What is the beginning of the number for the beeline. What digits do Beeline numbers begin with? Beeline: first three digits

You urgently need to find out which company subscriber called you? Let's talk with you about what numbers begin Beeline numbers.

Each phone number, regardless of which operator you use, has three main parts - the country code where the operator works, its own code, and the phone number itself, which is unique and is not repeated.

But the main identification factor for Beeline, like for any other company, is a special code. It is officially called def code.

Prefixes are also used. Any cellular operator has telephone codes with a specific format that starts with a nine. What digits do Beeline numbers begin with?

Each Beeline phone number has its own code, which is unique for all Russian regions. For example, codes 903 and 905 are used in almost every region of the country, because at the very beginning of the 2000s, the company had no others.

If the client has such a prefix for the number, it means that he has been using it for a very long time. The prefix 909 can be attributed to the same codes. But all new company numbers start with codes 960-976. In general, there are only 20 of them.

How do I get the data?

To get more reliable information on the Beeline codes, where all areas and the codes used in them and the number of numbers registered with this code are indicated, use the site "Codifier".

To get the information you need, do this:

  • Open the site of the Codifier and go to the section with codes located at the top of the resource. Or enter go to the code reference available on the main page
  • In the window that opens, you will be shown several sections to choose from, where you need to select "Codes of cellular operators"
  • In the next window, select your operator, in our case - Beeline. You will see a page with all the codes that work throughout the country, as well as a special window where you enter the required number to install its accessory
  • The new page will give you access to the codes of the Beeline company. All the prefixes are written at the very top. If you click on one of them, a list of all areas where it is applied will drop out.

How to find out about the ownership of the room?

To check the number code and determine in what area it works, you can use the official Beeline portal. This is the name of the option - checking whether the number belongs to it. To find it, do the following:

  • On the top bar of the home page, select the section for individuals and find the help subsection
  • In it, find the item "SIM card and number" and already there find the name of the service
  • In an empty line, enter the phone number with the code, and then the captcha and after clicking on "Check" you will be shown all the necessary information

To determine in which country the number works, you can enter the official portal of the Beeline company and do the following:

  • Go to the section for individuals and find the "Help" tab. There click on "Mobile Baline"
  • From there go to "Documents and directories", and then "Directory of countries and cities"
  • Now enter three digits of the code in the line and click on the item "Determine the country"
  • There is one more way - on this page there is one more section for checking - "Find out the order of dialing when calling the city". Go there and enter the city name and the portal will give you all the information to enter the correct number

How to check the number using SMS?

When for some reason you do not have the opportunity to use the official portals, then you can receive all the necessary information by SMS:

  • If you need to find out the area code, then send a message with its name to the number 5050 ... For example, if you write, for example, Novosibirsk, then in a few seconds you will receive the necessary data via SMS. By the way, all city names are entered in the Russian layout.
  • If you don't know anything except the country code, you can send it to this number, and the company will send you information
  • With the help of the Beeline directory, you can also see where they called you from. To do this, send the number from where you were called to the number 5050

When sending a request via SMS, no fee will be charged. If you are in roaming, then the payment will be made according to the tariff.

Each telephone number can be divided into separate components that have their own meaning. The initial characters mean the country, the next 3 digits tell you about the mobile service provider, and the ending contains numbers that are unique for each subscriber. Each network operator has a code (often found with the DEF prefix), and it is not difficult to find out which network services a subscriber uses.

Beeline regional codes

The world has long ceased to imagine itself without cellular communication. The services of mobile operators are widespread among different categories of the population, regardless of age and social status. And many of them pay close attention to the issue of communication costs.
One can only imagine the dissatisfaction of people seeking to save money, if the result of a call to an unfamiliar subscriber turns out to be a "minus" on their personal account, and a short conversation led to unforeseen costs.

These moments of life are not unusual. They simply contribute to the attentiveness of subscribers when making calls to numbers that are difficult for them to identify. Therefore, before making a call, the user seeks to identify the operator of the called party.

Correct identification skills are extremely useful. They allow you to understand which operator serves the number to which you need to make a call.In turn, this will affect the price of one minute of communication or SMS sending. Therefore, in order to be able to save money, it is worth figuring out how to distinguish operators by their subscriber number.

The number of mobile operators' subscribers is growing steadily every year, new operators are appearing, existing operators are expanding their geography of presence in previously uncovered cities, thus increasing the quality coverage area. One of the largest players in the mobile communications market is Beeline, whose number of users has long been in the millions.

Beeline has been providing high-quality communication services for almost twenty years. The "oldest" operator codes are 903, 905 and the code 909 that appeared a little later (they continue to work in Russia). The rapid expansion of network communication has led to an increase in the number of codes. Now many cities of the Russian Federation have their own DEF-codes (assigned regardless of geographic location). Newly connected subscribers receive numbers with codes 960-976. Beeline owns 20 prefixes in this range.

For greater clarity, the initial numbers of Beeline numbers typical for the regions of Russia should be presented in the table:

How do I know who owns the number?

For the convenience of subscribers, the operator has created a specialized option that helps to find out all the necessary information. To use it, they log into the Beeline portal or use SMS requests. The convenience of using each method is determined by the subscriber individually.

The operator's portal provides an opportunity to determine which of the operators serves the number you are interested in and its regional affiliation.

Going to the official Beeline page you need:

Go to the "Individuals" tab;

Log in to the "Help" section;

There go to the item "SIM card and number";

Click on the button "Checking whether the number belongs to the operator";

In the field that opens, enter the number by which you want to find information;

Make a character input from the image;

Click on the "Check" button;

The result will be information regarding the requested number.

The phone numbers of the Beeline operator start with 903,905,909, as well as 960-976. DEF codes are specific to each region of the Russian Federation.

How to check a number using SMS?

It is possible to define the operator by SMS, which allows you to find out which area code you need to dial to make a call. To do this, you need to write a message to the number 5050. To get information about the subscriber's operator and his region, the number of interest must be indicated in the text. If you type a city (in Cyrillic) in the text, then in response you will receive information about its telephone code.

The code of the country to which you want to make a call is determined in the same way. The service is not charged when in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Useful video:

You can find out which operator serves the subscriber of interest using DEF codes. For the convenience of its own users, Beeline has launched comfortable services that allow them to find the information they need. These services are implemented on the official portal and thanks to the service of SMS requests.

(8681 people)

Codes of mobile operators in Russia

02 September 2013

Mobile communication has so firmly and organically blended into our life that it is already difficult to imagine your day without a cell phone. There are several operators in each country.
As a rule, these are a number of large companies operating at the federal level, and many small, regional ones.
Somewhere there are very few such operators, in developed countries there are about 20-30, and in the USA - more than 100!

Variety is great. We have the opportunity to choose a company whose quality of service and tariffs are most suitable. It's just that figuring out who owns this or that phone number can be very difficult at times. But this is important information. Knowing the operator, we can at least roughly determine how much the call will cost. A simple example: if you call the number of your mobile operator, then the cost will be equal to X, and if from another operator, then 2X, 3X, and so on. There is no need to talk about the amount that you have to pay for a conversation with a subscriber of a foreign mobile operator. Obviously, it will be very large. Therefore, it is important to know the codes of mobile operators in Russia in order not to get into trouble.


The question arises: how to determine which mobile operator the phone number belongs to? There are several ways. The first is to memorize the codes of the operators of your country. Not the easiest option, you must agree. The second is to search for data on the Internet. Here, too, difficulties may arise, especially if the operator is foreign. How will you study the operator's website in Arabic, for example, language? Therefore, we suggest you use the third method - the operator code base. Especially for you, we have created a section "Codes of mobile operators in the world." It contains useful and up-to-date information about codes and tips for decoding a phone number. From this section, you will learn that each mobile operator has its own special code, followed by the actual phone number. This code can consist of three or more digits, and is called a prefix (or def-code). It is the def-code that allows you to identify the mobile operator. When looking at a phone number, keep in mind that there may be a country code in front of the prefix. Thus, the phone number of any mobile operator consists of three parts: Country Code + Operator Code + Phone Number


In our country, the most popular are the phone numbers of the so-called "Big Three": "MegaFon", MTS and "Beeline". Due to the wide distribution of the numbers of these operators, most people remember without serious problems which codes belong to which operator. If you have difficulties, use our hint. So how do you identify the mobile operator code in Russia?


The MTS mobile operator owns the following def-codes: As a rule, prefixes 910-919 belong to subscribers who have already registered for a long time. In new numbers, it is no longer uncommon for an MTS phone code to range from 980 to 989.
910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919
980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989


The mobile operator "Beeline" owns the following def-codes: As a rule, prefixes 903-909 belong to long-registered subscribers. The new numbers will most likely use the Beeline telephone code, which ranges from 960 to 976.
903 905 906 909 960 961 962
963 964 965 966 967 968 976


The mobile operator MegaFon owns the following def-codes: As a rule, prefixes 920-926 belong to subscribers who have already registered for a long time. New numbers often contain the MegaFon phone code, which ranges from 927 to 937. Our website contains all the codes of mobile operators in Russia and other countries. Using the directory "Codes of mobile operators", you can always determine who owns the phone number you are interested in. In addition, we invite you to take advantage of a special offer and buy easy-to-remember numbers for a very attractive price. For example,

Need to get accurate information about which mobile operator's consumer called you? Let's take a closer look at what numbers begin Beeline numbers.

Any cellular number, regardless of belonging to a particular cellular company, consists of three main components: the code of the state in which the operator operates; his personal code; cell number, which is unique and cannot be repeated.

But the main criterion for identifying Beeline numbers, in fact, as for other cellular companies, is a special code, which is officially referred to as a def-code. In addition, prefixes are also used.

All cellular companies have telephone codes with a specific format, which, without fail, begins with the number 9. But what are the initial digits of the numbers belonging to the Beeline company? We talk about this in detail in this review.

All mobile numbers from Beeline have their own unique code. It is necessary to emphasize the fact that it is different for all regions of the Russian Federation. So, for example, the digital codes 905 and 903 are used in virtually every Russian region, because in the period from 2000 to 2005 the mobile operator did not have any others.

When a subscriber's cell number begins with such prefixes, it means that this number is more than 10 years old. 909 can be added to similar code values. The age of a license plate starting with a similar code is also over 10 years old.

In the total number of numbers of the cellular company Beeline are represented by 20 code values.

Beeline numbers start with numbers:

How to get information about codes through the "Codifier" service

To obtain more detailed data on the codes of the Beeline cellular company, where all areas and the codes used in them are indicated, as well as the total number of cellular numbers issued for a specific code, you must use a service called "Codifier".

The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. It is necessary to visit the service "Codifier" (you can find it upon request in the browser search engine). There you need to go to the "Codes" tab, which is located at the top right. You can also open the section "Directory of Cellular Codes"posted on the home page of the web resource.
  2. In the window that appears, the consumer will be provided with the entire list of Russian cellular companies. Next, you need to select the mobile operator we need, that is, in this case, the Beeline company, and click on it with the mouse. A list of all codes with which numbers of this operator can begin should open. Also, a special field will be displayed next to it. In it, you can enter the number of any cell phone and determine the affiliation to one or another operator.
  3. The new page will open the subscriber access to the list of Beeline codes. All valid prefixes will be written on it at the top, when you click on any of them, a list of regions where this prefix is \u200b\u200bused will be displayed.

How to establish the belonging of a cell number to the region through the Beeline website

To check the cell number code and establish in which region it functions, you need to resort to the help of the website of the cellular company Beeline. This is the name of the service - checking the belonging of a cell number.

The algorithm of actions here is as follows:

To determine the area of \u200b\u200boperation of the number, you must also visit the website of the mobile operator Beeline and do the following:

There is another effective method. On the same page of the site beeline.ru there is one more tab for identifying numbers - it is called “Learn the dialing rules when calling to the city”. You need to go to this tab and enter the name of the city, and the service itself will provide you with all the data on the correct entry of numbers for a particular city.

Verification via SMS

If the subscriber for any reason does not have access to the website of the cellular operator, then he can receive all the necessary data on a specific number in the form of an SMS notification:

  1. If a consumer needs to know the code value of a city, then he needs to send an SMS notification with the name of this city to the service number 5050. For example, if the user enters the name Yekaterinburg, then after just a couple of seconds, his device will receive a response notification with detailed information on the codes of this city.
  2. If the subscriber does not know anything, except for the country code value, he can send this code to the same number 5050. In response, you will receive a notification with all the code values \u200b\u200bthat are used by the cellular operators of this state.
  3. Through the directory from the Beeline cellular company, you can also find out where the unknown call came from. To do this, you need to send the calling cell number to the service number 5050.

Sending all of the above requests is not subject to tariffication and is completely free. While in roaming, messages to service number 5050 are charged according to the terms of the current tariff plan.

What digits do Beeline numbers begin with? The structure of a telephone consists of three components. The first digits indicate the country, the next three digits indicate the operator, and the unique subscriber number. The operator code, the so-called DEF code or prefix, is assigned to the mobile operator and fully identifies it.

Beeline codes by region

Cell phones have become very popular in the modern world. Communication services are used by adolescents and the elderly. For some people, every penny counts; you need to learn how to manage funds rationally.

It is very unpleasant to find a negative balance after calling an unfamiliar phone. When on a few minutes of conversation, a large amount of money is spent.

Probably every person has faced such a situation at least once in his life. And after such a personal experience, he is more responsible in making spontaneous calls to an unknown phone. Before calling, he tries to identify the operator.

It is useful to be able to correctly identify the call. After all, when you need to call an unfamiliar mobile phone, you should know which operator it belongs to.

The price of a minute of conversation or message depends on this. To save money, it is useful to know how to distinguish calls and on what basis.

Every year there are more communication users, a large number of large companies are developing, offering their services in new cities of the country. Quality coverage appears in all parts of Russia. Beeline is one of the largest companies that has been providing millions of people in Russia with high-quality communications for many years.

This company started its work almost twenty years ago. The very first Beeline code in Russia is 903 and 905, valid throughout the country, 909 can still be attributed to the old ones.

With the growing popularity of communication, the number of codes increases. Each city in Russia has its own def codes. New customers receive mobiles with the prefix 960-976. In this range, the company owns 20 prefixes.

Russia codes displays a table where it is indicated which numbers the phone starts with, the number by region:

DefCellularNumber of mobileNumber of regions
900 +7 900 100000 1
902 +7 902 460000 1
903 +7 903 10000000 49
904 +7 904 100000 1
905 +7 905 10000000 60
906 +7 906 10000000 67
908 +7 908 650000 1
909 +7 909 10000000 68
951 +7 951 300000 1
953 +7 953 300000 1
960 +7 960 10000000 56
961 +7 961 9990000 54
962 +7 962 9900000 61
963 +7 963 9960000 54
964 +7 964 9970000 54
965 +7 965 10000000 40
966 +7 966 4270000 17
967 +7 967 8960000 43
968 +7 968 9160000 17

How to find out about the ownership of the room?

For the convenience of users, the company has developed a special service, thanks to which you can simply find all the information of interest. To do this, you need to go to the site or use SMS requests. Everyone can choose a convenient option for themselves.

On the official website of the Beeline company, you can check the cell phone belonging to the operator, and find out in which settlements it works.

On the main page of the site you need:

  • Select the "Individuals" tab;

  • Go to the subsection "Help";

  • Then the section "SIM card and number";

  • Select the item "Check whether the number belongs to the operator";

  • In the text box, enter the phone number that interests you;

  • Enter symbols from the picture;

  • Click on "Check".

After these steps, you will receive information about this phone.

Beeline telephone numbers have prefixes 903,905,909 and 960-976. Each locality in Russia has its own prefixes.

So the Moskovsky district is the beginning of the Beeline cellular:

  • +7 967 0;
  • +7 967 1;
  • +7 967 2;
  • +7 968 6;
  • +7 968 7;
  • +7 968 8;
  • +7 968 9.

Checking the number via SMS

Through SMS, you can find out from which city you were called, you need to send a cell phone in the body of the message to 5050. So, if you poison the word Moscow, then in response you will receive the codes that are valid in Moscow.

You can also determine the country from which you were called.

Sending SMS is free if you are not roaming.


Def-codes determine which mobile operators belong to, and their list can be easily found and viewed on the Internet. For its customers, the company has developed convenient services that help them quickly find information. You can use the official website or SMS request.

It is convenient to determine the area code by using a free SMS to 5050, just write the name of the city.

It will be helpful to review:

It is easy to find out from which city you were called using an SMS request, send the cell you are interested in to 5050.

It is easy to check from which country you were called using an SMS request.

Everyone will choose the most convenient identification method for themselves and will be able to save money spent on communication. Can quickly determine whether to call back to an unfamiliar cell phone.

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