Скачать более старые версии ace stream engine

Представляем вашему вниманию отличный инструментальный проект под названием "", выпущенный специально для мобильных и планшетных гаджетов на операционной системе Андроид. Приложение разработано украинской компанией "INNOVATIVE DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES, LLC", которая занимается созданием подобных инструментальных продуктов.
Благодаря представленному творению для пользователя стираются рамки в просмотрах видео в интернете.

Приложение "" представляет собой функциональное программное обеспечение, которое позволяет пользователям наслаждаться просмотром фильмов, стримов, ТВ-каналов в сети интернет. Также с его помощью можно слушать музыку онлайн и запускать торрент-файлы без обязательной их загрузки.

Программа позволяет использовать любые удаленные видеоплееры и совместима с такими функциями как Apple TV, Chromecast, и др. Данный инструмент не содержит контента, а лишь предоставляет бесплатную услугу воспроизведения видео посредством протоколов Ace Stream и Bittorrent.

Данный продукт полностью бесплатен и не имеет платных функций. Реклама присутствует, но существенно просмотру не мешает.

Интерфейс простой и интуитивно понятный с поддержкой русского языка. В целом, получился удобный инструмент для просмотра видеотрансляций в интернете, которым пользуются уже более одного миллиона пользователей.

Загружайте "" на OS Android уже сейчас.

Download Ace Stream Media (Beta) APK For Android, APK File Named And APP Developer Company Is Ace Stream . Latest Android APK Vesion Ace Stream Media (Beta) Is Can Free Download APK Then Install On Android Phone.

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For Download Other Ace Stream Media (Beta) versions Visit Ace Stream Media (Beta) APK Archive.

Download Ace Stream Media (Beta).apk android apk files version Size is 25355409 md5 is By Ace Stream This Version Need Jelly Bean 4.2.x API level 17 or higher, We Index Version From this file.Version code 30104001 equal Version .You can Find More info by Search org.acestream.media On Google.If Your Search acestream,media,video,players,editors,stream,engine Will Find More like org.acestream.media,Ace Stream Media (Beta) Downloaded 680 Time And All Ace Stream Media (Beta) App Downloaded Time. Discover a new level of high-quality multimedia space in the Internet with the Ace Stream software: - Enjoy watching online large number of broadcasts, with the best audio-visual quality on the Internet (TV, custom streams, movies, cartoons, etc.), which are delivered with Ace Stream protocol - Listen online to music in lossless-format, with a maximum level of stream stability - Play torrents online, without waiting for content download - Watch content on remote devices (Apple TV, Chromecast etc.) over such communication protocols as AirPlay, Google Cast and others - Use for playback any players comfortable to you - Use functionality of the Ace Stream with your favorite apps The contents of the Ace Stream Media package: - Ace Stream Engine - universal manager of multimedia streams which uses the most advanced P2P-technologies for efficient data storage and transmission. Note: In this release the default output format in settings is set to "auto", which means that the stream is transcoded when playing video in MKV container with AC3 codec on devices and players with no support for this audio codec (Apple TV, Chromecast etc.). This leads to considerable delays when starting playback and increases response when seeking (especially on low-powered devices). Therefore, if your remote device or player supports AC3 audio codec, then you can go to settings and switch the output format to something more convenient. P.S. In the future, we are going to optimize this process and eliminate all the inconveniences. Attention! This application does not contain any content. It only allows playback of content published by different people and third-party services over Ace Stream and Bittorrent protocols. Therefore, if you don"t know why you need this app, do not install it, and if you are not satisfied with the quality of any broadcasts published in any third-party applications, or on any third-party websites, or such broadcasts don"t work at all, please contact directly the owners of the content, but not us.

Ace Stream Engine – это менеджер мультимедийных потоков для Android устройств, работающий со сторонними сервисами и проигрывателями.


Данное решение обеспечивает возможность просмотра P2P трансляций за счет поддержки протокола Ace Stream. Кроме того, приложение позволяет воспроизводить мультимедийные файлы параллельно с их загрузкой по протоколу BitTorrent. У Ace Stream Engine имеется гибкий API, благодаря которому разработчики приложений могут без проблем использовать технологию Ace Stream в своих программах, работающих с потоковым мультимедиа. Чаще всего менеджер используется "в паре" с торрент клиентами, приложениями для просмотра телевизионных каналов и популярными Android плеерами, вроде MX Player и .

Преимущества использования

  • обеспечение высокого качества трансляций;
  • воспроизведение аудио и видео с минимальным битрейтом;
  • быстрая интеграция в сторонние клиенты.

Приложение предлагает богатое меню настроек. В нем пользователь может включить адаптацию качества "картинки" под скорость интернет соединения. Также разрешается искусственно ограничить скорость передачи и получения данных, установить размер буфера, указать папку для хранения кэша, выбрать параметры транскодирования и включить аппаратное ускорение.

Ключевые особенности

Discover a new level of high-quality multimedia space in the Internet with the Ace Stream Media.

Ace Stream Media is a multi functional multimedia application with the following features:

Full-featured multimedia player and media server, with support for P2P data storage and transfer protocols, with convenient content cataloging and the ability to use local and external databases, with presets and plugins, user settings and recommendations, with filters and equalizer, and many other features
- Playback of any video and audio files, including MKV, MP4, AVI, MOV, Ogg, FLAC, TS, M2TS, Wv and AAC, as well as playback of network streams that are broadcasted via the Ace Stream, BitTorrent, HTTP(S) protocol, RTMP, FTP, etc. All codecs are included, without the need for separate downloads. Subtitles, teletext and closed captions are supported.
- Watching online huge number of broadcasts (TV channels, sports and cybersport broadcasts, user-generated channels, movies, cartoons, etc.), which are broadcasted in P2P networks, with a level of audiovisual quality and stream stability, in many ways surpassing all existing broadcasts in Internet, which are broadcasted using standard technologies (unicast).
- Play torrents online with single click without waiting for content download
- Listen to high quality radio and music online, in lossless formats
- Watch content on remote devices (Apple TV, Chromecast etc.) over such communication protocols as AirPlay, Google Cast and others

Note: In this release the default output format in settings is set to "auto", which means that the stream is transcoded when playing video in MKV container with AC3 codec on devices and players with no support for this audio codec (Apple TV, Chromecast etc.). This leads to considerable delays when starting playback and increases response when seeking (especially on low-powered devices). Therefore, if your remote device or player supports AC3 audio codec, then you can go to settings and switch the output format to something more convenient.

Important! To maximize the comfort and stability of the broadcast, when playing content from P2P networks (BitTorrent / Ace Stream) on a remote device, use Ace Cast communication. To use Ace Cast it is necessary that the Ace Stream application is installed on the device from which the broadcast will be transmitted, as well as on the device on which the broadcast will be played.

Ace Stream Media is an aggregate application which contains the following products:

Ace Stream Engine (Server) is a universal multimedia stream manager which uses the most advanced P2P technologies for efficient data storage and transmission (MIT License, https://github.com/acestream/acestream-engine-android)
- Ace Media Library - an improved modification of the most popular cross-platform multimedia player "VLC media player", with support for P2P-protocols and additional functionality. Distributed as open source (GPLv3 or later, https://github.com/acestream/ace-media-library-android)
- Ace Stream TV service - module for Android TV, for viewing broadcasts in the system "Live Channels" application (module for Android TV Input Framework, https://source.android.com/devices/tv)

Attention! Ace Stream Media does not contain any video and audio content, including links to such content. This application is intended solely for cataloging and/or playing by the user personal content (which is either owned by him or is at his disposal), as well as for playing other legal content, including content that is freely available on the Internet, by self-adding such content (video, audio, photos, texts or any other materials) in the application.

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