with connectors of modification 3.0 type B is made with cables of both types.

Classic B connectors are not suitable for small electronic equipment. Connection of tablets, digital technology, mobile phones is carried out using miniature Mini-USB connectors and their improved modification Micro-USB. These connectors have reduced plug and socket dimensions.

The latest modification of YUSB connectors is type C. This design has the same connectors on both ends of the cable, it is characterized by faster data transmission and higher power.

Pinout USB 2.0 connector types A and B

Classic connectors contain 4 types of contacts, in mini- and microformats - 5 contacts. Wire colors in USB 2.0 cable:

  • + 5V (red VBUS), voltage 5 V, maximum current 0.5 A, intended for power supply;
  • D- (white) Data-;
  • D + (green) Data +;
  • GND (black), voltage 0V, used for ground.

For mini format: mini-USB and micro-USB:

  1. Red VBUS (+), voltage 5 V, current strength 0.5 A.
  2. White (-), D-.
  3. Green (+), D +.
  4. ID - for type A, they are shorted to GND, to maintain the OTG function, and for type B they are not used.
  5. Black GND, voltage 0V, used for grounding.

Most cables have a Shield wire, it has no insulation, it is used as a shield. It is not labeled or assigned a number. The universal bus has 2 types of connectors. They are designated M (male) and F (female). Connector M (male) is called a plug, it is inserted, connector F (female) is called a jack, it is inserted into it.

Pinout USB 3.0 types A and B

Bus version 3.0 has a 10 or 9 wire connection. 9 pins are used if Shield wire is missing. The arrangement of contacts is made in such a way that it was possible to connect devices of earlier modifications.

Pinout USB 3.0:

  • A - plug;
  • B - socket;
  • 1, 2, 3, 4 - pins that match the pinout of pins in specification 2.0 have the same color scheme;
  • 5, 6 pins for data transfer using the SUPER_SPEED protocol, are designated SS_TX- and SS_TX +, respectively;
  • 7 - grounding GND;
  • 8, 9 - contact pads of wires for receiving data via the SUPER_SPEED protocol, designation of contacts: SS_RX- and SS_RX +.

Pinout of the Micro-USB connector

The Micro-USB cable has 5-pin connectors. A separate installation wire is connected to them in insulation of the desired color. So that the plug fits exactly and tightly into the socket, the upper shielding part has a special chamfer. Micro USB pins are numbered 1 through 5 and read from right to left.

The pinouts of the micro- and mini-USB connectors are identical, shown in the table:

The shielding wire is not soldered to any contact.

Mini-USB pinout

Mini-A and Mini-B connectors appeared on the market in 2000, using the USB 2.0 standard. To this day, little is used due to the appearance of more advanced modifications. They were replaced by microconnectors and YUSB type C models. Mini connectors use 4 shielded wires and an ID function. 2 wires are used for power supply: supply +5 V and ground GND. 2 wires for receiving and sending differential data signals, designated D + and D-pin. Data + and Data- signals are transmitted over twisted pair. D + and D-work always together, they are not separate simplex connections.

The USB connectors use 2 types of cables:

  • shielded, 28 AWG stranded, wattage 28 AWG or 20 AWG straight;
  • unshielded, 28 AWG straight, power 28 AWG or 20 AWG straight.

The cable length depends on the power:

  • 28 - 0.81 m;
  • 26 - 1.31 m;
  • 24 - 2.08 m;
  • 22 - 3.33 m;
  • 20 - 5 m.

Many digital equipment manufacturers design and complete their products with connectors of a different configuration. This can make it difficult to charge your mobile phone or other devices.

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